504 -
I have toons on Virtue too. I just don't play there often. I got bored with 'em, and the SG I regularly played with abdicated to WoW. *scowl*
Don't worry, you'll get used to it and wonder how you ever worked with a mouse.
Seriously, it's just a new tool that you have to find your sweet spot with.
It took me a bit to get used to mine as well. Five years later my 9x12 is still going strong. (woo and I have an intuous 1 here :P ) Oh but I do want an intuous 3 6x8 very much so... -
Justice FTW!!!
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*also mostly on Justice tho' no one seems to really know it n_n * -
:P you started this syrusb , im just pitching in to help
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Let the fun continue! -
Lil' sitersassin
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LMAO holy crap that's priceless. -
TA said:
and this one I am just going to pretend AoT is female lol!
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Rather a mannish AoT... TA you like your womens manly? Hmmm...
Sarchasm said:
*Is almost but not quite ashamed she can get this fangirly over a middle-aged ghei man*
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Pfft, it's Elton John. I saw him in concert a few years ago and he was absolutely AMAZING. Can't say the same for the Stones... -
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*snicker* -
First one requires some explanation. A few days ago I was in a retro mood and decided to listen to Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. (Mostly for Gray Seal and Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding.) I stumbled over track (that I forgot I really liked as well) with a catchy beat and great tune, but I will let you look up the lyrics. Anyway.. some modified lyrics later and..
All the girls love TA...
It's actually once of the nicest figure sketches I've done in a while.
The second is yet another comic.
Speak of what?
I'm not entirely pleased with the very last line, buf for the life of me couldn't figure out exactly what AoT would say in response along the lines of.. well what I made him say.
I considered, "Make sure you turn off the @#$*$#% alarm system this time." -
Of course its relevant. Old school Disney knew what it was doing.
NEVER! Graver's sweet, tasty, talented brain will be mine!
Y'know, these compliments really do sound better before I say them.
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...Braaaaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnss...... -
I love me some horror movies. The staging of this piece is amazing!
"Yeh! and his Ninjas are sooo Cute! Do you think they all snuggle in the same bed?"
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*dies* -
I love the way you do hair above everything else. n_n
Oh geez, next up is TA's dog
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A dog? I always thought TA was more of a Kat person.... -
Syrus, would you mind if I used TA's kid sister for a pic?
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Don't mind; knock yourself out.
unless TA has gender swapping powers we didn't know about
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well...... -
I actually liked the kid sister of TA pics I thought they where funny , too bad the last thread got modded
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Haha, TA's kid sister.. that's a hillarious idea. like this?
Oh well, there's always Pretty Soldier TA . -
What, you like it when people watch?
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He loves attention, you know. -
*snicker* Taking the ninja to the zoo....
Wow, it's so atmosphereic. And... poor pumpkin.
lol *palms forehead*
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To borrow the idea of a quote from Spider-Man:
"With great fame comes a great many willing to poke fun at you." -
LOL soooooo not happening!
But this did... Thor's Rowr
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Hah! The furry cape is great. -
Is that *glares longingly* TA?
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lol thats it!!
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I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself! I was going crazy without electricity, and this damn idea was stuck in my head. Done by candlelight, even. That mean's the idea is romatic, right? Prolly'not.
Warning: sense of humor and tongue-in-cheek suggested for viewing. Yeah....
TA 'n AoT
Red col-erase pencil, red Koh-I-Noor pen.
Anyway... this was the tame idea. The other idea went too far. -
Well folks, here it is September third and I missed the whole event. Thank you, Ernesto.
Let me tell you. Being without power for three days? NOT FUN. Spoiled milk is teh nasty. Sketching and reading by candelight is only novel for a few hours. No, really.
I got this done shortly before my power went out early Friday afternoon. I thought "Oh thank goodness I finished in time.. I'll probably be powerless for a few hours, tops." ........ Three days later and hopefully CuppaJo will see this.. sometime. :/
Flash 5