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  1. Static looked at his master and then to Archlich. "Do so, or you will face the wrath of Master Bwighword!"
  2. Basically this is a poll to see what if anything you guys would be interested in joining RP wise.

    Your choices are as follows

    1) Some whacked out kill the alien onslaught thing

    2) Heroes and Villains vs. Rikti

    3) Heroes and Villains on vacation

    4) An alternate dimension where Villains ahve taken over Paragon City
    Well you get the idea. I'm trying to see what if any of my RP ideas are worth making a forum over.
  3. ((Juding by how i've had no feedback I'm pronouncing this thread R.I.P.))
  4. "We sorry." Radeator, Static, adn Kaos all stepped out. Static gave Radeator an evil glance before he stepped out. Afte everyone was out Static stayed behind to wait for his new master to come out.
  5. ((Not in the play pen cage. I meant from home.))
  6. One of Kaos' troops ran to him and quickly pulled out his toy knife, and tried cutting the thing. Then he smiled. Quickly he switched his radio frequency to an open frequency. "ANYONE OUT TWERE? MWASTA KWAOS CHOKIN ON BWIGHTWORD POISON! Help!"

    Meanwhile the troops quickly tossed out prototype flashbangs that they had found lying around.
  7. "Pwaway pwaway!" Radeator shouted.

    "I believe that he means parlay, but since I am no pirate, I will still kill the impwutent wat." Blightlord would see that Static now had quite a bit of power of darkness. Static quickly began blasting Radeator, adn then sucked awya his energy.

    Kaos smiled. Yes, this was the perfect plan.

    "Awchlich, Bwightword and Static are gonna kwill Rwadweator!" Meanwhile his henchmen locked and loaded their water guns, ready to protect their boss if Blightlord retaliated.
  8. "Awwwwwwww..." Kaos tp'ed away just in time to watch the bomb blast the Godzilla wannabe. "Hmmm, extra potent Rikti warhead, that oughta take care of the lizard." Kaos turned only to be shocked to see 2.0 next to him. "Must you always interrupt a good rant?" Quickly he pulled out his shot gun and blasted the hero in the back.

    Static was hit and sent flying, straight for the island. "I HATE lizards!!!"
  9. Static began strangling Radeator. Then he stopped. "Master, should I suck away his life fowce, kill him, or mwake im a zombie?"
  10. "Thanks Hal!" Static leapt into the air and quickly charged his suit to full power. With thte raw damage he would soon do, the creature would know who's boss.

    Kaos smiled. "Glad to see you to."


    "Yes you want to know what beep is."




    "I stuck a bomb on you while you weren't looking."


    "And if you try to defuse it, attack me, or remove it you will die."



    Workout Man grabbed the turret, ripping it off it's base and tossed it for the island, not caring where it landed. He then super ran to the island itself to finsih of the resistance.
  11. Radeator accidentally fired and missed, a blast heading out of the cage. "Bwightword thupid hehehehe!" The stupid child flew up high above them, until he hit the ceiling and fell.
  12. Radeator fired a powerful beam at Blight, but Static blocked it, stepping in the way. "I shall pwotect the maser!"
  13. ((I know, but basically it's temp. I'm trying to turn Static into my new Darkvapor charactor power wise.))
  14. "Master, I sense you want to change me. Please what have I done wong. I wanna elp u ake over e world. Just let me kill this pathetic excuse for a villain."

    Suddenly the dark figure blasted darkness at Radeator. Radeator quickly hit the wall of the cage. "OWwwwww me sowwy for huwting the bwightword's feewings."
  15. ((Blight, the thing won't shoot out electricity, it will be a massive, thermonuclear explosion!!!! You ruined it!))

    "Guh?" Static coughed as the liquid entered him.

    "Hey!" Suddenly he tried to form a massive blast at the boy, but then he grabbed his stomach.

    "Yu bwad bwad bwoy. Me-" Suddenly he coughed and sputtered. Then a weird dark mist surrounded him, and his body dissapperaed. "I am your willing servant, Master Blightlord." The figure of darkness bowed to his new boss.

    "You thupid!"

    "You shall die a thousand deaths for insulting Master Blightlord!"
  16. Workout Man got hit by the blast dead on, but thankfully he dulled out the pain and got back up. "COME ON! JUST STOP SHOOTIN!" His voice boomed and the Earth shook a bit. Suddenly he super sped for the turret, ready to rip it out and toss it around.

    Kaos smiled.


    "Don't think it pal."

    Suddenly more EMP grenades flew for the bot.

    Meanwhile Kaos dissappeared, reapperaing next to 2.0

    "What did you do to tick this guy off?"
  17. ((No one is really interested in this are they?))
  18. "Oops, musta swallowed a key." Static shocked the fool next to him.
  19. ((TP? Static has a literaly TIME BOMB about to go off!))

    The timer jumped for some unkown reason, to only 60 seconds remaining.

    "Failsafe activated, have a nice day!"
  20. "Squad, ACID NOW!!!!" Kaos shouted to his henchmen. Quickly he tossed a vial of acid to Blight. "Use this NOW!"

    Radeator began attempting to burn his way out.

    Static pushed a button on his armor.

    Suddenly a holographic timer appeared, matching Archlich's. In fact, the two would go off at the same time....
  21. Kaos stood up. "Mystic mastermind, I propose a cease fire, while we both kill 2.0 and his comrades."

    Workout Man clumsily tripped trying to dodge the blasts. Quickly getting up again he raced for the island, moving so fast he was a blur. Also he tried to zig zag left and right to avoid the blasts.
  22. "He's dead!"

    ((Will Workout Man hit a force field?))
  23. "That's ok then."



    Suddenly, what looked just like Burning on fire stood just outside Archlich's office smiled. "Im telling Ms. Essex!"