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  1. To be honest I'm more interested in joining a large very active group. I just menioned RP ones because I know there are a couple on Defiant, but not sure who they are.
  2. Hi all, I'm looking for a SG for my Corruptor. Would really like to see what it's like to be a member of one of the larger groups as I already have experience playing in small and medium sized/large but inactive ones. I'm also up for joining any RP SG that are about so long as they're fairly active as I'm pretty tired of soloing.

    Any suggestions?
  3. A very big thanks to the people who took part in the setback filled task force today. It was great fun when it finally happened.

    Massive apologies to the people who kindly turned up at 1pm to take part only to have to sit around for ages. We had a computer break down which meant that we had to set up a new machine then totally reinstall and patch COH. It wasn't until 4 that we were able to start. I really am very sorry for wasting your time, it was just one of those things unfortunatly.
  4. Synapse is lvl 15-20. If you're interested let me know.
  5. It's chaos at New Dawn Patrol HQ! Red Mao and Union Flag have gone MIA while responding to a disress call in Boomtown. Are they alive? Have they been captured? Has their battle for leadership of the team gotten out of hand? The lightning fast speedster, Synapse seems to have all the answers, but he's not telling. With NDP's big guns out of action and time running out, Marrie Currie must take command and lead the new recruits into the fight of their lives. Will they be able to save Mao and Flag? What is Synapse hiding? What terrible secrets lurk in the depths of Boomtown? Find out on a special extended episode of NDP: The Animated Series, THIS SUNDAY!

    ((New Dawn Patrol is going to be running Synapse's task force on the Defiant Server this Sunday from 1pm GMT. If you would like to take part please PM me or send a tell to @All American Russian on the day. You don't have to join the SG, or even be a regular RPer. This is just a fun event for anyone who wants to RP for a day but still get to do a great TF.))
  6. It's chaos at New Dawn Patrol HQ! Red Mao and Union Flag have gone MIA while responding to a disress call in Boomtown. Are they alive? Have they been captured? Has their battle for leadership of the team gotten out of hand? The lightning fast speedster, Synapse seems to have all the answers, but he's not telling. With NDP's big guns out of action and time running out, Marrie Currie must take command and lead the new recruits into the fight of their lives. Will they be able to save Mao and Flag? What is Synapse hiding? What terrible secrets lurk in the depths of Boomtown? Find out on a special extended episode of NDP: The Animated Series, THIS SUNDAY!

    ((New Dawn Patrol is going to be running Synapse's task force on the Defiant Server this Sunday from 1pm GMT. If you would like to take part please PM me or send a tell to @All American Russian on the day. You don't have to join the SG, or even be a regular RPer. This is just a fun event for anyone who wants to RP for a day but still get to do a great TF.))
  7. Healing flames is your safety net for if something happens to the healer, I've found it'll always keep me standing for just that little bit of extra time so that the empath can get to me. But you do need it slotted for it to be really good.

    Comsume is the daddy power.
  8. I thought I'd be different and make an AR corruptor the other day and there's bloomin hundreds of them running round Mercy! Like every team I joined had at least 1 other AR in it. In one of them only 1 person wasn't packing a rifle!
  9. Mate, did the acid mortar steal your girlfriend or something? Every plan you've suggested involves killing the poor bugger!

    If ever there was an industry that needs a better union it's Henchmen.
  10. Nice to see I've sparked a debate.

    Just to clarify: I DON'T have a problem with one of my bots running in and taking an alpha strike if we're facing something that actually has one. When it's just that people are too lazy to pull then I'm less sympathetic.

    The problem with tanking with pets is 3 fold:

    1) Pets CAN tank, but they tank very differently to a Brute. Brute style tanking works by aggroing everything and having someone to heal you. Pets can't do this because there are too many of them to keep healed easily. Where the pets excell is running in once the fight has started and providing releaf for people who have picked up too much aggro. Let the stalker hit his assasin strike then open up on the mobs round him so that he can get clear, pull away a few of the mobs who got pulled because the corrupter is trying to take down a luitenant, etc. If you work that way pets can be a real help while tanking, but not if they've all faceplanted in 3 seconds.

    2) A mastermind, more so than almost any other villain AT, MUST be in full control of the situation in every fight he's in. Pet classes cannot wing it without things going wrong. An effective MM is running around the battlefield taking in what's going on and directing his pets where they are needed. He can't do that if he's busy resummoning and buffing pets. It's very well saying that the Brute will die if the pets don't take all the aggro, but he'll die just as fast if the MM is too busy to notice that he needs support half way through the fight or that his MM buffs have run out.

    3) Not all MM builds are the same. Fair enough, if you have hasten, stamina and a secondary with heals then it's probably quite easy to send in waves of rappidly resummoned pets. But there are also MM's (myself included) who have different pool powers like leadership or secondaries like FF. With these builds it takes time to resummon and buff your pets, but on the other side they become quite formidable. MM's like this a useless for tanking as the loss of one pet becomes quite a big deal, however the damage that they can put out if they stay back and fire more than makes up for it.

    The MM is probably one of the most complex ATs in the game and it just bugs me when people in groups expect you to do things you're not built for or think they know better than you how to get the best out of your character. It's not hard to look at someone's bio and see what powers they have.

    Having said all this, I should point out that I've never been kicked from a group or had someone be rude to me over this. The few times it's happened I've explained my case and we've been fine. We all missunderstand people's roles from time to time. For a long time I thought it was the Stalker's job to make the first strike. Learning about other people's strengths and weaknesses is part of the fun of teaming.
  11. "Pets in first!"

    Fair enough when someone is suggesting sending a loan low mook ahead to absorb an alpha strike. It's the people who think that the purpose of a Mastermind is to send all his pets into the middle of the fight and use them to pull and tank. Or that the MM will be able to hold his own in a fight even though you've just gotten him to paste all his pets across the pavement.

    My solution is to use /petsay and make the pets themselves refuse to do it:

    MR DeAth0292: Petz in first!!!
    (pet)Ecconomy 8 (Ecconomy 6): Er...boss, did he just say 'pets in first?'
    (pet)Ecconomy 9 (Ecconomy 6): Damn, that's wack dude.
    (pet)Ecconomy 10 (Ecconomy 6): I don't get paid enough for this [censored]. Come on let's go get a burgar and show the ladies our laser vision.
    (pet)Ecconomy 8 (Ecconomy 6): Word.

    Then use /goto to send them wandering off where it's safe.

    It's a bind everyone should have.
  12. Wonder if they'll be able to take "John Woo" as an acrobatics based secondary?
  13. Hello again NDP fans, it's time to take our weekly look at all the action on your favorite all out action show!

    In the first of this weeks episodes, "Cold Call part 1" NDP headed for the Hollows to track down the head of the Outcasts. NDP regulars were joined by 2 new characters: The lightning fast kung-fu clone, Vixen-Girl; and a sarcastic cat burglar named Helcat.
    Things got off to rocky start when the team accidentally wandered into the middle of a full scale gang shootout. Fortunatly Vixen Girl was able to hold off the attackers until Green Spector could summon a thick fog to cover their escape. Matters went from bad to worse when a comment by Red Mao about the effectivness of slave labour caused the group to desolve into a storm of infighting. As Green Spector and 'Idestructible schoolgirl' Katie Blithe tried to restore order a further desaster struck! Having snuck off to check out one of the warehouses in Atlas Park, Helcat was jumped by the Helions and taken prisoner!
    With Mao and Vixen in persuit of Helcat; Spector, Katie and Marie launched their attack on Frostfire's lair.

    In the second part of "Cold Call" NDP finally cornered and busted Frostfire, but not without one hell of a fight which left several members of the team in need of medical assistance from Marie.
    Meanwhile, team leader, Union-Flag called on Mao to meet him at the top of the Justice Tower in Steel Canyon. You may rememebr in last week's episode Mao allowed Dr Vahzilok to escape in order to rescue Flag and Mecha Red. Flag and Mao argued furiously and for a time it seemed like they might come to blows high in the sky. However a call from Kaite to say that she had found Dr Vahzilok's new hideout, ended the confrontation.
    During the final battle with Vahzilok Flag found himself knocked to the ground with the mad doctor poised for the kill! At the last second however, Mao leapted from the shadows and dealt the doctor a killing blow. After the mission the two were left alone in the ruined sewer and Flag even managed a handshake with the cyber-swordsman from China, but in the NDP leader's own words "You know Mao, this still doesn't mean we're friends." It looks like the battle for control of New Dawn Patrol is anything but over.

    Set your VCR and make sure you don't miss a single killer episode of New Dawn Patrol: The Animated Series!

    ((New Dawn Patrol is Defiant's only dedicated RP supergroup. If you would like to get involved please send a PM on the forum or message @ All American Russian in game.))
  14. Hi there folks time for an update on what's been going down this week on your fav superhero show.

    In monday's episode, "A Dish Served Cold", Union-Flag and Mecha Red were rescued from Dr Vahzilok thanks to intervention by the cyber samuri, Red Mao. Mao bested Vahzilok in single combat, allowing Flag to invoke the spirit of Northern Irland and escape. However in the confusion, Vahzilok too got away. The villainous Ecconomy 6 finally hit a snag in his plan at the end of the episode, when the experimental super suit he had stolen from NDP turned out to be a bomb!

    In "The Outsiders", two new characters joined the team. The first is a doctor called Marrie Curie, who is the reincarnated soul of a great scientist. The other is a ghostly alien called The Green Spector. The episode was kind of a buddy movie that focused on the pair's trouble's fitting in with normal society. The episode ended in the Hollows with the duo about to enter the lair of Frostfire.
    There was also a short bit at the end of the episode with Flag and Mao. NDP's leader obviously wasn't happy that Mao had chosen to save his team mates rather than capture Dr Vahzilok. As the credits ran, Flag set off to find the mad doctor by himself stating, "You're a loose cannon Mao, and sooner or later, somebody's going to get killed because of you...if they haven't already."

    Things are tense in the NDP camp this week, make sure you don't miss any of next week's red hot action!

    (New Dawn Patrol is Defiant's only RP supergroup. To get involved please contact Union-Flag or global chat @ All American Russian)
  15. Thought it was time for a quick reminder about Defiant's only (so far as I can tell) dedicated Role Play supergroup, New Dawn Patrol. Don't worry, we're not scary, we don't dress like our characters, we don't cry if you say something out of character, we won't try to cyber you...probably.
    NDP is a fun group for anyone who wants to feel that little bit more immursed while playing. Though we'd love people to become full members of the group, if you just want to team up to do RP missions without leaving your regualar SG then we're cool with that. We're established and have a base.
    If you fancy giving it a go then send me a message at @ All American Russian and we'll meet up.
  16. Hey folks! Well it's Saturday, so let's take a quick look at what's happened this week on NDP and take a look at what we can expect to see in the coming weeks!

    New Character!

    Well we got a real treat this week with a new character introduced to the series and an old favourite coming back. On Monday the rumours of who the mystery fifth member of NDP was going to be ended as we met Red Mao for the first time. It seems after Charming Prince's suspension, Top Brass decided that the group needed someone who could get up close and personal. Mao is a master of eastern sword techniques and is further enhanced by a cybernetic battle suit. He teamed up with NDP regular Union-Flag to track down the sacred 'Girdle of Aphrodite' before the Council could sell it overseas. Mao looks like an interesting addition to the team. Back when Charming Prince was a member, he was often at odds with the others over his overly offensive style. Mao is (if possible) even MORE ruthless than Charming was, something that the more clean cut members of the group are going to have a hard time dealing with!

    Return of Mecha Red!

    Everyone's favourite cyber-archer is back from her 'personal business' in Moscow and she's brought a tonne of new gadgets with her. In Tuesday's episode 'From Russia with Justice' Red and Flag went after a minor drugs ring, but found Dr Vahzilok and his minions waiting for them! Can they escape? And why won't Flag reveal where he is getting his information from? Is NDP's fearless leader up to something?


    Lots of rumours flying around on the net about where the show is heading in the next few episodes. A lot of people are expecting Katie Blithe to make an appearance next week, she's not been in any episodes for a while but someone has to save Flag and Red and perhaps the indestructible schoolgirl is the one to do it!
    Lot of rumours about Flag's relationship with Ecconomy 6. 6 is an evil robot who appeared during a crossover episode which featured The Watchmen's Economy 7. 6 showed up and helped Mao retrieve the girdle on Monday, but he also tried to kill him in the process. Is he linked to Union-Flag's mysterious behaviour?

    New Dawn Patrol: The animated series is on all this coming week. Don't miss an episode!

    ((New Dawn Patrol is one of Defiant's only dedicated RP supergroups. If you're interested in joining or running storylines with NDP (for example if you've used up all your Union slots but still want to make a new RP character) please get in contact with me at @ All American Russian.))
  17. Hehe, we've got an unoffical group called The Dark Knights of Russia over on Defiant. It's comprised of All American Russian, Sputnik Boy, Red Mao and Kid Soviet. Together they protect Paragon City from their arch foes, Viet Kong and Guantanamo Bob.

    Moto: "The Commies are back...but this time, they're on our side!"

  18. Hehe, well I'm well up for running some RP interactions once we get off the ground. Had a fair bit of interest so far so things are looking good.
  19. Name: New Dawn Patrol

    Purpose: Defiant's newest (and apparently only) dedicated RP supergroup.

    Background: With Dawn Patrol in ruins after the Rikti invasion, the number of tasks that the group are able to undertake has been seriously reduced. The governments answer? New Dawn Patrol. A gathering of young heroes, dropouts and missfits, New Dawn Patrol are a group with a lot to proove. Working with the task of keeping Paragon City safe while the main Dawn Patrol rebuilds and deals with global threats, the team stuggles equally with internal conflicts. But make no mistake, New Dawn Patrol are dedicated to the fight for justice!

    Currently have about 4-5 members, we welcome any RPer who would like to join up.

    Contact @All American Russian
  20. I'm probably crazy for doing this but...

    I was shocked to see so little RP activity on Defiant and almost no dedicated RP SGs, so to fix that I've decided to start my own.

    With Dawn Patrol in ruins after the Rikti invasion, the number of tasks that the group are able to undertake has been seriously reduced. The governments answer? New Dawn Patrol. A gathering of young heroes, dropouts and missfits, New Dawn Patrol are a group with a lot to proove. Working with the task of keeping Paragon City safe while the main Dawn Patrol rebuilds and deals with global threats, the team stuggles equally with internal conflicts. But make no mistake, New Dawn Patrol are dedicated to the fight for justice!

    This is as far as I've got so far, I'll add more once we get going. If anyone is interested in joining up or helping to get RPing off the ground on Defiant please send an in game mail to Union-Flag.
    Cheers guys.
  21. I'm probably crazy for doing this but...

    I was shocked to see so little RP activity on Defiant and almost no dedicated RP SGs, so to fix that I've decided to start my own.

    With Dawn Patrol in ruins after the Rikti invasion, the number of tasks that the group are able to undertake has been seriously reduced. The governments answer? New Dawn Patrol. A gathering of young heroes, dropouts and missfits, New Dawn Patrol are a group with a lot to proove. Working with the task of keeping Paragon City safe while the main Dawn Patrol rebuilds and deals with global threats, the team stuggles equally with internal conflicts. But make no mistake, New Dawn Patrol are dedicated to the fight for justice!

    This is as far as I've got so far, I'll add more once we get going. If anyone is interested in joining up or helping to get RPing off the ground on Defiant please send an in game mail to Union-Flag.
    Cheers guys.
  22. Shame there's not a stickyed list of all the RP groups really.

    Anyway, I'm looking for an active RP based sg on Defiant. Been playing COH for a while but want to make one of my characters fully rp based rather than the sort of rpish that I normally do. Got backstory etc that I can send if needs be.