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  1. thanks for all of the additional thoughts. I appreciate them.
  2. Auroxis - Do I need a PC to see that? It won't work with a Mac, right?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shisui View Post
    4 reactive armors in all resist toggles. steadfast +3% def in grounded. id recommend taking tough and weave. tough will get 4 reactive armors also.

    smash/lethal is able to be softcapped on elec armor. but if you decide you want to keep a bit more recharge, then just keep it in range of a single divine avalanche
    This is really helpful, thanks. I was starting to put Red Fortune in Divine Avalanche, I am guessing that is not the best choice? Switch to a damage set?
  4. Hi, I tried this game late last year before the fitness change, and really liked the game, but did not have time to play much so let my subscription lapse. I have been playing again for a few weeks now.

    I am level 22 with my Kat/Ela build, but I am finding it really hard to figure out how I should be building it. What sets will I want to be working toward? I don't know how you all post those builds, but right now I have:

    Gambler's Cut - 3 bonesnap, 3 exploited Vuln
    Flashing Steel - 3 pieces of eradication
    Divine Avalanche - 5 pieces of Serendipity
    Lotus Drops - 4 pieces of multi-strike
    Build Up - just a recharge right now

    Charged Armor - 3 pieces of reactive armor
    Lightning field - 4 pieces of cleaving blow
    static shield - just 1 enhanced dmg resist
    conductive shield - just 1 enhanced dmg resist
    grounded - just 1 enhanced dmg resist
    Energize - 2 x reduced recharge.

    I am assuming all of my katana attacks will eventually need 6 slots? What about all of the defense items from ela?

    Any builds to work toward would be much appreciated.
  5. Well Ninja Run is cool, especially at level 7, but I won't be able to give up Super Jump for the pure fun factor :-)
  6. Thanks, that is really helpful to look at.

    I just realized I have Gambler's Cut and not Sting of the I don't need to fix that.

    Also, I had last quit right after the Magic Powers Super Booster, and am just returning now. Had not known about the ninja run skill. Just bought it now and will go try it out. So thanks, and let NCSoft know they owe you a cut :-)
  7. So I posted this in the thread where I was gladly talked into the Kat/Elec toon, but it probably needs its own thread to be noticed now.

    So not sure of all of the skills, but after reading around, does this look like a good skill order?

    As for slotting, I know basic IO slotting for most powers, the question I have it what sets should I be thinking for most of these? Not purples, just good solid affordable ones. I already am starting to play the market a bit, so by the time they start to come available I will be able to afford most of sets like T-death and Makos. Just could use advice on which sets to save up for.

    + Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner v5.0
    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary: Katana
    Secondary: Electric Armor

    01: Charged Armor => Empty(1)
    01: Sting of the Wasp => Empty(1)
    02: Flashing Steel => Empty(2)
    04: Lightning Field => Empty(4)
    06: Combat Jumping => Empty(6)
    08: Divine Avalanche => Empty(8)
    10: Hurdle => Empty(10)
    12: Conductive Shield => Empty(12)
    14: Super Jump => Empty(14)
    16: Health => Empty(16)
    18: The Lotus Drops => Empty(18)
    20: Stamina => Empty(20)
    22: Grounded => Empty(22)
    24: Energize => Empty(24)
    26: Soaring Dragon => Empty(26)
    28: Lightning Reflexes => Empty(28)
    30: Static Shield => Empty(30)
    32: Golden Dragonfly => Empty(32)
    35: Build Up => Empty(35)

    + Inherent Powers

    01: Brawl => Empty(1)
    01: Sprint => Empty(1)
    02: Rest => Empty(2)
  8. So not sure of all of the skills, but after reading around, does this look like a good skill order? Also, anyone have an IO build to share that they can paste in here? (I am a mac user, so cannot plug builds into Mids)

    + Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner v5.0
    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary: Katana
    Secondary: Electric Armor

    01: Charged Armor => Empty(1)
    01: Sting of the Wasp => Empty(1)
    02: Flashing Steel => Empty(2)
    04: Lightning Field => Empty(4)
    06: Combat Jumping => Empty(6)
    08: Divine Avalanche => Empty(8)
    10: Hurdle => Empty(10)
    12: Conductive Shield => Empty(12)
    14: Super Jump => Empty(14)
    16: Health => Empty(16)
    18: The Lotus Drops => Empty(18)
    20: Stamina => Empty(20)
    22: Grounded => Empty(22)
    24: Energize => Empty(24)
    26: Soaring Dragon => Empty(26)
    28: Lightning Reflexes => Empty(28)
    30: Static Shield => Empty(30)
    32: Golden Dragonfly => Empty(32)
    35: Build Up => Empty(35)

    + Inherent Powers

    01: Brawl => Empty(1)
    01: Sprint => Empty(1)
    02: Rest => Empty(2)
  9. cool, thanks all. Guess I will try Katana/elec. Appreciate the thoughts.
  10. Hi all -

    Returning to the game after like a year and a half and want to start a new toon in Praetoria, so figured Scrapper would be a good place to re-learn the game.

    So can anyone suggest a scrapper combo with the following 3 attributes?

    1. Damage Aura (so I think that means only /fa, /da or /ea?
    2. Not too squishy
    3. Good budget character.

    Thanks in advance!
  11. Hello all -

    Returning player here and all of my toons were logged out for like 523 days, which was funny to see on the character select screen.

    Anyway, decided to try the game again and got the expansion. I decided to start a new toon and sort of re-learn the game from the ground up.

    I had a concept idea of Plant/Psi Dominator named Doctor Smarty Plants. But I don't see any plant/psi leveling builds in the forums anywhere. Does that mean this is a gimp combo? I have a level 21 Plant/Fire Dom, but as I said I wanted to start over with a new combo.

    Thanks in advance if you have a leveling build to share or some advice on this build
  12. Hello Scrappers -

    I cannot find the old post where you were all helping me with build ideas last month. I am just level 29 now and have been doing well. I would like to post my build for some suggestions as to where to go, and perhaps if I am going in any wrong directions.

    A couple of notes, most of the Set IOs are just what I have rolled doing Bronze 30 rolls. The T-death I completed after rolling 3 pieces. I make Set IOs and sell them and try to complete sets.

    Also, I don't have 2 jumps in Super Jump, they are both Blessing of the Zephyr. And in Quick Recovery, there are actually 2 parts of Performance Shifter set there. But the app did not have all those options to select.

    Thanks for any advice.

    + Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
    Name: N/A
    Level: 30
    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary: Claws
    Secondary: Regeneration
    01 => Fast Healing

    01 => Strike
    IO - Touch of Death Touch of Death: Damage,Accuracy (1)
    IO - Touch of Death Touch of Death: Damage,Endurance Cost (3)
    IO - Touch of Death Touch of Death: Damage,Attack Rate (5)
    IO - Touch of Death Touch of Death: Damage,Endurance Cost,Accuracy (5)
    IO - Touch of Death Touch of Death: Damage,Endurance Cost,Attack Rate (7)
    IO - Touch of Death Touch of Death: 15% chance of 0.67 * Melee_Damage (Negative) (7)

    02 => Slash
    IO - Makos Bite : Damage,Accuracy,Attack Rate,Endurance Cost (2)
    Attack Rate(11)
    Attack Rate(13)

    04 => Reconstruction
    Attack Rate(4)
    Attack Rate(13)

    06 => Quick Recovery
    Endurance Modification(6)
    Endurance Modification(15)

    08 => Follow Up
    IO - Crushing Impact : Damage,Endurance Cost,Attack Rate (17)
    IO - Crushing Impact : Damage,Attack Rate (17)
    IO - Crushing Impact : Damage,Endurance Cost (19)
    IO - Crushing Impact : Damage,Accuracy (19)

    10 => Combat Jumping
    Defense Buff(10)

    12 => Dull Pain
    Attack Rate(12)
    Attack Rate(21)

    14 => Super Jump

    16 => Spin
    IO - Multi Strike : Damage,Accuracy (23)
    IO - Multi Strike : Damage,Endurance Cost,Attack Rate (23)

    18 => Focus
    IO - Decimation : Accuracy,Endurance Cost,Attack Rate (25)
    IO - Decimation : Damage,Accuracy (25)
    IO - Decimation : Damage,Attack Rate (27)

    20 => Integration

    22 => Resilience
    Damage Resistance(22)

    24 => Hurdle

    26 => Health

    28 => Eviscerate
    IO - Sciroccos Dervish : Accuracy,Attack Rate (28)
    IO - Sciroccos Dervish : Damage,Endurance Cost (29)

    01 => Sprint

    01 => Brawl

    02 => Rest

  13. How do the universal travel bonuses work?

    I can slot universal travel into the following skills: Accelerate Metabolism, Combat Jump and Super Jump.

    So is there any reason to slot universal travel set in more than one of those?

    Also, if I put a universal travel set in Super Jump, does that mean that it also speeds up my running? Or just jumping? What about if I slot in Accelerate Metabolism? Just running?

  14. Hi Brutes -

    I am looking to play with a Brute and want to use one of the secondary sets that has a PBAOE aura on it. So I think this would mean just /fire, /DA or /Electric Armor.

    I tend to prefer to solo and like aoe skills, but much prefer PBAOE and not cones (I can set them up, I just don't find it fun).

    What pairs best with those secondaries in your opinion? I know that Brute builds are all fairly strong, but perhaps some of you have some experience and can recommend some synergistic primaries.

  15. Ok, so no suggestions. Playing around with a builder I came up with the following, but fairly certain it has some problems. My scrapper is so much more straight forward. I am a fairly new player, so not quite sure how to slot this this type of character. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    + Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
    Name: N/A
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Dominator
    Primary: Plant Control
    Secondary: Fiery Assault
    01 => Flares
    Attack Rate(19)

    01 => Strangler
    Attack Rate(5)
    Attack Rate(7)
    Hold Duration(23)
    Endurance Cost(23)

    02 => Incinerate

    04 => Roots

    06 => Hasten
    Attack Rate(6)
    Attack Rate(37)

    08 => Seeds of Confusion
    Attack Rate(9)
    Confusion Duration(11)
    Confusion Duration(11)
    Attack Rate(13)

    10 => Hover
    Defense Buff(10)

    12 => Fire Blast
    Attack Rate(21)
    Attack Rate(21)

    14 => Fly
    Flight Speed(14)

    16 => Fiery Embrace
    Attack Rate(16)
    Attack Rate(17)
    Attack Rate(17)

    18 => Swift
    Flight Speed(18)

    20 => Health

    22 => Stamina
    Endurance Modification(22)
    Endurance Modification(34)
    Endurance Modification(34)

    24 => Vines
    Attack Rate(25)
    Attack Rate(25)

    26 => Carrion Creepers

    28 => Consume
    Attack Rate(31)

    30 => Spirit Tree

    32 => Fly Trap

    35 => Blazing Bolt

    38 => Blaze

    41 => Group Fly
    Flight Speed(41)

    44 => Charged Armor
    Damage Resistance(44)

    47 => Power Sink
    Endurance Modification(47)

    49 => Summon Guardian

    01 => Sprint

    01 => Brawl

    02 => Rest

  16. Hi all -
    Just starting a new plant/fire Dom and wondering two things. Is the I6 guide still accurate and does anyone have a leveling (pre-set IOs) slotting build they would be willing to share? thanks
  17. Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to try out Bots/Dark and see how that is.
  18. Hi MM Folk -

    So I am a fairly new player who has been enjoying my Scrapper, which is my first character. I wanted to also check out the red side of the game, and provide a change of play style from my Scrapper at times.

    I am a mostly a solo player, as I have to afk a lot.

    The MMs seem like fun, but I have to admit that I have never been great at pet control in games, so I was wondering if you could suggest which pet set is kind of point the pets and let them do their thing. In other words, not a lot of micro-management of the pets.

    Also, if you could suggest good /secondary along with the primary I would appreciate it. I DO handle micro-management of powers though, so my play style would be more let the pets just do their thing, but I would have lots to do with my skills.

    Also, I kind of had a theme in mind with like a techno-witch, so was tending toward either robots or undead, and using traps, but am open to suggestions.

    thanks in advance!
  19. hmmm, well I figured it must just be dumping for badges, so that makes sense.

    That is not philanthropic though, quite on the contrary, that is free market greed. You get more slots to dump more stuff to devalue more items keeping the poor poor, and the rich rich

    Half joking there. You do realize though in your philanthropic gestures though that new players like me actually get hurt by that, because if I could sell a computer virus for 500 I get double what the vendor would give me. Now I can sell them at that price, but it takes much longer with all the 100 auctions up there, and as I have much fewer slots, I can't actually afford it a lot of the time, so I have to vendor them for 250, losing out actually.
  20. I am kind of new to the game and have been having fun with the market and trying to figure out some of the nuances of it.

    I have been keeping fairly good records of sales histories of many items that seem lucrative, and have been starting to make money that way.

    The one thing that perplexes me though is people listing items for less than they would get in a store. For instance today almost half of the Computer Virus sold have been for less than 250inf. and mostly for 100.

    Why when they could just sell it to a vendor for 250?