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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    When you(as a kinetic) join the team to discover that it is made up of energy blasters and a storm defender, and they expect you to be the main healer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROFL... funny because it's so very true.

    When a team member dies, and it's *your* fault because you Speed Boosted him, and he couldn't control his toon.

    When after Speed Boosting your entire team, you have to keep asking them to 'wait for end', and the leader tells you 'I don't know why you're having such a problem, maybe you should stop blasting so much'.

    When you activate Stealth + Superspeed and tell your team, 'gonna scout', only to have half the team follow you right into aggro range of the nearest mob.

    When you ask the blaster to pull, and he does so... with Fire Ball.

    When your team members get used to the reduced aggro of Group Invis, but ignore your next request for 'Group Hug'... and then wonder why the mobs can see them now.

    When the empath sets Heal Aura on auto-cast... and then can't use Heal Other when needed because he's out of endurance.

    When playing a controller, grouped with another controller, who uses his Hold on the minions or lts, rather than helping you to Hold the boss.

    When playing an illusion or mind controller, and your team always attacks the confused mob first.

    When the blaster is getting meleed by a mob, and rather than retreating or immobilizing the mob, stands there Brawling it while screaming 'heal! HEAL!'


    I'm sure I can think of many more... just give me a few hours in game.