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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Is this still active? I can't get it to work, gives me some message about the dimensional frequencies not being in tune.

    I have:

    8 rooms
    6 anchors
    Raid TPer
    Rez ring
    Base Computer
    Vault with IOP Base
    Power and Control to all items

    Am I forgetting a requirement?

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    We're haveing the same problem... any solutions out there?

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    I know you said power and control to all items, but check the mission computer again. It should be connected to the control. At first we had the same problem, then remembered that we had Arcane control and a Tech Mission Computer. Fixed the control and everything worked fine.

    Also, try adding another room. You may be counting the secret entrance, which does not count for base raids.
  2. I believe you are right. We have been running the trial about every two days, and I am sure a lot of us can help do it again tomorrow night (tonight we have a Live tf). If you'd like to combine forces and try it again with a larger group I'm sure that would be cool. Most of us are in channel "Goldfish United" (lol).
  3. Attemped the trial again with a team of 8 people. This was not a pug, all of us have played together many times and all of us are good to excellent players.

    Team consisted of: (all lvl 50 unless noted)
    Invuln/SS tank
    Fire/Kin/Psi troller
    Fire/Kin/Force troller - level 49
    Illusion/Emp/Psi troller
    Illusion/Emp/Force troller
    Ice/Kin/? troller
    Elec/Elec Blaster - level 44
    Ice/Ice Blaster

    First part of the trial was quick and painless. Once we got to the room, we did not experience immediate agro. Proceeded to the spawn on the left, defeated it. Defeated the next willforge spawn. While we were defeating the 3rd spawn, both of the previous wilforges simultaneously respawned.

    All three willforges continued to respawn at a very quick pace. We used Warburg rockets, Amy Johnson's, every temp power and normal power we had, but could not wipe away the spawns completely.

    At one point, the AV, while still in a bubble, started successfully attack members of our team and killing them. It was my understanding from the way he acted in our previous two attempts that he could not affect us until out of his bubble. We could not attack him but the tank could taunt him away, all while the AV (still in a darn bubble!) was killing several teammates.

    About 40 minutes into the timer three members had to log, however it was time to give up anyway. Team makeup was strong and others have completed it with 8, this leaves me to believe with the others that this trial still has some major bugs.
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    3. Is there some kind of built in mechanic that makes the IoP Trial get progressively harder the more and more IoPs you have?

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    We had 2 IOPs, the momument of resistance and of fury. Both other trials were completed with 15 people and 10 people, respectively.
  4. One bug I just remembered.

    On our second run-through, several members on one team were not able to enter the trial (myself with star included). We had to quit the team, then we were able to enter the raid teleporter.

    Perhaps this has something to do with the current bug on Live involving teaming and raid teleporters? Anyways, I /bugged it, but I don't think anyone else did.

    Planning on running it again tonight in about half an hour.
  5. We completed the trial two times hero-side yesterday, Once with around 15 people and once with around 10. One member of our group was level 49. During both times, a few deaths ensued, especially the second run during the AV room. About half of us face-planted in the first two minutes. I believe that the level 49 died three times throught the two runs. However, they also gained half a bar of xp for each.

    We were all awarded prestige at the end of the trial, if we were in SG mode, and one person was awarded xp. He even joked that it would not be a bad way to level up a lowbie.

    The trial was not too incredibly painful, I'd estimate we averaged about 40 minutes to complete each time. It was a lot of fun. The only problem we really experienced was crazy lag.

    The first run we had 7 controllers, so we locked down that AV and killed it in about 30 seconds. Good times!
  6. Villains also have TONS more stuff to test. They have a huge zone, patron powers, level 41-50 content, and several new powersets. Most of them are busy doing that instead of pvp'ing. Yes, when the numbers even out, this will be the ultimate pvp zone.
  7. Not sure if this will help, but I have a level 33 Ill/Emp that I bring to Siren's Call a lot. I use superior invis and heal people, I never attack at all to bring myself out of invis. Players with perception, like ones with tactics or SR/Ninja Stalkers, can see me around 100-150 feet away.

    However, then my boyfriend comes in with his ice/ice blaster that has Grant invis. He grants me some invis *on top of* my superior invis, and voila! I am very much hidden. I have done rough tests with the stalkers and one stalker with +petception (a spines/sr, I believe) was kind enough to tell me that it took his +perception and two small sized yellows (+25% perception) to see me.

    I will test it a bit more later, right now there is one brute in Siren's and myself.