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  1. ((Ah, okay, I edited. So, I think the ones in gray are rebels or something like that, and the blue ones are the Axis America?))

    The blonde man was about to grab the one-legged soldier, but didn't get the chance since said soldier died a second or two later from gun fire. He knew he would be next, and hopped randomly towards somewhere else, getting shot in the foot and thigh in the process. He landed sooner than planned and stayed close to the ground, because of pain and making himself a smaller target.

    He was about to jump when he saw the man in gray about to die from AP rounds. He scampered over quickly and took two shots to the back before grabbing the soldier in his free arm and lunged behind a public mailbox. He knew they wouldn't be safe for long, but took this extra second or so to let his nanites work on his wounds. As soon as he was ready to jump, he took the man again and leaped to the wreckage of a car. If the man at any time tried to run away or harm the blonde man, his leg would face the same fate as his comrade.
  2. The man looked after the girl hero as she ignored him, and he shrugged. He took a moment to asess the situation, watching the two villains make a mad dash for the tank, and how the teleporting hero had dropped a canister of gas near some of the sloldiers. He looked at the two opposng forces and decided that the ones in gray running towards the portal must have done something wrong, since they were running of course. He jumped high, and landed behind one of them. He took his sword and swiped towards the soldier's leg, attempting to sever it..
  3. The blonde man double taked as the other hero 'ported next to him, dropping a bomb into the hatch of the tank. The modern samurai swallowed and jumped high and away before he looked to see what effect his sword had on the soldier. He soared through the air and landed near a warehouse next to a fellow hero. He rested on a knee while his nanites worked on his wounds. "My Porsche, my friekin' Porsche" he muttered to himself, then looked to the girl. "So, who brought the tanks?" he asked, standing up and slouching against the door, waitng for all the nanites to go back in his sword.
  4. The man grinned as his sword went through the tank easily, and made about a fourth of a circle before the soldier appeared up from the hatch. "That would've been easier" he remarked to himself before realising that the man was about to shoot him. He drew the sword from the tank and quickly held it in a defensive position, the nanites spreading out slightly to protect their user from some harm, at least to the head and upper torso, where one shot was fatal.

    He grimaced as he felt hot, searing pain throughout his legs and stomach. He crouched, then jumped straight up for about twenty meters where he hung suspended in the air for a moment. In that moment, the sword shrunk considerably as the nanaites repaired their masters bodily wounds, most of them anyways.

    By the time he started descenting, the most serious wound he still had was a bullet hole in his left leg which was bleeding considerably. As he fell, he raised his sword high, aiming for the other man's head, attempting to cleave the soldier in two.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    Tank is in Galaxy City, DooDaa.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aw crap Edit coming.
  6. ((This looks good Devious))

    Galaxy City

    Music was blaring as the Porsche Carrera rorared down the streets of Galaxy City. The silver bullet was going faster than some superspeeders as it sought to go back to it's garage in Steel Canyon. The blonde man sitting in the dirver's seat was smiling broadly, enjoying the rush and adrenaline every time he drove this car. "Woohoo hoo!" he shouted as he made a sharp corner and kept on going, nearly knocking an old lady into a building. He turned another corner, the tires screeching and leaving black marks on the pavement, and tried to stop when he saw what was only a couple hundered feet from him.

    It was a tank.

    "[censored]!" he shouted as he slammed on the brakes, but he was going so fast that he collided straight into the monstrosity. The car made the third explosion of the day as it blew up, nitrus adding to the boom of the fire. As the flames danced, the blonde man dragged himself out, a crushed car door on top of him. He grunted as he lifted it off, and got up slowly, brushing dirt off of his white jacket. His top-dollar jeans ruined, he looked up at the tank.

    "You blew up my Porsche!" he shouted angrily. He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small black button. Pressing it, a small hole in space opened up, and the man reached in and pulled out his sword, a modified katana. He unsheathed it and put the case on his belt, making him look like a rich, modern samurai. He jumped onto the tank, higher than normal people could jump for sure, and brought the sword downwards, attempting to impale the top, then cut a circle through the metal.

    ((What you should know about the katana. It's made of millions and millions of nanites that are usually locked into place, but doing something like this will make some of them come off and pretty much disassemble whatever is blocking the swords path. It makes the sword virtually unbreakable since the nanites would scatter than reform, and extremely more damaging. I'm not saying that it will automatically work on the tank, but it's not just a regular sword))
  7. ((Wall of Text crits you for 500000000000!

    Sorry, but like Cham said, paragraph breaks are your friend. You can leave it for now, just next time try to use the Enter/Return key a little bit Also, I think it was established that it was cold. Why Matrix is wearing jeans/sweatshirt))
  8. ((I'm assuming I'm still completeing it soooo...))

    Matrix nodded and turned back to the device, using his Swiss Army Knife at random intervals to do who-knows-what. Finally he stepped back and nodded, admiring his work. "Ok" he muttered, then fixed a rectangular sheet of metal to the back. He picked it up and tossed it slightly, catching it again. It was a rectangle metal box with two antenna sticking out with blue balls on the tops. He looked at Dan and nodded "You might wanna step back out of the..." He stopped and looked at TargetLad, thinking for the right word "Blast radius" He smiled and pressed a small red button in the center. Electricity surged between the two antennas until it reached the two balls on top. The device shook, as did the base as the device tried to open a portal through space. There was a blinding flash, and there stood a swirling blue portal. "Haha!" he laughed as he saw his device was a success.
  9. ((Take charge Cham. Woulda been a shame to see this one get shot down, it had a nice general idea))

    Matrix heard Dan and nodded, the only indication he was alive except the rapid movement of his hands. Before someone could blink, he speeded over to where TargetLad had announced and looked around, grabbing bits and pieces that he needed. He speeded back over, and his hands worked in fast-forward as he hastened to get done. He stopped and took a step back, admiring his work. It was a hunk of rectangular metal with intricate wires running through the exposed back. He turned to Dan and asked "So, where do we want this thing to end u?"
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    "No, that's my one. Sorry, I thought I got that back already", Richard replied a little sheepishly before swiping the device out of Matrix's hands.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Oh" said Matrix as the device was swiped. He put his device back in his pocket and, following the directions Richard gave him, went into the workroom. He looked at the clutter of tools and parts and sighed. He put his longbow and quiver down near the entrance of the room and walked around, looking for potentional parts. After standing around for a few moments trying to decide what to do, he went over to the workbench and placed the teleporter device on it. He reached into the pocket he hadn't used yet and pulled out a potato chip bag.

    "Shouldn't of eaten that" he muttered sadly before tossing it behind him, then taking out a switch-blade and a Swiss Army Knife. He put the switch down and fooled around with the army knife until he found a small knife. Carefully, he cut along the sides of his teleporter device until the metal containing it's innards came free. He plucked the metal off the device and looked inside it, analyzing what wires there were, where they connected, whatever made the machine work. Finally, he trotted over to the pile of parts and looked around, picking up things and putting them under his arm.
  11. Matrix took the device and looked it over before depositing it in his pocket, where he found he still had the one from earlier. "Hey, Richard" he said, pulling out the one he had gotten when they were fighting the hell-roaches "Since we all have one of these now, do I need to keep this one?" He was asking this because it was an updated device that makes portals, and everyone wanted a way out of the base, and he had a pretty good idea of what he could do. "If not" he explained "I might be able to scrap together something to get us out of here"
  12. Matrix sighed. Not a 'I am unhappy' sigh, a 'I cannot believe I'm trapped in a base that's floating around in a pocket dimension' sigh. "So" he asked Richard "Does this place at least have some food?" Just mentioning food was making him hungy, and he was hoping Richard had some sort of edible stuff. Then, the lights started to flicker again, and Matrix looked at them like they were doing it purposely to annoy him.

    "Rather have them gone than to do that" he said, pulling out his bow and a arrow that had enough charge to make sure the lights stayed out. He drew the string back and was about to fire when he noticed the pattern they were flickering in. For a moment, just a moment, he thought he saw a bit of morse code before they went completely out again. I'm just being paranoid, that's it. Paranoid, and hungy he thought, but put the arrow back in the quiver and slung the bow over his shoulder anyways.
  13. ((Hmm, didn't notice that until you mentioned it Cham.))

    Matrix didn't take the yelling hardly, and had to stop himself before he smirked. He was about to do the same thing that Mr. Fix-It was doing if the giant of the man hadn't gotten in the way. "If I can hold onto this device for a couple of minutes" Matrix said, glancing at Richard "I can go back into Paragon and stop by some of the stores. Get some food, lights, all that good stuff" He looked around at everyone quickly "Unless someone's got a better plan"
  14. Matrix slowly took Mr. Fix-It's hand and shook it. He listened to the rest, and nodded while he grabbed the device from Richard. He let everyone go through first, and he stopped before he went through. He tucked the device half-way out of his pocket and pulled a special arrow out, knocking it on his bow. "Have fun, roaches from hell" he muttered, and let the arrow fly. He immediately ran trough the portal, getting somewhat pushed by the explosion of the dynamite-equipped arrow.

    He arrived in the base face-down and got up slowly, though he was smiling. He threw the longbow over his shoulder and walked around the base, admiring some of the high-tech things. He heard Akemi mutter about her Jack and felt sorry for her, but he didn't want to outright lie and say he thought that Jack would be alright. "We'll try to find him" he consolated, as he thought at least that wasn't a lie. "You guys need a techno-wizard?" he asked, walking over to Richard and TargetLad "What do you guys need?" He looked over the screens and monitors humming softly.
  15. doodaa

    The Diner

    *eats hot dog and french fries*

    Nom nom
    good stuff catsi
    nom nom

    *drinks refreshing coke which Quicny had cleaned with to much ammonia*

  16. Matrix looked around at the swarm of bugs. He moaned, and cocked his head upwards so he could see Danny. "Lemme check" he answered, and quickly threw his free hand around his quiver. After a moment, he grunted loudly in anger "I don't think s-" but he stopped short when he felt his hand wrap around the correct arrow. He smiled and quickly knocked it, firing the arrow where he thought was the center of the horde. The arrow exploded and oil went everywhere, covering the bugs. "Fire away" he shouted.
  17. doodaa

    The Diner

    *walks in to da diner*

    Gimme meh foodz

    *sits down at da bar*
  18. ((Well, we're kind of stuck. We, or I at least, have no where to continue from here ))
  19. ((*Hits thread with stick* Is it dead?))
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I might give it a shot. I've never heard of this group or NaNoWriMo, and I've never written a story. Well, first time for everything. Now, the most important question of all...

    Whaddmi gonna write aboot?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Write about a trio of bi-curious college freshmen girls sharing a dorm room at a college where evil scientists are encoding rabid penguins to explode by Halloween!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Opens mouth to speak*


  21. Matrix twisted his head so he could see the Peacebringer, and opened his mouth to speak when she screamed. Tentatively, Matrix asked "Who's Jack?" He was going to ask why she had screamed so randomly, but thought better of it.
  22. "Well, I kinda figured that" Matrix answered Danny when he reported it was a scream. "What I want to know is, where'd it come from?" He was still slowly circling, not wanting to take any chances. "So" Matrix said, loud enough for everyone in their group to hear "Anyone got theories about what's going on?" He slowly stopped going in a circle and lessened his grip on the arrows. "Mysteries" he spat on the sidewalk "So annoying"
  23. "Like I told him" Matrix said, gesturing towards Richard "I don't jump to conclusions anymore" He glanced at his bow when Danny mentioned it, and admired it for a moment "Pleasure's mine" Matrix said politely, and took the arrow out of his bow and stuck it in his quiver. Just as he was about to suggest hunting for Gust, he heard the scream echoing through the night. By pure instinct Matrix grabbed a fistful of regular arrows and knocked them on his bow, doing a slow three-sixty. He kept on alert, but whispered "What was that?" He kept circling, his eyes darting back and forth.
  24. Matrix smiled at the modern day hero joke. It looked like the roaches had stopped attacking, so he lessened the arrow until it was just resting on the string and wood. He saw the boy and the woman approach, and nodded towards the other archer for the help. "Dunno" he said, telling the rest how he got here "I was meditating on top of Atlas like usual. Can't hear nothing up there anyways, but now that someone mentions it, it is a little quiet" He heard the Peacebringer say something about the phones and almost face palmed. "Hey" he asked the two flyers "Are either of you Gust?"
  25. Matrix flinched when the man brought his axe down from his shoulder, and almost superspeeded away until he noticed that he meant no harm. "So-" he almost apologized until someone else spoke. He darted his head around, but found no one, until he picked up on what was happening. He listened politely to the axe and the man, more out of shock then out of actual politeness. "Well" the young man said, coming over his amazement "I guees the axe is right, althogh I don't make assumptions anymore, all it does is get me in trouble" He smiled, then outstretched his hand. "Name's Matrix" he said, of course, before he saw the horde of red termites coming out of the walls.

    Everything slowed down around him. The oncoming roaches coming to a near crawl as he reached at a normal speed towards his longbow at his back. He reached his other hand towards his quiver of arrows and laid his hand upon the one he wanted. He could tell which arrows were which by the texture of the arrows and the feathers on the ends for accuracy. He pulled the sleek arrow out of the quiver and knocked it on his bow. This arrow was made special, a non-lethal dose of liquid nitrogen deposited in the arrowhead. He drew back and let the arrow fly, an audible twang echoed through the soundless night. The arrow landed at the front of the termite army and a wall of ice rose.

    To any bystanders, it would have been half a second between him seeing the termites and releasing the arrow. He knocked another arrow, but didn't fire yet. "We'll shake hands later" he said to Richard, still keeping his sights on the roaches.