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  1. The flipper of the 10MM IO is actually the honorable one here. S/he is ensuring that the reward goes to the person who is demonstrating they want it the most, not just the first person who shows up. In the absence of a I-want-it-o-meter, we have to use the signal we have, inf.

    Scarcity is real.
  2. someitguy

    Purple Futures

    I'm already creating loads of common salvage and vendoring it as you describe. It takes me a bit longer to earn the 9,999 tickets than you mentioned, but my results last week indicate I can make more reliable money with common salvage than with Bronze/Silver recipes.

    Also the some of the mid level recipes are coming from one of my level frozen claw/fire brutes running the lowbie farm maps. It only takes about 1/2 an hour to get a brute to 20 or so and lock them there for such production. I have a team of brutes at 20, 25 and 30 to fool around with, but haven't yet had the time.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    What you can't usually get is for someone to spend time on your behalf and lose money (or potential money) doing so.
    He's right on target here. Though I produced hundreds of midlevel salvage items last night, I probably wouldn't do it again. It just isn't worth the time.

    If you really need some salvage, and moderately strong toon can get enough tickets to roll what you want in 15 - 20 minutes.
  4. I tried to do my part last night. On my accidental farmer, I can generate about 1500 tickets every 6 minutes. So I roll a few recipes, then roll arcane commons to fill my salvage inventory (53ish slots) and dump them on the markets. It caused a small, but noticeable dip in price for that salvage, and but was only slightly profitable. I probably made about 1.1 M in inf for the salvage, or about a quarter of the inf that I generated getting the tickets in the first place.
  5. I'd venture to guess that there are many, many players out there who are inf positive.

    I play about 5-7 hours a week, and do very little "money making" via the market. I basically sell what I have, and buy what I want. (Odd eh?) I did some marketing for a while, just to try it out, and quickly made about 200 million, but discovered something even more important - I didn't like it! I already have a job, and just don't need another one.

    I don't have any pimped out purpled casual warshades, and just don't need any. Most of my builds have a mix of mostly plain IO's and some sets. These toons are still plenty effective for my needs, so why go the extra mile? (Not that I resent those who do)

    I've made hundreds of millions, if not a few billions in the PVE game, and destroyed plenty via vendor purchases, but the amount destroyed pales in comparison to the amount made. I have tons scattered across 5 or 6 servers, as I'm sure most vets do. Most of the players I know very well are in the same boat. I realize that's not a statistic, btw.

    In short, I wouldn't worry about not having enough inf in the game. And on top of that, not enough for what? Perhaps not enough for ebil marketeers (tongue firmly in cheek) to make their billions, but plenty to buy SO's and get invention drops from those who have them to those who want them.
  6. I'll be there as well, hopefully I can hit PAX too.
  7. Well, I've followed the splattroller philosophy pretty closely and now have a lvl 41 Fire/Storm that is likely my fastest leveling toon ever. Damage, control, chaos - he's got it all!

    My question now is... What next? It is time to choose an Epic powerset, but this is my first controller and I'm not sure which direction I should go. Hibernate looks tasty (regenning while pets go wild!) but Fireball seems like a good idea too. Any thoughts/anecdotes would be appreciated.