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  1. I don't play a grav controller, but I can answer the question you had about Tornado. Basically, you know it'll cause havoc against roaming mobs by throwing and disorienting them, but against crowd controlled ones, it becomes a major damage-dealer.

    A tight-packed group of minions sitting under a freezing rain will probably be killed just by the DoT of Tornado, assuming they have some gravity control that raises their magnitude to be knocked up. As a storm defender, I know that I was able to slaughter purple Rularuu portals back when they were "invading" using Tornado, because those portals would get hit over and over again by the damage component.
  2. I think that by "smoothly," Poz is saying that the enhancements aren't going to skip from 33% to 16% over a single level gap. The enhancements will probably provide a smooth progression, maybe SOs give a 20% boost as level 20, 25% at 21 and full at 22. Likewise, a smooth gradient from level 10 to 20 to go from training to DO to SO.

    I could be wrong, but that's what I'm reading from that reply.