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  1. Actually, all broadcast television in the US that isn't HDTV is NTSC, and as such is 29.97 frames per second of interlaced video.

    Interlaced just mean they only update every other line of the screen every frame.

  2. I just created this here

    Ice/Device guide.
  3. An excellent Guide, and covers the really important parts of the ice primariy and gives insight into using the secondary depending upon your flavor.

    A suggestion, you seem to use the word "mob" to mean a single villian. "Mob" is by definition, a group. I'd edit your post to state villian (or minion or bad-guy) and use mob for when you state "groups of mob" (which would really be a group of groups).

    Otw, a fine, fine guide.
  4. I can actually put this stuff in a database on the web, and make it searchable et al... would anyone be interested in that?

    Maybe features to sort them by?