119 -
Hmmm, that sounds better than i thought.
Realistically, ive been looking for a more active secondary outside of regen, and i think i may have found it.
Nihilii-I created my claws/Inv, after seeing your db/inv. And for some reason, i feel like i may follow your lead here as well. Now...for a primary. Ive played with a friend who had a elec/elec brute. And i remember thinking it was far too squishy for me.
But for some reason i keep feeling that "i can make it strong", and my fear of less survivability lessens.
Maybe i will just match it was a sword set? -
MA/Elec....hmmm, thats sounds tasty.
I may have to check that out too.
Anyone have any idea on how it would stack up to WP in survivability?
My current main is MA/WP, and i was wondering how it would play out -
I was going to do elec/shield at first, but the sheer amount of people rolling it would be retarded.
/Inv might be a good choice, that might be something to look into, although my current scrapper is a claws/inv, i kinda want a change of pace.
Im still set on elec/sr, or possibly dm/elec. -
I wonder what some of the bigger names on the boards are thinking of coming up with..
Id like to see exactly what kinda strategy everyone will have with this addition.
Personally, i feel like elec should have been scrapper-side for some time now.
That was second to the real stalker set i want-Ninjitsu.
i can dream...right? -
Well judging by your avatar...i wouldve assumed you were going to go my route (Elec/SR)
But to be honest, im not even sure yet. Ive got a few tests lined up just to see how /elec will fair. If all goes well, i may continue my love for claws. I have a feeling, it will be similar to dark and fire where the resists dont really make a differene until much later in the game. -
Just judging from what ive seen, more than likely, my choices will be elec/sr or kat/elec.
Id love to make a claws/elec, but i dont see it being survivable enough for me.
Personally, elec armor will be paired with one of the sword sets, mainly because of the added defense, unfortunatly, that leaves my beloved claws out -
Yea, im hoping some more people chime in and explaine the pros and cons of the set.
Hopefully, my love for claws can continue! -
What is everyone making? Im somewhat excited, and sad at the same time.
I LOVE my baby claws sitting at 37, and when elec/ is released, i want to play that as well.
You guys think elec will be worthy of stealing my heart from my claws/inv?
Also, ive been looking at the brute version lately, and it seems like a claws/elec, may be a pretty decent combination. Thoughts? -
Haha, it will save me alot of time, as i come to this forum during play most of the time just to get numbers.
Im in. -
Im not extremely number savy in terms of AT stats, so I may be completely off.
But i would go with the scrapper. Although the advantage of fury poses an interesting point, as Bill pointed out, a few crits, and the scrapper can jump ahead of the brute.
In terms of survivability, im more comfortable with a scrapper. Something just FEELS stronger, more resilient.
Not sure if anything ive brought to the table is worthwhile, but i do browse the forums daily, and stop at most posts where the above two player's names pop up. So if i cant help, they surely can. -
Quote:Ahhh Cashoo! Thank you so much! I love the look you gave him, it fits perfectly.Sorry I haven't posted in a day or two! I've been a little busy!
I have a few pics, but only one of them is an actual request, lol. I'm going in random order again apparently.
Blarg, short legs are shoooort! *will remember not to neglect it next time* My deepest apologies! Just focus on the head!
The legs are barely even "too" short. I only noticed because i tend to make my characters have long legs as a result of my addiction to "urban" anime.
Thank you again! -
Quote:Oh, i like those
If you could, Id love for my new scrapper to be drawn up...
Im on the first page, but i thought id add a little more detail to my post...
Hes basically a "dark figure"-esque kinda fella.
No auras as of yet, and hes /Invulnerability to go with his white eyes -
Oh, i like those
If you could, Id love for my new scrapper to be drawn up...
Quote:Its free out of the box, why wouldnt you take it
My general recommendation for most people is to have 2 endurance assistance tools in your build so that you can still slot your attacks decently. DM/*, */regen, */WP and */Fire have it easy simply because they've all got some significant endurance tools within the power sets already. They only need to take one (or in the case of DM/Fire, DM/Regen, and DM/WP don't need to take any at all). Everyone else, for running at the absolute top end, they generally need to get their endurance assistance through the traditional means: heavy IO slotting for +end and +recov set bonuses, Conserve Power, and Stamina.
My main is MA/WP, and even with the second end recovery tool, I can make a pretty decent dent in my blue bar after awhile. Given, im not IO'd out yet, but just to put it into perspective, MA CAN be a hog. -
Very nice post, BAB. But, I hope nobody minds if I mention a few other problems that would have to be sorted out?
First, there are a couple of power sets that have a power that doesn't match the color of the rest of the set. /Thermal for corruptors is one, as is the fire defensive set. Both of these have a shield power that is more blueish-white than the normal color of the flames, to make it stand out. If PC went in, these powers would either have to start to match the colors of the set or they would require a second choice for colors.
The second problem comes when you start to stack powers. Let's look at Force Field for an example: You're on a team with three FF users. One has red bubbles, one has yellow, and one's still at classic blue. Now, how do you handle it when they start to put shields on their allies? Will a red shield and a yellow shield make an orange shield? What if Yellow has both personal shields, but Red only has one? Yellow-Orange shields? And then blue starts adding shields in, and... yuck. There's also the eyesore you'd get when they all fire up their big AoE shields and start moving around each other. It might look neat from a distance, but I'm sure anyone caught in such a mess would quickly discover it to be as headache inducing as the old Sonic effects.
Finally, there are powers that create other power effects. MM Robots cast their own Force Fields. The /Traps FF Generator does the same. MM Robots shoot red lasers, and MM Zombies hurl green "stuff". /Devices Trip Mines and Time Bombs create explosions of orange flame. And Trick Arrow is full of secondary effects after the arrow hits, including (Castle's favorate power) Oil Slick. And who's power customization would determine what color Oil Slick burns, anyway? When you have a team up of The Purple Archer and The Green Flame, having it burn orange just doesn't seem like an option...
[/ QUOTE ]
This is a valid question, but what happens in a game is far different than what happens in "our" world. Color-overlap results in a new color simply because of light, and therefore could be mad einto any color of choice by the devs. So the default would seem to be a certain color, but would probably be an error in the script text. This can be understood better by thinking about what happens when there is an error in the skin code with a plethera of "steam" games, the purple texture. That is a result from a script error and is the default appearance of such. -
I have a question, i had everything close to about what you have here, except for the .......Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration: Single display performance mode <--!!!!
Whats the difference between the Dual, and Single displays? -
Alright, I have just a few things to add to this thread...
From here on out, and complaints made about whos not getting what, or, i wanted a blue one mommy! Are all considered shreiks from a little girl.
The only thing anyone can complaine about is that the devs are slow in releasing content, other than that, we all will be satisfied.....eventually. -
Devices (Cloak, Perception, ToHit) > Traps ( Hold, Debuff) - IMO
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you would find that you're in the minority with this one. Most people feel exactly the opposite.
I'd love to have Acid Mortar, FFG and Poison Trap on a Defender or Blaster. Devices. . . . Taser has an interesting animation.
[/ QUOTE ]
This was the only other thing i was hoping for, was traps hero side.(other than elec or SS for scraps)
And lol@ taser's animation, you know my first devices blaster was tech origin, and i thought, wow a taser! And i picked it up, and went over to a mob thinking i was gonna taze the hell outa something, well i thought for 3 clicks in a row i just hit the inherited taser from tech... -
Ok ok ok ok.....
First of all, mental manip.-WHat the heck were the devs thinking?
Lets give blasters psychic blasts, and after that, i think we should give them a matching set, that way they chew on everyone and their brother.
Second, fire scrappers, c'mon guys...where is the Super strength? or Elec?( i understand they dont like to spend more than 15 minutes putting together a set for a different AT, let alone spending 20 MINUTES changing the tint to blue)
Over all, everything but these two sets look good.
Actually scratch that, lets not cross anything hero side between scrappers AND tanks. I drop my head in shame...i really do.