I have to agree they kind of destroyed PVP for me as well. I spent ages working on my elec/stone brute. I know that i only had a small chance of killing some people in pvp due to my armour debluffs and my weak attack which were for group attackers. But to remove all the positives that rooted and granite gave and to only leave the negetives is stupid. MY meatsheild of a char went from being able to handle 5 heros for a while to being killed in a second by the worst of the worst pvp players in the game and to make thing worse i found lvl 36 peacebringers (outside of pvp) that have the same res lvl as my lvl 50 brute in pvp what is with that. I went from a meat sheild to a meat sheild fro my team to a person traped inside a stone prison waiting to be killed. PVP was fine before the only positive thing i saw was the taunts and the phase changes but everything else destroyed my pvp interest. I ended up building a stone with no rooted and no granite for pvp which completely destroys the purpose of a stone armoured brute. Please fix your biggest mistake yet. Or at least make a double pvp zone where you can choose the old rules or the new crappy rules