421 -
((Kaos has.. like many of your characters, really good sensors. He detected the island. I was pointing out it was the same one that E had found.))
"Sir!" A troop ran up to Kaos. "We detected several androids engaged with a small raft off the coast of the island."
"Darnit!" Kaos slammed his fists down on the desk. Their covert op was now screwed up. "Get the team in the air NOW !"
"Yes sir!"
Kaos quickly threw on his battle armor, power gloves, visor, helmet, and black cape. "Darn freaking tourists..." he grumbled as he marched to the hangar. -
"I agree with him." Static stood up. If Workout Man or I can get through the shield, we'd be more than wliling to scout for you." He turned to Essex. "As for keeping her safe, you will be covered. All of us would die to save her, and by die I mean die." He managed to wink under the visor he wore. "Besides I'm sure you'd heal us just in time kiddo." he whispered to Essex. He turned to Hall. If there was someone he could trust, Hallucinogen was on his list. Hall would die for a teammate....
Then there was Experiment. A good fighter, Static didn't know what to think about the armor hero. Workout Man assured him that Experiment was a good man, but something was off...
Static had no idea what to think of everyone else.
"If we're gonna go lets do it now. If this baddie is as tough as you say we may have a small window of tmie to get in if you know what I mean..."
Dr. Kaos smiled. It was not in his nature to do so. A cunning and vile scientist Kaos only smiled to intimidate. His henchmen had brought him a letter from a Mr. Experiment. Kaos knew Experiment, but did not dare go to Paragon City. Too risky for him to be seen in public. That said he quickly had assembled his troops aboard his Osprey Helicopter as planned before. He would not meet Experiment for any reason, except to kill him.
"The energy signature was last seen here." Kaos pointed to the island Experiment had pointed out to the assembled troops in his base. "We will fly by, and deploy troops in by teleport. Keep you heads up men, we go in 20 minutes understood?" -
((Oh so now the secret comes out!))
Workout Man nodded at Essex. "It ain't that bad being able to make toast. Mmmmm toast.... Anyway, I seriously doubt he can do anything you can't. -
"Well yeah i could.... That's it!' Workout Man stood up. "Is it possible to make your molecules move so fast they just go through something? Maybe I could super speed through the barrier and run recon for ya."
Static walked over to the tanker. "Tap tap, is there anything in there?" He lightly tapped the man's head from behind, accidentally shocking him and making his hair stand up. "You would be completely exhausted after doing that and you might not be able to slow your molecules back down you idiot!" -
Static looked at Experiment with awe. "Hmmm, I stole a stealth suit from Longbow just the other day."
Workout Man sighed. "I aint got nothing."
((So are they attacking us yet?)) -
Static smiled. "Old Dr. Kaos has a place out there. He's stashed some cloaking devices and a coupla Titan robots he stole. I can get him to cover us on our way in." Static smiled. Yup, he knew what was going on. Still, better he keep it to himself.
"So what are we gonna do then?" Workout Man now stood next to Hallucinogen, wondering exactly why E had called him in.
Workout Man just stared at the screen. "I don't get it." Static smiled, watching the screen. He'd seen something like this before... but could he trust them? No, he thought, it's not important, at least not yet anyway.
Workout Man coughed again and sat up on the bean bag next to the exploding one. "What kind of idiot puts explosives in a bean bag. Then he saw Essex. Not exactly her closest friend he did manage a smile. "Well at least we have someone here who can heal burns, laser cuts, and all the other stuff E puts in here." Then he looked at his costume. It was red with a giant star on the front. He quickly put on his mask and smiled. "At least my costume is almost as explosive resistant as me.."
((so workout man was blown up yes?))
Static shook his head and stood next to Reikoff. "I know you from somewhere." He stuck out his hadn for Reikoff to shake. "I'm sure it wasn't back when I was a hero."
Workout Man, ears still ringing crawled over to the beeping bean bag and plopped his sorry self on it... -
Which Workout Man had just done. The man was thoroughly charred and his invulnerabillity was the only thing that kept him alive. "*cough* What the *cough* was tha *cough weeze cough*" He of course collapsed, on the floor. Static shook his head. "Amateur."
Workout Man turned to the trolls. "Guys!" Workout Man quickly greeted them in trollish. He had been studying the weird language for some time and finally knew how not to insult their mothers.
Static and Worokout followed suit.
"Try one of these." Workout held a capsule in his hand. "I use it to stay awake on patrols."
Workout Man stuck his hand out for 2.0 to shake. Static smiled. If he shook E's hand he'd probably give him a shock.
Workout Man and Static Therapy ran into each other in the stairway under very weird super circumstances.
You see Workout Man was super speeding up the stairs while Static super leapt up. They met up right before the entrance.
"Tell me you aren't doing something evil here..."
"Nope, just seeing an old associate, you know him... John Ballard?"
"No I'm not here to kill him."
"Let's just find him before his lab blows up and infects us with mutant spiders ok?"
2.0 Suddenly found the duo next to him. -
Similarly walking through the lobby was a man in a black jacket and pants,looking mostly boring. He got directions to E's place right away and hurried down. He was late.
Static Therapy came in similarly in a brown trenchcoat and hat. He too got directions and came down. -
((So would it be fine to bring in Workout Man and Static Therapy? They both have met/fought/fought alongisde 2.0))
((I'd like to join in, but can I just jump in now or is it a bad time? Also I have only read the first post so that I know the instructions on the arenas and whatever.))