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  1. Jack stayed quiet as he sat on the rock.

    Light Strike meanwhile smiled at the conversations going on around him. "Tell me, is it always like this around here?"
  2. Kaos took a seat as well. His henchmen scooted next to him. One of his spec ops kept an eye on the strange Devin.

    Radeator flew over and sat down as well. "You can give me cold food Miss Essex, I'll heat it up for you."
  3. The hooded figure looked at the mountain master.

    "I am here, sensei, to learn teh ways of the Mountain school."

    Wack Jack stood up. "And of course I'm here to teach for you."

    Light Strike stood up. "I think I'll try the tempest school."
  4. ((Really, It will be explained to whatever heroes or villains that show up but here's a spoiler.

    The Rikti have gone to other worlds besides Earth. They have hired mercs to help them in a covert op to take out the heroes and lead an invasion. that's all i can say right now, sorry.))
  5. ((That's the idea. Don't ask yet. And as for writing blogs, I first haven't got a clue what a blog is, nor how to write one.))
  6. Earth. From space it looked so fragile. And yet, this was what the Rikti had tried to conquer only a few years ago.

    It was hard to contemplate the tactical signifigance on the bridge of the Odessy . The pirate captain stood on the bridge watching the various readings fly by.

    She didn't look like mutch of a captain, with her black leather jacket and pants. But those who crossed her knew, that she was the toughest human pirate you could find.

    "Still no sign?" She spoke in an authoratative manner.

    "No ma'm." The bots she had built manned the various flashing consoles.

    "Good. Tell me if they do show."


    She walked out of the bridge down the long corridors to her quarters.

    That's when it happened.

    "RED ALERT, all hands to their stations."

    "What in the name of..." She paused, not knowing how to finish the statement. She quickly ran back to the bridge.


    "They sneak attacked. They had a cloaked ship that fired adn took out the starboard engine."

    "Is the weapon ready?"


    "Great." She sat down in her captain's chair adn pondered for a second as the alien warships pounded her black battleship.

    "Is the signal device ready?"


    "Good, send it, then obliterate this scum for me would you?"

    Little did she know, that the Rikti were counting on her to send the signal. In fact, it was imparative to their plans....

    "Send the signal to Lord Recluse's cronies. Tell them that if they wish to gain power and currency to meet at the location..." The Rikti commander smiled. Everything was going according to plan.
    ((For those who didn't get the gist of what this is it's an open rp based on fighting the Rikti. Heroes and villains can both get the signal. Villains are told to meet at a secret Arachnos base while heroes meet at Atlas Plaza. Anyone can get the signal. If villains wanna help the heroes that's cool too, tell them to meet at Atlas Plaza as well.))
  7. Jack took in the scenery.

    Back when he had first become a hero, all he could smell was the undying stench of smog and pollution in Kings Row. Since then, he had been sent to all manner of rotten places.

    "This will be an interesting visit...."

    He was prepared to grow his own food, to live with nature. He was ready to work hard and not complain.

    But was he ready for some smart mouthed ninjas? This he pondered as he leaned against a rock and drank out of his flask.
  8. ((Both my hooded guy and Light Strike are gonna attend both schools. Shouild I go to one school first and then go to the other or what?))
  9. So far 2 looks good.

    I've got a few ways to mess with it to make it more interesting.

    If anyone wants to actually join it when I post it send PM or voice it here.
  10. "Good morning sir." Wack Jack smiled as he pulled out his flask and drank out of it. He returned it to his tool belt.

    "Ahhhh. Nice mountain air up here eh?"
  11. "Well, I was in the Amazon, on the trail of some 5th Column wacko leader when..." Wack Jack stopped. "Why am I telling you this again? What do I teach? I teach many things. I mostly focus on extremely quick reflexes, and powerful counterattacks that will weaken an opponeent."

    Light Strike simled. "IF money is an issue, I wouldn't have a problem donating some funds to ya. I've had my problems myself...."
  12. "To be honest, I just got here. I was asked to teach since I knew one of the old masters here. All I know is this, the best way to win a fight, is not to get hit. That, and cream the other guy, but I'm Mountain School teacher not Tempest." He chuckled.

    "Freaking ninja stuff..."
  13. The hooded figure smiled again.

    "If I told you, I'd have to kill you. No, I can't tell you or the people I used to work for would find me. Other than that, I can't say anything."

    Light Strike perked up. "I'm here, mostly because my old master says that quote 'you really suck."
  14. ((K here goes.))

    Out of the shrubs and trees came the newest teacher to join the Mountain Shool.

    "Sup guys."

    The teacher wore a leather jacket, white t-shirt, and black pants.

    "So, you are the students I take it? Name's Wack Jack, and I'll be one of the teachers over on Mountain School. Don't ask about my name.
  15. ((May I go ahead and add a teacher for the Mounatain school?))
  16. "Hmmm, never woulda guessed." Light Strike smiled. "Well unless all of you are gonna meditate, what brings ya'll here?"
  17. "Yoad's special brand of really nasty tasting stuff that he grows in his backyard." The hooded figure gave her a hand up. She might notice the armored glove on his hand as he did so.

    "Don't ask" he whispered to her.
  18. Kaos was somewhat startled. Somewhat.

    "Keep them guns up at all times boys. Ya never know what kind of mystical stuff is in that guys head."
  19. Light Strike smiled. They reminded him so much of when he was younger, before the Rikti war....

    The hooded figure looked at the old man. "Hmmm,Yoda, taste bad your herbs shall." In case anyone tried to look at him all they could see behind the hood was a full face mask on top to even futher cover his identity.

    "So, are you all gonna sit around and fight all day?" He looked around.

    Kids, they were all kids compared to him. He had been doing this for years. Still, practice never hurt. He'd go easy on them at first, judge who was the toughest, but when it was time, they had better watch out....
  20. "I used to be a punk. It's okay. Course, this punk could use a few lessons...."
  21. "Stereotypical ninjas you say?" Light Strike turned to Jake.

    " I will give you the first attack sir."
  22. The old man suddenly found a man in a dark black robe, and black hood standing next to him. "Kids these days."

    Suddenly from out of nowhere a figure in black ninja robes appeared, smiling. "What, I don't get no one to fight?" With that Light Strike, 18 year old ninja master had appeared, as he always did, out of thin air.
  23. "I have synthisized a Council cure for Vampiwi. This worm should be shot on sight men." With that he passed two vials of the anti vampyri serum to 2.0 "If you think it's a Vampwia you shoot it with one of these. Use the whole vial or they will mutate. That now good." As he said this his henchmen loaded their water guns with the strange blue liquid.

    "We so coool." One of them said.
    "Heck yea!'
    "Ready to kick some Vampiwa butt!"
  24. "But master!" Static dropped to a knee. "You are the great and powerful Bwightword. I am your faithful servant! You created me master!"
  25. Kaos nodded to Experiment. "Indeed. Do you know how much rations it takes to feed my henchmen? And no soda? That's just rediculous!"