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  1. Jack stopped looking around and walked over to his comrades near the safe. He sighed and knelt down next to Dr. Lore and studied the safe fort a couple seconds while Rose talked. As she suggested tearing the door off, Jack immediately shook his head, saying without much patience "No. If there was anything of value behind there, tearing off the door could damage it. There are much more, civilized, ways of breaking open safes."

    The mentalist turned to the Dr. and asked "What are the numbers that you know?" He could have read her mind, but since she was not any threat at the time, doing so would result in severe pain. He scratched the side of his leg idly as he waited for the answer.
  2. Jack saw only black dust, which he guessed was the cremated remains of the figure, and sighed, getting ready to fly back up the the room. As he started to drift upwards, he heard a yell from one floor above him. A man was half-standing out of his broken window, shaking his fist and yelling at Jack. The meta sighed and kept hovering lazily upwards, eventually coming face to face with the man.

    "Do you know how much this is gonna cost me you piece of sh-" the man started, red in the face from yelling. Jack stopped his words with a simple glance, then rose his right hand and flipped up his sunglasses for no more than half a second. In that glare, the man half-ran and half-fell backwards, screaming and shouting words that only a fellow lunatic would understand. Jack's glasses went back down and he smiled.

    "Just what I needed to make my day" he said happily, flying up the rest of the way and entering through the broken glass, slowly going around the house and looking for things, although it was clear he wasn't trying very hard.
  3. Jack saw his energy bolt fly everywhere after hitting the man. As he started to raise his arm to send the figure flying out the window, Dr. Lore came dashing at him, grabbing his shoulder and flinging him outside the room, Jack getting thrown into a wall, causing a considerable dent. His eyes flashed red, literally, behind his sunglasses as he got to his feet just in time to see the Mastermind do the same thing he would've done, with somewhat different powers, but the end result was the same. He watched the figure fly out the window and explode in mid-air, smashing glass and making the lights flicker.

    Jack ignored the Dr.'s apology as he entered the room, sticking his head out of the blown window and trying to see if the man's head had survived. Seeing as though he could not do much from the floor he was on, he jumped out of the window, descending slowly until he touched the ground. People were looking around confused and scared from the explosion, and as they saw a man survive a jump like that, most started to run.

    If any body parts had survived the blast, Jack would find them, and if not, he would fly back up the room and assist the others in their search.
  4. Jack didn't know whether to cheer or swear. He finally got to attack someone, although from the other's attacks, he couldn't tell if it had any effect or not. He finally gave in and cursed loudly, then stretched out his right arm and muttered a word under his breath. The air before his arm shimmered slightly, then got more intense until finally a Bane Mace commonly found among Arachnos was gripped in his hand.

    "Ever since these stupid Rikti came along, this stupid planet's been training to their death's in psychic defenses" he muttered to himself angrily, spouting out curse words like it was his job. He heard the Stalker say something about the runes, and Jack could've read them if he wanted to, but his temper was extremely short, and reading wasn't the first thing to do on his list of priorities.

    The mace began to glow as it built up kinetic charge. "I'd step back if I were you, these things usually got a blast radius to 'em" Jack said to no one in particular, and despite common sense dictating that he would wait for anyone to get clear of the figure, he fired off a very large blast from the mace towards the paralyzed person.
  5. Jack made his way to room 1209 and met the others there. Dynamo motioned for the group to follow and opened the door. He followed closely behind, itching to get his hands on someone. As they went in and saw the figure, he almost cursed out loudly when he realized he was practically a sitting duck without his powers. Sitting and waiting is all he seemed to do now-a-days.

    Then the figure turned and spouted a couple of words before sending a flying, black, tentacle filled thing at them. Jack tried to dodge the shot, but got grasped to the ground like what he could only assume was everyone else. Then, as he realized what had happened to him, smiled.

    "You started it" Jack accused, much like a child as he flew a psionic blast at the man. If he had no defenses at all to such attacks, it could render him insane from pain, although to most metas, all it did was give a horrible throbbing sensation. That was more like a test, however, and his next moves would be based on what his attack did.
  6. Jack shrugged indifferently. "Team, alliance, all the same to me" he said before exiting into the air once again, taking a quick look around to see where his 'alliance' was going, scratching his left shoulder unconsciously. Seeing they were taking the helicopter, he followed them, not talking as he boarded. He usually didn't take the Arachnos choppers, but he hadn't killed anyone in a while, and quite frankly, he needed a little bloodshed.

    As they arrived on the roof, Jack decided not to follow Dynamo and Cassie to go down from the roof, but jumped down to the ground with ease, slowing down considerably just before he smacked onto the pavement. He circled his shoulders a little to stretch before walking inside, going towards the designated room. Anyone who was brave, or unfortunate enough, to get in his way was soon either propelled across the room or simply dropped to the ground, either in pain or just laying there still, eyes motionless.
  7. Jack still flipped his coin, waiting for Gregory Mannings and his client to get out of his office. He didn't have much patience to wait for something that involved killing, and waiting like this was starting to take it's toll on him. He put his coin away back in his pocket, as all it was doing was aggravating him now.

    Then Gregory and some woman, Dynamo Rose, came out. Rose handed some sheets of paper to the lady next to him, Dr. Lore. Jack, finally with an excuse to get out of his chair, hopped over the bench and stood behind the Dr., reading the papers quickly and storing them away in his head. As quick as he looked them over, he did actually read them and take in their info.

    After this was finished, he half-listened to Greg and half-went through the papers again. He nodded a couple of times like most people do when they're being talked to but not paying attention. Jack did hear Greg say they should get there as quickly as possible and nodded with meaning this time.

    "So we are a team, then?" Jack asked to no one in particular before he left.
  8. ((Ayuh, that's the one. I changed his powers and style a bit, though))

    Jack was, in fact, not startled by Stahlhund's sudden appearance. He gave again a slight nod to acknowledge him, introducing himself as simply "Jack" He stretched out slightly and looked around, seeing one woman who was looking at him with a deathly glare.

    Jack mentally shrugged it off and went to relaxing in his chair, stretching out and sighing. "This certainly doesn't compare to relaxing on the beach" he muttered smiling slightly.

    He thought about checking some minds out, almost did it, actually, but decided not to. The Judge had been on his tail ever since that stupid incident in Spain, and was now watching his every move, and any unneeded power-using was strictly against the rules.

    Jack sighed again and scratched the side of his head. As he waited, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a quarter, flipping it absently and mentally calling bets.
  9. ((Hope I'm not late. Took a break from RP for a while, but if Rebel or Devious thinks hard, they might remember me ))

    Port Oakes

    On a stretch of sand and rocks commonly found all around Port Oakes sat a young man on a foldable beach chair, stretched out and relaxed.

    He had sneakers that were laying next to him, and black sunglasses that protected his eyes from the harmful sun. A white tee-shirt was crumpled on the sand next to him, and he had khaki shorts that reached just about the knees. A pleasured smile was stamped on his face as he enjoyed the relaxing.

    A buzzing interrupted the peaceful scene, but he didn't seem to mind. He lazily reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone, flipping it open and shoving it next to his face. "Yello?" he said, idly scratching the side of his leg.

    "Daily job listings found. Press one to hear openings. Press two for more options. Pr-" the mechanical voice said, but the man cut it off and pressed one. A storm of jobs came flooding through his phone, from newspaper ads to his personal mail. Finally, he pressed one when he heard something interesting.

    "From the offices of Crey Industries, offering ten thousand American dollars to investigate the disappearances of Regenerative heroes and villains. Health and Dental included. Further information can be found at Crey Industries in Nerva Archipelago" the voice continued.

    The man shrugged and closed the phone, depositing it back in his pocket and taking a deep breath. "Jack's back, baby" he said, smiling and laughing slightly, a sure sign on insanity.

    Nerva Archipelago

    Jack strode through the doors of Crey Nerva, seeing two women already seated, one with an Assault Bot at her side. He ignored them for the most part, giving a simple nod to each while walking up to the receptionist's desk.

    "I'm looking for, ah..." he started, but the receptionist just nodded, saying "The job, right. Just take a seat, he's with a client right now" Jack nodded and sat down a couple seats away from the lady without the Bot. After a few moments, asking no one in particular "So, you up for the job to?"
  10. "Easy ladies" Zach said to Isabelle and the soldier, then sat down and thought about what Kruger had said. He heard the explosions go off but paid them no heed. He took a deep breath and said "I'm not giving you a straight answer 'till you give me some info" He paused for a moment, then asked "What abot their military power, eh? Strong? Infantry-esque, or more vehicular? I can already draw it's a dictatoship, although from what I've seen from my [censored] government, I'm not sure what's better"
  11. Zach listened to the conversation, paying extreme attention, not moving except shaking his head when the German announced his name. He followed the rest outside, his hand hovering over his sword for good measure. When the train came, he still didn't talk, but followed the others.

    "So" Zach said, finally speaking up "What is it exactly you want from us? You have your information on Reichsman, although you're not done with us, are you?"
  12. ((Sorry I haven't posted lately, holidays have me at gunpoint ))

    Zach watched the three metas fight, trying to make theories about why they would at all. He listened to the conversation of the locals also, and was slowly catching on. Apparently Isabelle looked like Vallerie's sister, which was impossible of course.

    So he stood there, sword at his side, deciding to not take action, due to not knowing what they were actually fighting about. Well, he was neutral until te cyborg popped a Psi Bomb.

    Zach whistled loudly and retreated behind the Axis troops, droping his sword in the sheath at his side. When they had finally stopped, and saw that Isabelle and the flaming tank were with them. He stopped and took a breather, about to ask what was going on when the teleporter activated, sending them to the hospital.

    After recovering from his post-port-dizziness to look around. He looked around quickly, and saw that the cybrog, tanker and Isabelle were there. He stroe up to the tanker, and indicated the cyborg by jerking his head slightly. "Why were you guys at each others throats?"
  13. One of the Hellions turned from the mob, a pistol in his hands. Throwing herself to the ground, Cinder drove some gravel into her exposed mid-rif. The shot went high, and Cinderstorm scrambled to her feet, unconsciously stepping towards Justin and Alana.

    Nathan saw this and felt that Justin and Alana had the rest covered for a moment. He raised his arm, trying to send out a couple of volts, only to succeed in sending a few sparks tumbling to the ground, fizzing on the pavement. Must have to let it recharge for a couple of seconds he thought.

    So, while giving his other known attack a second to get back some power, he again raised his hand, trying out the other move the hologram of Ms. Liberty told him how to do. His hand fizzled, and as if out of nowhere, a circlular prison of electricity appeared around the Hellion, zapping him at seemingly random intervals.
  14. Nathan took Justin's hand, and respected the guy had enough self-respect to shake it firmly. The small girl saluted him, and he smiled, giving her a salute back, saying "See you around, ma'am" He listened to Justin's speech, and being a war veteran,he didn't actually believe a word of it. He wouldn't express these emotions, as Justin was technically his superior, and telling a superior they were wrong in the military was like asking for a beat-down.

    He didn't need to say anything, because a new hero arrived on the scene. Cinderstorm said his thoughts directly, and he nodded to her, extending a hand. "Nathan Retz, although I guess you guys can be calling me Vortex"

    Alana came back, saying something about Hellions, the local gang. That seemed to be the topic, and he saw Justin run off towards the parking lot. "We should back him up" Nathan said, jogging right after Justin.

    He saw the Hellions and Justin exchange words, and then Justin go into what was obviously Tae Kwan Do, Nathan knowing some basic moves himself. As the four attacked Justin, the one that looked like the leader, as he was talking the most, would soon find a couple of charged bolts slammed into his chest.
  15. Zach sighed irriatably, then said in pretty good Russian "I would not advise shooting me. One, I mean no harm. Two, you will be cut down, and quickly. Now, I want to know why they-" he gestured towards the three fighting metas "-are fighting" Half an eye on the soldier, he looked on as the giant fire-man (literally) swinging a giant firesword, evidently trying to hit some unseen target.
  16. Nathan Retz sat in the stiff chair, watching on in depression as the two nurses hooked him up with the patches and the wires that would study his heartrate and how generally healthy he was.

    I should be used to this by now he thought, remembering how when he had signed up for the Marines, back when he was eighteen, and how they had done this. Just a standared physical test, that he knew he would pass, but he was nervous all the same.

    He would be surpried if he didn't. Thirty-four and an ex-Marine who was in great shape. He could run for miles with fifty pounds of equipment on his back and in his arms. He used to be stationed in Iraq, but when the horrible accident happened to him and his squad, he was sent home immediatly, against his own will even.

    He had no shirton due to the wires and patches, but next to hm lay a shirtthat had a camoflague pattern, and he had dark green pants to go with them. His dogtag, against the wishes of the nurses, remained on. If one expected it closely, it read 'Vortex'.

    He was yanked out of his thoughts by the nurse gesturing towards the treadmill. He got up and walked over, hearing the wheels of the machine that would study him screeching behind. He hopped on and waited for he nurse to give him the sign to turn it on. Finally, he was able to turn the thing on, and he started with five miles an hour.

    "Sir, we usually start with three miles an hour, just to get going" the nure said, but he didn't switch the machine. The nurse repeated her statement, and he glanced at her. "I'm fine with this" he said coldly, and soon pressed it up to seven. He heard the nurse sigh and go to her machine, grabbing a clipboard and scratching down the results.

    After a few minutes of seven, and then easily doing a couple of ten, she said he could step down. He stopped the machine and got off, feeling that funny feeling as one always did when stepping off a treadmill. "Your results were spectacular, Mr. Retz, now please go down the hall where a psychiatrist will ask you a few questions" Nathan nodded and threw his shirt on, walking out the door and down the hall as the nurse directed.

    He walked in the psychiatrist's room and sat down in a small black chair, glaring at the middle aged man with a clipboard. "We have your results from the Marines, so I will only ask one question, Mr. Retz. Why are you wanting to become a hero?"

    Nathan was quiet, a glossy look over his eyes, and said "Because Johnny had always wanted to be a hero. He alwas wanted to have powers and save the day, but he didn't have powers. So, he joined the Marines to save the day. We were in the same platoon, him and I, and he chose to go by 'Vortex'. He thought that was a pretty cool name"

    Nate stopped for a moment, then said "We were in Iraq, it was raining hard. So we were sitting outside with the rest of our platoon when lightning hit. Everyone died, everyone except me.

    "Something about my DNA and the lightning corresponding or something. I didn't care. Johnny and the rest of the platton were my family, and now I'm the only one. Johnny always wanted to be a hero, so I thought it was my duty to live out his dream for him"

    The psychiatrist nodded slowly, in their mock 'I know how you feel' way. The psychiatrist knew all this from Nathan's records, but just wanted to make sure the ex-Marine wouldn't deny anything. "Okay" he said, and continued "Just go on down to the office and and tell the secretary you passed and recieve your name, if it's not taken yet" he added the last with a smile, and Nathan stood up and left.

    He arrived in the main office to see a dejected looking man walk out. He went up to the secretary and repeated what the psychiatrist said, and she smiled and nodded. "Good for you, Mr. Retz. Now, the name Victory was already taken, but Vortex appears to have just opened up. There was another hero with that name, but he just retired"

    Nathan sighed in relief. He wanted to do something to honor his squad, and Johnny's codename would be next to best. The squad name, Victory, was his first choice.

    "Now we have everything except for your origin. We decided that 'Science' was the best suiting. Is that all right with you?" she asked Nathan, and he nodded, so she pressed a button on her computer, and aprinter behind her started to buzz.

    "Now, here's your PBS, a small box of taser-sphere's that will help you along your way, and here is where you will be reporting for missions" she said, handing him a small bracelet, a small box filled with electricity-buzzing spheres that worked like tasers, and a slip of paper telling him to report to some sciency-sounding place.

    The secretary walked away and grabbed his ID, handing it to him. His picure didn't look heroic, just him in a camoflague shirt and a dogtag, with his brown hair in a buzzcut that he would never allow to grow out. He slipped it in his pocket, nodded a thanks, and walked out, seeing a tiny girl with the man who he had seen earlier.

    "Uh, hey, I'm kind of new to this. Looks like I have to gain a security level to get a real mission. So, do I just go around and arrest people or what?" he asked them, walking slowly over. He recognized how rude he must've sounded, and said "Nathan Retz, ex-Marine" extending his hand.
  17. The blonde man nodded at the flaming Tanker, recognizing him as a friendly. The sword's nanites responded to his thoughts, and also recognized the gigantic man as a friendly, and the sword would now be unable to harm him since the nanites would dissipate if they came within harming distance. He also did the same for the girl hero, Isabell, and the sword complied.

    As the two left, the blonde man started to follow, but he wasn't as fast runnin as the other two, and soon he was left behind. By the time he was close enough, he could already hear the sounds of fighting. He stopped and pulled out the same small device he had used to retrieve his sword, but pressed and held the button for about three seconds.

    "Hello Zach, according to my scanners, you are no longer in your home dimension" a mechanical voice sounded from the device, and the blonde man, Zach, sighed. So he was in another dimension after all.

    "Yes PC, I suppose so" he said to the device, then said "Send the Dragonskin over, it looks like it's going to get fiesty over here" The device complied, and a small rip in space opened up, and Zach reached in and grabbed what looked like a big, circular patch. He pressed it against his chest, and a suit began to form overhis body, and after a few moments, it was done, and he looked the same.

    The suit was designed to blend in to any clothing the user desired, and was thought activated. It blended into his jacket and jeans, and he could still pass by a civilian, although a very rich one at that. The Dragonskin armor was not designed by him, but he liked the idea very much and just altered a couple of things.

    He kept on going, knowing he was safe from at least bullets, and entered to the scene as Isabell fired at someone, sending them into the wall. He wouldn't take sides, he decided, until he knew what was going on. Since all the people he thought he could've asked were fighting, he located the soldiers ad did a small, light hop over to them.

    "Hello, I mean no harm. I would just like to know why these people are fighting" Zach said in perfected Russian, gesturing towards the fighters. If they even remotely tried to fire upon him, they would be cut down immediatly.
  18. The blonde man didn't get much info except that the woman energy-throwing heroe's name was Isabella. After she left, he watched her dissapear into a sewer. He stood up, looking down one last time before crouching and preparing a leap. Before he did, he saw what looked like a comet stop in front of the hole and jump in.

    Now I've got to go in he thought, and again almost jumped before remembering the three in the alley. Wondering what to do, he figured that after seeing her leave, and he'd make sure they saw a glimpse of him going in the same direction, they would catch on.

    He jumped and landed in front of the alley, before taking a small leap to the sewer entrance. He slid inside and landed behind the living fireball, but made no move. After it spoke in English, he decided that he could at least chance a conversation, plus he was fairly sure he could win (as he always was). "I'm assuming your not a crazed nazi?" he asked, his sword in a relaxed but ready grip and position.
  19. The blonde man sat near the door for a couple of minutes as he rechecked his anti-grav boots and his sword. He nodded as everything was in order, and got up slowly, looking around and wondring what to do. He crouched, and was about to hop when the Comanches flew by. "Whoa" he said, and stayed crouched while the helicopters kept on flying.

    He tried to remember who he had seen before the light ate everything and turned Galaxy City into something else, and seemingly more dangerous. He remembered seeing the girl who shot energy, he had tried to talk to her and he ignored him. He also thought he saw two men running towards the tank, but that was all.

    Whe he tought he had them all, he remembered the cyborg who had ported next to him on the tank. "They've gotta be around here somewhere" he muttered to himself, but couldn't see anyone from his position. He gave a thought command to his sword, and some nanites dissasembled from the weapon and went to his right eye. He closed his left, and when the nanites were reassembled over his eye, most everything a pale green color.

    "There's some" he said, the heat vision giving signs of three people in a nearby alley. After another thought, the nanites were back and his sword and he was soaring through the air after a leap. Instead of landing in the alleyway, he landed soundlessly on the roof of the building that made up half of the alley and listened in on what the three were saying.
  20. ((I forgot to post, but I was pretty sure on what happened))

    The blonde man saw the missle going towards the portal and panicked. Either it would blow up the portal, cause a rip in space and kill everyone, or the missle would go inside the portal, hit something in the other world, and cause chaos beyond imagination.

    Neither sounded very fun to him.

    As the missle soared towards the rift, he jumped away and landed near a building, and was about to go inside when the portal sent out the humongous bubble. He was blinded and stumbled backwards, tripping as lights danced before his eyes. As he finally regained his sight, he saw the banners hanging from most buildings, and how everything just looked darker . He stood up slowly and looked around, wondering what had happened.
  21. Alright, due to difficulties in the beginning of this month, I finally got started today! *cheers* And...

    1329 words.

    I'm never going to finish. But I'll try, oh I'll try. If you want, the nano name is doodaa1905.
  22. The blonde man noticed no one was firing at him, so he took this time to let the nanites repair his body. He could hear gunfire and screams and wanted to get up and help badly, but knew he was in no shape. After a few more moments, most of the major wounds had healed considerably, and the man thought now was the time to act.

    He focused on an image of his sword, and the recievers in the hilt took them in, activated the anti-gravity thrusters inside of it (similar to the ones in his shoes) and flew towards his hand. He caught it, and by the time he was on one knee getting up, the sword was about half re-materialized. When he was standing, the sword was complete, and it started to glow a blue colour.

    In his right hand, he put it over his left shoulder, in a ready-to-swipe looking stace. As the sword grew brighter, he did swng the sword in an arc in front of him. Out of the sword came a torrent of pure energy, much like the woman's, straight towards the soldiers in the cobalt uniforms.
  23. ((Hm, alright, I'll go for something. Yeah, I'm getting Farcry 2, but I'm trying my best to wait for the end on NaNoWriMo))

    Matrix watched the other two go into the portal before he jumped through, ending up in Atlas Park. He watched TargetLad fly off, so he superspeeded off into the night looking for stores. He stopped at a store that read:

    Einstein's Tech.

    Matrix kicked open the glass door, sending tiny pieces everywhere. He ran around the store grabbing anything useful and stuffing them in his pocket, and was about to grab something else when a red bug crawled up his hands. Matrix flicnhed and the bug went flying, then more started to approach. "I've got enough" he said to himself quickly before booking it out of the store.

    His jeans pockets fulled, he felt around the pouch of his sweatshirt and found nothing. I still have some space then he thought happily, and ran off, looking for the first food store he could find. Unfortunately, that first food store was El Super Mexicano.

    "Taco-time!" he shouted before busting in and grabbing a taco, about to stuff it in his pocket when he noticed that the taco was blue. He dropped it and grabbed another one, and it, too, was covered in mold. "Not the Mexican food!" he shouted, and dashed out of the store before the bugs had even noticed him.

    He ran around Atlas Park frantically, and finally found TargetLad. "Hey!"he shouted to the flying archer "Where can we get some grub?"
  24. ((Hey, I'm still here, it's just that I don't know what to post))
  25. The blonde man only had put one foot on the ground before the explosion hit.

    The rocket had hit the the remains of the car, so it stopped full on impact, but it didn't help with much else. The vehicle was reduced to ash as the explosion sent the man flying backwards, the sword soaring in an entirely different direction. He landed more than a couple feet away than where he wanted to be, and the soldier was definitely not in his arm anymore.

    He lay there, barely concious and his ears ringing as he bled to death on the sidewalk. His heart failing, his brainwaves reacted naturally, and naturally the sword picked up on them. The katana distinegrated as the nanites went over to the blonde man, entering his bloodstream and making repairs. He didn't move during this, however, because to anyone else it looked like he was dead, since the nanites were busy fixing his internal injuries, not external.