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  1. Klaus gave a little yelp.

    The clockwork horde suged inward, targetting the only living thing in the area.

    Really it wasn't that odd that they were concentrated en masse here; the building was rather close to several places where Outcasts and Trolls liked to hang out at. Furthermore, there was a rather large assortment of high end lab equipment in the building.

    Klaus ran back through the glass double doors of the building as fast as his legs could carry him.

    The clockwork came in moments later.

    They would find him hopscotching his way across the black and white tiled floor of the lobby.

    Almost comically he ran into the elevator, nearly tripping over a dead Outcast and hit the button for the basement.

    The moment a Clockwork cog stepped on the tile floor of the lobby all hell broke loose.

    Turrets literally popped out of every imaginable place in the room: from the pots of fake plants to the ceiling, and everywhere in between high powered laser cannons appeared.

    On a side note, in the dictionary, there is a picture of Doctor Klaus next to the definition of the word "overkill".
  2. Darkvapor gave a bemused smile beneath his hood.

    He gave a smug look at the motley crew of heroes and villains around him.

    So this is is what I have to work with.

    He took a guess and decided that the Colonel and Scorcerer were most likely the leaders of the team.

    Casually he walked over to them.

    "My name is Darkvapor, I am here to assist you in your...investigation." he offered a hand for the two of them to shake.

    "Ach this is great, just great. There are dead bodies all over ze streets. How typical of this city."

    The wizened German scientist threw his hands up in disgust. There were corpses all over the place, and most of them were those ever annoying Outcasts and Trolls.

    Doctor Klaus stood about 5'8" and weighed about 110 lbs. His neighbors used to called him "the kook next door", becuase of his rather eccentric behaviors. For example there was his frizzled grey hair that went everywhich way and had already begun to fall out. Then there was the strange little way he walked around, or how he often spoke to himself while walking down the street.

    In fact, to the average guy on the street Doctor Klaus was completely 100% batty. Not that you could tell him that. He had a habit of flash freezing those foolish enough to cross him.

    The strange scientist lived out of an old building inside of Boomtown. He'd moved there after the Rikti war in order to avoid his pesky neighbors and in order to continue his experiments. Many a hero had accidentally stumbled into his humble abode, only to recieve a nasty shock. That was another hobby of the doctor's.

    From beside him the doctor heard a mechanical whirring.

    "What is zis?" the man said in a heavily accented little voice. "A Clockwork toy?"

    He suddenly found himself surrounded by Clockwork. They had been intended to trap unwary Vahzilok but instead they now faced the not so mighty intellect of Doctor Klaus.

    "Get away from me you little tin can." he kicked the small Clockwork cog with his black boot.

    It was only when he raised his chin and looked out at the sea of robots before him that his jaw dropped.

    "Oh [censored]."
  3. Darkvapor gave a slight nod of the head and then walked out of the DPO.

    A swirling dark mist formed around his feet. Within seconds it covered his entire body.

    Moments later he reappeared floating above the battlefield.

    Deciding to ditch the theatrical he opted to instead assist the clearly rookie heroes.

    He teleported once more, rematerializing next to Energon X.

    With a slight move of the hand a shield composed of dark energy surrounded the blaster class hero.

    Darkvapor did the same to Bladewing.

    "Rookies." he muttered under his breath. "It's a wonder they get anything done around here."

    Seeing as how the two rookies should be able to deal with the mecahnical monstrosity Darkvapor instead targetted the two Assembler Dukes.

    From his open palms came dark energy bolts. The powerful dark energies should be moer than sufficient in dealing with the two clockwork, but then again these weren't normal clockwork.
  4. ((Wow, this RP is moving fast.))

    Vanguard DPO ,

    A black figure emerged from the Cap Au Diable portal. After quickly surveying his surroundings the man made his way for the Security Chief.

    The new arrival stood exactly 6'2" tall. Clad in pitch black armor with a long black cape and a hood that covered his face he stuck out like a sore thumb.

    Darkvapor walked over to the security chief like he owned the place. "I'm here for the Task Force." The deep brooding tone of his voice had a distinct authoratatative sound to it.
  5. Static was rather shocked to arrive in a Vanguard building. A quick glance at the GPS on his wrist computer told him they were in Cap Au Diable.

    At least if they got into trouble he still had his safehouse here in town...
  6. Static pressed two buttons on his wrist computer.

    All of a sudden anyone next to him would get a sudden and rather rude shock of electricity. The charged armor was up and running, as was the static shield which guarded his mind from rude psychics.

    He then stepped through the portal, curious what lay on the other side...
  7. Static looked around.

    They were all trying to disuise themselves. He doubted that would last long, but who was he to judge. He'd seen some pretty stupid arbiters before.

    He pressed a button on his wristcomputer. Text rolled down the screen as he pressed several other ones, checking various things both on his suit and on his backup ones in his safehouse. He doubted he'd get a chance to grab them, but you never knew...
  8. Static nodded. Gabe was right, this was what being a hero was about, giving your life to save another. "In that case I'm going with you." he said, a smile crossing his face. "Besides, having a real villain with you might improve your chances of blending in."
  9. Static walked out with Gabe. He waited till the door shut behind him before speaking.

    "Seeing as how you're in charge of this mission I figured your the person to tell this to. Truth is I'm no hero. I used to be, but I sorta snapped one day and I've kinda been, well for lack of a better word, a villain ever since. I've got strong contacts in the Rogue Isles so I've been trying to keep my ear to the Longbow chatter. That and I've still got my old Freedom Corps emergency radio frequency on my communicator. To make a long story short I can help you get around the Isles, blend into the crowds."

    "All I ask in return for this is that you please put in a good word for me with Longbow. I doubt I'll be able to stay in the Isles long if word of this gets out, and I'm sure Longbow would still like to throw me back into my old Zig cell, but if you put in a good word that might change things."
  10. (You didn't reply to waht Static said)
  11. The worst thing that could happen with this idea is someone walking around with Zeus Strike equivalent power.

    But the idea is very sound and I would love to see it happen in game.
  12. Swapping out our costumes? Static Therapy thought to himself. He looked up at Gabe. This isn't going to end well He decided to take his chances and while everyone was shuffling out of the briefing room he slowly got up and approach the hero.

    "Could I speak to you privately? It's rather improtant.
  13. Static Therapy followed the others, trying not to look too conspicuous. He hated that they were in the Freedom Corps building, so close to all those Longbow agents.
  14. Sounds good, no idea who the masters of mayhem are, but sounds good.

    I'd join it.
  15. Dr. Kaos looked up at the sky. In the distance was what looked like someone with a cape and a jetpack.

    He turned to his second in command.

    "When he comes in range I want you to open fire, show him no mercy." With that Kaos backed up to allow his men to get in position. No one shot him down and lived to tell anyone about it.
  16. Static shook hands with the two heroes in front of him. "Name's Static Therapy." He then turned around to see Experiment.

    "Hey Experiment, long time no see!"
  17. (Ahh what the hell, might as well join into the action)

    Doctor Victor Von Kaos smiled as he looked out the window of his attack gunship. The day's chaos had allowed hundreds of villains to enter Paragon City. Normally he would have taken advantage of this, except for what had happened about half an hour ago.

    His own Praetorian self contacted him, apparently trying to form some sort of alliance. Kaos was of course skeptical, but the chance to meet his praetorian in and of itself seemed worth it. Besides, if his Preatorian self was anything like him, he would try to interfere with Kaos' plans, and that was unacceptable.

    The gunship was about a mile from the target coordinates in the Talos area when the alarm went off.

    "Missile lock" the pilot shouted back to Kaos. Kaos' eyes widended.

    He'd been such a fool, thinking that his alternate self would have been honorable and played fair.

    The missile was coming in from the ground and because of all the superheroes flying around and all the gunfire there was no room to maneuver. Kaos braced himself for the explosion he knew would come...

    Seconds later the gunship came crashing down on the roof of the same building that the freaks had been fighting the bobcat in.

    Kaos was shocked the gunship hadn't exploded. Still, the crash had shook the building like an earthquake and the gunship had actulally gone thorugh the roof, leaving the front end poking throught hte ceiling of the top floor. Kaos slowly got up and checked on the pilot.

    Dead. Kaos cursed as he and the small squad of soldiers he had with him crawled onto the roof of the building.
  18. (Thanks, it's been so long since I played I forgot.)
  19. A man in a brownish armored suit and helmet started at the sound of his communicator. He tapped the button on the side of his helmet and the transmission appeared on screen. He read the message thoroughly before pressing the button again to close it.

    Static Therapy had once been a hero before becoming disenchanted with the whole world saving thing and had turned to villainy, making a profitable career in the Rogue Isles. But lately he'd been having second thoughts. Using his knowledge of the Hero Corps broadcasting systems he'd been able to keep his ear open to hero communications.

    Redemption , he thought. He pressed a button on the PDA mounted on his wrist. The screen glowed green and he typed in the destination for his teleport. "Here goes nothing." he said and the teleporter shot his molecules toward Paragon City.

    He rematerialized in Atlas Park. He looked around to get his bearings before turning toward City Hall. He walked toward the old building. A meter showed up on the bottom right corner of his visor. His suit was low on energy after that long distance transport. He just hoped no foolish heroes decided to take out their frustrations on the former hero as he opened the doors to city hall and stepped inside.

    "You guys here for the task force too?" he said upon seeing the axe wielding hero and his smoothie drinking friend.
  20. ((wait wait, by new day do you mean it's now 12:00 A.M. now? It will seriously affect those insomniacs still in the hospital after all...))
  21. Darkvapor smiled.

    "How little some of you know of the world..."

    He turned his attention back to After-Image.

    "I ask, because I have been doing research into ghosts, and I think I may have found a way to transform them into a human form."
  22. Darkvaor suddenly realized something.

    They had a ghost in their midsts.

    He slowed down and let his henchmen keep moving down the sewers and slowly hovered back towards After-Image.

    "Tell me, are you 100% ghost?"
  23. ((Cool with me, I can't get Jack moving again without Essex replying.))
  24. Kaos men activated their cloaking devices and flew over towards the island again.

    Meanwwhile Static turned to see Experiment get shot in the back by Kaos.

  25. ((2.0, if you want to reply to my characters Kaos dropped an EMP on the mechanical Godzilla thing and then turned around and fired a shotgun shell into 2.0's back. Classic Dr. Kaos strategy lol.

    As for Workout Man he just ran onto the island and Static is about to charge the Godzilla thing.

    Just catching ya up on my guys lol.))