421 -
The commandos posed a more immediate threat to the Malta.
I understand how Malta operates, mostly from facing the wrath of Soviet.
That said, I understand that they don't normally do all out assaults.
But still, these commandos were a bigger threat. The Maltans tried to attack while a team was out attacking Tharomar, but they were slowed down and then exterminated. -
Darkvapor smiled.
His zombie horde suddenly marched through the sewer, taking point for the others.
"You will thank me when this is over."
With that he and his horde charged through the sewers, heading for the next Hydra man assault... -
((True, think of the Russians lol.
But really, I don't think the Russians have flash freezing hitting them.
Also the heat was directed to the Troll I slammed against the wall earlier.)) -
"Hey troll boy, not half bad..."
Burning Icce as she liked to be called suddenly did a midair backflip. She swooped over the group of gun toting wackos and suddenly the air over them was very cold.
Too cold for a gun to funcion properly.
The joints of the guns froze.
And pretty soon so would the joints of the trolls.
Burning ignored it as she targeted Snikker and sent a massive fireball at him... -
((sorry, was trying to keep the violence isolated to my character at that point. As for the base, the Maltans have more than enough reason to wanna kill the commandos.
But that'll all get explained really soon, after the interrogation. I'll post it soon.)) -
She quickly took flight, trying to escape the trolls. Several thorns nicked her as she did so.
Quickly she fired a fireball into the center of the group of trolls, then swooped dwon, grabbing Snikker, and throwing him against a sewer wall.
She quickly followed up by trying to freeze him with an extra thick layer of ice... -
((E, is this forum dead? Just asking for referance.))
((Sorry guys, this just aint working out. Peace out yall!))
Wack Jack looked down at his toolbelt.
"Master, I need to depart. I am really sorry but it is extremely important."
Wack Jack ran back out the way he'd gotten in.
Light Strike and Static Therapy did similar, each with their own problems.
((Best way I could get them outta there.)) -
"Ernesto please." Jack looked at the janitor strangely. He then looked at Penny. "Maybe we should just nudge her, cause I doubt anyone here wants to stay all night."
He looked at his arm.
"[censored] cool."
There wasn't even a scar.
"Move move move! We've got Malta all over the complex! Emergency lock down repeat lockdown! Code red!" The sergeant shouted orders to the other troops as the same group that had attacked Tharomar now braced for an attack from the Maltans.
Having once beeen a part of Malta they retained many top secret Maltan projects. Still, they were no much under a direct attack on their base. The base was actually far above the city, hovering. The base was a giant floating palace. The commanods had stolen it from the Maltans and now used it as their base. Incredibly the base's defesnses were still online.
Suddenly a dropship flew by the base, buzzing by. The turrets fired, but a Hercules class Titan suddenly put an end to that.
Suddenly the Titan was hit by a massive energy bolt. An even larger robot stood there behidn the Titan.
"I call it the Titan Supa suit. Hopy you like!" The Spec ops troop in the suit fired the cannons and fried the Titan. Several more Titans landed nearby, but the suit made quick work of them. The suit fired the equivelant of an EMP at the Titans, quickly disabling them.
As the Titans fell soldiers ran out of the base and quickly secured the area.
The dropship suddenly took off, flying away from the base. The Maltans had other things to worry about.
"Base secure boss."
Back inside the base, which was in essence a sphere with a grav field around it that allowed objects to land on it, buzzed with activity. "Good work Titan smasher."
The leader of them sighed. He turned to the computer monitor and pushed a button.
"Get the next candidate for mutation testing now."
The commander smiled.
"Evac proceedure now."
"Rodger that."
Suddenly the sphere's anti grav generators died. Dropships burst out of the hangar bays just in time to see the shpere begin it's plumit down to the city.
At 500 feet above the tallest skyscraper the sphere exploded.
The brilliant blast in the night sky would sure as heck alert the city that something was about to happen.
Back in the city, in an office there was the commandos' target.
He looked like your average Joe, with a t-shirt and blue jeans. He left his office and walked out onto the street. Trudging through the streets he walked on towards the nearby night club. He walked in and immediately was blasted by a burst of loud music.
As he worked his way through the club he failed to notice a figure in a dark trenchcoat i nthe corner. The figure whispred something into a radio before pulling out his dual Uzis.
"Hola amigos!!!"
He suddenly started firing on people in the club. The target stopped in his tracks.
"Target aquired."
The killer grabbed the target and immediately they were teleported away.
((Why do I feel like Soviet right now with my Maltan dudes?)) -
The docs were shocked when they came back in and saw that the wound on Jack's arm were mostly healed.
"There's no way your arm should have healed like that."
"Oh, is that all."
"Good, now I'm gonna go find those guys that came in with me."
Jack then walked past the speechless nurses and to the waiting room.
"Ernesto, tell me, should my arm have healed itslef that fast?" -
The sewers suddenly were crawling with a squad of 6 zombies. No not Vahzilok, these ones had on medieval armor. Grave Knights and two liches followed and then came the dark and brooding leader.
"The Hydra will not stop me, ATTACK!"
Darkvapor smiled. His black robes, two black beady red glowing eyes, and his hood covered his black form. The being of total darkness sent his men in and the zombies and Knights quickly cut down the remaining Hyda.
Meanwhile the trolls soon found a new playmate.
"Hi boys."
A very attractive red haired female in a red and black leather costume landed in front of them. Quickly she froze their feet and let them stand there.
"You two are really dense." She smiled as her hands glowed from the fire that was now there. "Now, are you gonna give up, or do I have to beat you senseless?" -
(( Why do I feel like.... just.... drinking tea?))
Light Strike smiled. Back where he was from Jack and he would have been shunned. It was surprising how things change.....
"Very nice. How long do you think we are gonna sit aruond here like this?" -
"To be honest the whole thing is for show. Sure I'veg to martial arts, but I'm part mutant, and the mutant part is super tough and can regenerate."
Light Strike smiled.
"I watched that thing twice. Pretty good flick."
Talking about the movie allowed his subconscious mind to finish up killing off the teacher's poison. -
"So," Light Strike felt chatty, "anyone seen any good movies lately?"
The doctors that worked for Tharomar were quite good.
They found that the bullets had gone straight through Jack's body.
"Why, why why, can't I just go and get a drink?"
"We need to make sure that nasty bullet wound is taken care of sir."
"Miss, I've been through worse, heck I'm lucky I still have the arm."
With that the doctor quickly finished up applying a proper bandage.
"Hey, those guys that brought me in, you should really let them in here so they can get the stuff on the clipboard right."
"I'll let one of them in."
"Make sure it's one of the girls, the janitor, well, he's not that fluent in English."
With that Jack rested in the bed, but found that like all hospitals in the world, the beds there are too uncomfortable to sleep in. -
((I love that quote.
But yeah I was just blowing off steam. I've got a plan but I know Devious well enough to know that it won't work.
*hides under tablecloth* -
((No one can beat Devious?
I've figured out a way, but I won't impliment it in GoCC or FF unless 100% necessary.
That said, Devious better make sure he KILLS my neutral guys in both fights if he doesn't wanna get killed.)) -
I soooo wanted to PWN Devious for the first time.
Oh well.
*calls up Reikoff*
"I need you to do me a favor."
"But you'd get to PWN them!"
"I'm busy killing Essex, shut up!")) -
"She likes a guy with all his blood in his body?"
He smiled.
"If it weren't for my perfect aim you woulda been like the merc there, and I mean no offense."
He coughed as Ernesto grabbed him.
"Gracias again Ernesto, you were the real hero amigo." -
((Nope, no defusey. Good bye.
It's a three second timer.
Think terrorists on 24. MUWHAHAHA!!!)) -
Light Strike nearly coughed when the poison glob hit him.
"Uhhh, thanks for the challenge I guess..."
He wobbled for a second. Instinctly he moved his head to countreract the wobbliness and keep the tea cup alligned.
"What is this, freaking movie ninja [censored]?"
Light Strike smiled.
He had long ago honed his body to resist toxins. His body healed on its own, and one of the great things was it was extremely resistant to poison. He just hoped he didn't have to do any more wacked out ninja junk. -
Suddenly a body crawled slowly towards a mercenary.
"[censored] you all [censored] [censoreds]"
Suddenly the explosives tied to his body counted down from 3....
((I watch way too much 24.))
"Why does every hot chick I meet have to drive like a bat out of hell?" Jack was smiling as Ernesto tied the bandaid.
"I've felt-owwww- worse."
He gave the janitor a thumbs up as the speedometer suddenly reached 100.
"Gracias Ernesto."
Out of the corner of his eye he could see Penny.
"Coming from the wounded guy, after this I'm gonna buy you a drink, that is if we survive the driving!" -
((May I jump in. I promise my new 1-2 character only rule will apply here. I think Darkvapor and Static would be perfect...))
Essex or Hall might find this forum.
But since they haven't yet I'm officially saying it here.
The PERMENANT death of several of my RP characters is at hand.
But yeah it's your choice man. I've just god modded thesse guys accidentally too much and also I'm jammed with RPs now and these guys suck.