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  1. I just noticed powerboost does not enhance mind link whatsoever, the to hit bonus or the defense portion, I know the base amounts are small but found this odd. Is this intended or a glitch? Thank's in advance for your feedback!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Panties View Post
    Thanks for your help!

    I've changed my build a little according to your advice.
    Should I add Mass Hypnosis, Telekinesis or Total Domination as my last power at level 49? Or should I choose a different power, Recall Friend for example?
    I find Mass Hypnosis absolutely invaluable on my 50 Mind/Energy Dominator, Telekinesis is highly situational and takes great skill to use correctly, I do not have total domination in my build as Mass Hypnosis and Mass Confusion provide all the mitigation I need. If terrify had the to hit debuff component it's dark counterpart had I may have included that in my build as well.
  3. finalround

    The Defence Myth

    I applaud the time and effort you have obviously put into this, it raises some intresting questions.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
    So I have a level 28 Broadsword/Regen staker. I have grinded through 28 levels waiting to hit the sweet spot in the power set and came to the realization that stalkers are just no fun at all. I usually run him as a duo with another stalker buddy of mine, and when we first got our assassin's strike, we were super excited about the characters, but sense then, it's been kind of blah.

    Then, I remembered from my brief foray in RV on my main, that a lot of people zone PvP with stalkers. So I ran over to Siren's Call to see what fun could be had there. After ganking a couple people from the shadows, I just felt cheap and dirty. Maybe this isn't the AT for me.

    I write this post with one hand on the "delete" button for this toon. Can anyone give me a reason to keep grinding it out? Is there anything on the horizon that I should keep working toward? Or have I seen everything I need to see?
    In all honesty my DM/Ninjitsu Stalker out performs my DM/Regen scrapper by leaps and bounds, I just think Regen is ill equipped on a Stalker.