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As Matrix was running, he saw someone jump out of a window across from the street where he was. He stopped short and banked a right, stopping in front of the man. He remembered his hood was still down and was slightly mad at himself. It's my costume, I gotta remember that he thought. He remembered the man in front of him and asked "You Gust?" From the man's costume, he looked like a Hero, but he was always ready pull out his bow and arrows.
((I'll try it out))
On top of the oh-so-familiar Atlas Statue in Atlas Park sat a young man. He had dark blue jeans with holes torn at the knees and a black hoodie, although the hood was down at the moment. He had shaggy brown hair tha was slightly longer than normal, and deep green eyes. Next to him lay a black quiver filled with normal, and not-so-normal arrows and a black longbow. He sat in lotus position, eyes closed and meditating, when he heard a buzz in his pocket. He sighed, and reached into the opening of his jeans and pulled out a cell-phone that doubles as his police scanner.
He flipped the phone open and a mechanical voice of a woman spoke, relating recent happenings. He heard of a lost hero and decided to look for him. The scanner said the Kings Row area, so the man flipped the phone shut and stood up. He slung the quiver and arrows over his back, got his general direction of the train, and jumped off the statue, superspeeding towards the train.
As he arrived in Kings Row, he decided to run around at random and hope to find the young hero. So Matrix, the name most people called him and he adopted as his handle, searched the small area for Gust.
((Kay, up to you now)) -
I might give it a shot. I've never heard of this group or NaNoWriMo, and I've never written a story. Well, first time for everything. Now, the most important question of all...
Whaddmi gonna write aboot? -
As amazing as this may be, I've never been on a vBulletin site. I don'tknow anything wrong with the current one, although since I've only used this one and one other (*gasp* Yes, I've tried WoW *shivvers* ) I don't know how bad it really is.
Jack sighed "Better get going then". He walked towards the portal, then stopped before he went through. He glanced slightly towards the pillar the Jagers had been tampering with, the pillar that controlled said portal he was about to step through. He sighed again, his eyes closed deeper for a moment, then a small sphere of translucent purple-pink swirled around him. "Should keep my matter in check" he mumbled, cursing at the green oaf as he stepped through the portal.
The General saw Cassie come up the corridor behind him, attacking the Hero instantly. "Glad you could join us" he said gruffly, throwing off shots from his pistol. He reached his left hand into his belt and pulled out another small disc, and tossed it into the air. It expanded, then gave off a force field. Even if this lady was a Hero, getting fired on by so many people, lasers and regular bullets, not including the odd plasma grenade or grenade, was sure to go down soon.
As The General was standing around, puffing on his cigar when he heard O'Leary's voice cackle over the radio "Sir! Valkeyrie is here, and she's making a pretty mess with our employers". The General swore, then said "Open fire on the Hero". "Position-Forward-Alpha" he commanded his troops, who dashed back the way his other two men had gone. Then General popped a new clip into his Desert Eagle, asking to the assembled Masterminds "You coming?". He glanced at them for a moment before walking into the hallway.
((Bah, sorry rebel)) -
((She could've been going to rob a bank, then saw the massive brawl and decided to join that instead, then end up helping to steal the device, getting payed and going back to Warburg, all that stuffs))
The General simply nodded at the two other Mastermind's introduction, and said "You can call me The General, what everyone else calls me". He glanced over at his Commando "Got any cigars?". Miers merely nodded and reached into a pocket, producing two, and stuck one in his own mouth. The Cammando produced a lighter from his belt, which seemed to hold everything, and lit up the tabbaco filled roll. He took a big puff, and almost dropped his cigar when Dr. Mechan shouted to stop.
He looked at Sanchez who had stopped, but was still near the table in case orders were to continue. He listened to the explanation, then jerked his head slightly, and the Medic put away his tool and walked over to his boss. He saw that some bots were going towards the way that the people who hired him were supposed to be. "Stern, O'Leary" he said simply, and the two men jogged off, following the bots. "So" The General said, taking another puff from his cigar "What's next?"
((Edited my last post a little)) -
Jack took the folder and skimmed it breifly. He glanced breifly at the three fighting Jagers, but a glance was all that it was. Jack tossed the folder behind him casually and asked smiling "How many people do we get to kill?"
The General and his men stopped firing [censored] all Longbow dropped to the ground. "Good work, boys" The General remarked in that low voice. He heard the robot of this 'Dr. Mechan' say he had located the object, but needed a way of removing it. The General nodded to his Medic, and Sanchez trotted over to the table. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a tool, which looked like a dentist's instrument, except with a miniature saw on the end. He began cutting around the table, seeing if he could detach it.
((Yeah, Jack's just kind of standing around right now, waiting for something to happen, or something for him to kill))
The General smiled as the big bot went down, and he was about to give orders when six more, smaller but still intimidating, bots came out. He didn't even get the chance to speak as the all familiar tear-gas and the not so familiar pulse blasts came firing at him and his men. Before any of them could react, a sheilding went up in front of him, and they bounced off harmlessly. The Genral dd a waving motion with his left hand and they moved out. The huge military man nodded once to Dr. Mechan as thanks, then continued firing.
The General tossed down a small disc, which turned into a small acid mortar. On his recticle, he saw and could command the acid mortar. The small acidic gun on the floor started firing deadly blobs of acid. As each hit struck, armor would be eaten away until it reached circuts. -
The General and the three of his troops went in to the room, only to be followed by yet another Masterind with Robots. They didn't do much until the giant robot exploded out of a door, and everyone opened fire. They could see that it wasn't having much effect, and one of his Spec-Ops laughed "Never send a machine to do a man's job". The General raised a hand and they opened fire on it, and soon heard the familiar grunt of his Commando. "Sir!" he said, and The General smiled as he saw his Medic and Soldier with him.
"Permission to fire" the leader of the Soldiers said bluntly as he pulled an incidenary grenade out of his belt and threw it at the bulk of machine. -
The IQ level of Skulz: Lawl ur mawm!!!1!!!
((Oh, you're with that group then. Ahh, I'm all confused now
I'll edit accordingly.I know my guy went to the right, but I wasn't sure who was wtih him))
((Just so you know, the people who are in the group that went left, you guys can play around with a Commando, a Medic and a Soldier, since The General [my guy's 'name'] ordered them to follow that group. Just don't kill 'em
The man, known simply as 'The General' and his men stopped firing after the three Ballistas went down. O'Leary the Soldier cheered and raised his gun, only to hear the familiar sound of mini-guns. Everyone quickly went back to their positions they had come out of seconds earlier and started firing at the Longbow. The General grumbled something, then pulled three small balls out of a pocket on his belt. He tossed them into the air and they floated for a moment before flying off towards the mini-gunners. "Sheild your eyes, boys, those Seeker Drones let off quite a flash when they explode" The General ordered as he raised his arm to deflect the explosion's flash. -
Jack finally got bored and started walking over to no where in particular when he stopped to watch the two boys fight. "Quiet down boy!" Jack said to Nate, then continued walking to who-knows-where.
((Ahh, thank you for clearing that up...))
Jack felt a pulling sensation and found himself back in Ouroboros. He snickered at this Skjebene, and remared coldly "I'm sorry I ruined your pet project", now his tone lightened up as he let out laughs "Although, I can now add 'Aided to destroy a seperate universe' to my resume". He sighed, then instantly recognized something. Two of the heroes that were here, weren't. Their brain-waves were now missing, and one of them was the one whom had discovered the objects to destroy the Necro-book. Jack wasn't very happy.
"And where, may I ask, are our two noble heroes?" -
Jack sighed as he watched the Jager, saying "That was very anti-climatic, I was expecting more carnage". Then he noticed the change that was occuring, people were becomng less tied to the physical world. "This is..." he said, then began laughing madly. "This is FANTASTIC!" he shouted. Since his powers were of the mind anyways, this change would be extremely welcome.
((I am a bit confused)) -
The man cursed loudly as the flash grenade only managed to blind one. "Sanchez, George, Mier, your with them" he said, pointing from his Medic, Soldier and Commando to the group that hired them. "Rest of you are with me, taking on the Ballistas" he finished. His men ran off to follow the assigned group, while the two Spec Ops and a Soldier waited for orders concerning the Ballistas.
"Position-Forward Alpha" the man ordered his troops. The two Spec Ops took a couple steps back and took out their sniper rifles, trying to get a clear shot on the Longbw, while the Soldier O'Leary took aim with an M16. The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a small disk, and tossed it to the ground, in the rough center of everyone. It expanded into a small pyramid, and started radiating a green aura. "How many triage beacons do you have?" O'Leary laughed as he fired off mad shots. The man just chuckled and shot off bullets from his pistol.
((If any of the Ballistas are clear of anyone else, take into account a sniper shot, since they'll shoot if the Longbow are clear.)) -
"Men, switch to their comm. link channel" th man ordered. He also switched his as he went inside the building. He got his orders and charged to the right, ordering his men to follow. He saw the Ballistas, and for a moment thouht the rest were handling it well, but instead ordered for an attack. "Hit the deck!" he boomed, as he reached onto his belt and pulled out a flash grenade. He bit off the top and let itfly towards the Ballistas, hoping to momentarily blind them.
((The Ballistas are on the right, correct?)) -
The man nodded, then turned and barked into his ear-piece "All right troops, I want Stern and Spence on the rooftop, stat, provide cover from runners, feed me info. O'Leary, follow 'em up and provide close-cover, and search for the target on the top floor". He heard three afirmatives, then said "The rest of you, down to the basement, and search for the item. You all have permission to fire on anyone perceived deadly. We will be meeting in Warburg if anyone gets left behind. Are we clear?". He heard affirmatives and smiled "Let's rock and roll, boys".
He followed the rest of the group in, providing shots from his pistol. -
As one of the truck doors opened up, several troops came storming out. Finally, a big, imposing man stepped out, using two fingers two shake his cigar before puffing a cloud of smoke. "Sir!" one of the soldiers spoke to the man. He was tall, and had a black flak jacket with black pants, and matching combat boots. He had buzzcut hair, andone eye was a different color than the other.
"Position-Forward Fox" the man barked at his troops, and they spread out according to the order. He reached down to the holster at his hip and pulled out a pistol, a Desert Eagle to be exact. He fired randomly towards the PPD, not looking to see if it hit anyone or not. He reached into a pocket of his flak jacket and took out an ear-piece, and a targeting recticle. He put the recticle over his eye, and put the ear-piece in. "I want C-4's in this building, and the detonater in my hand, and whatever the hell the people that are paying us want in their hands, NOW!" he shouted into the ear-piece.
He walked over to the group he recognized as the people ordering the operation, and blew a puff of smoke. "Any idea where this thing is?" he asked. -
Jack saw the giant mech, but was distracted by when this Sage almost shot the Jager's mace. Jack wasn't impressed until he saw the giant mech step onto the green monstrosity. Jack laughed until he heard the booming voice, saying something about a hat. He saw the man with the sword jump far away, very far when he heard 'hat'. Jack laughed heartily "Ahh, I get to see a show!"