421 -
*Blasts Chameleon with microwave cannon which vaporizes all the water molecules in his body, cooking him alive*
Anyone want fried Chameleon? -
*Future me looks down at self*
*Oh (censored)*
*Rezes Chaotic*
*Then impales him against the wall*
*Cuts Chaotic in several important places, then let's him bleed out.*
*Rezes him*
*Repeats the process 100 times over*
Justice has been served. -
Ghost tightened his grip on his rifle. He'd been sitting here for several minutes now, waiting in ambush for an unwary Vanguard patrol or worse a hero to come through. So far nothing, but he kept his wits about him nontheless.
He heard the sounds of someone approaching on his right. Ghost checked to make sure he was completely behind cover and then poked his rifle out of the fort he'd made using crates around him.
The red lens of his rifle was trained on an armored figure for a little more than a second before he moved the gun away. "Find anything?" he whispered over the radio.
"Nope," Radiator replied dejectedly. He took a seat on some crates on the opposite side of the room, his armor still emitting faint traces of heat. "We're stuck here."
Ghost readjusted his position. Leaning on the floor against a stack of crates wasn't the best thing in the world for his back, which was still aching from earlier. "Not necessarily. There's still that big warship outside."
Radiator snorted. "And just how do you propose we get over there?"
"Teleporters." Ghost retorted. "You or HK fly over there and find a way in, then teleport the rest of us onboard. It's risky, but you should be able to pull it off."
There was a long silence as Radiator actually contemplated the plan. He was about to say something, when suddenly the duo heard voices approaching from the opposite side from where Radiator had come from.
"Quick, hide in the ceiling." Ghost spat as he once again shifted his position. His hand graced the side of his rifle as he again poked it out of his hide away and into the open.
"Four bogies, all of 'em metas. [censored], there's Jack 7. And ain't that his buddy Static Therapy?"
"They must have heard about us here."
"HK, this is Ghost, get your [censored] over here pronto."
"Think we can take 'em?"
Ghost contemplated the merits of a fight. They had the element of suprise, and there was a distinct chance that Ghost could take out one of the team members in the first shot. Radiator might be able to distract Static. Yes, they could pull it off....
"Get ready to take Static on my signal." Ghost grabbed hold of his rifle, his heart beat was already quickening in anticipation of hte kill.
Ghost was already ruling out targets. Phantom Paragon would crumple in any sort of a fight, as would FX, but Jack, he was an expert in this sort of fighting. He would be a pain in the [censored] to kill.
On the other hand, he was on the other side of Ghost, blocked by Static. Ghost didn't want to risk missing the shot. Instead he had to choose one of the freebie targets.
Pantom was blocked by FX, which made Ghost's choice of target for him...
"Get ready." he whispered as he zeroed in his sights on FX.
Time slowed as he pulled back on the trigger, taking in a deep breath. Already he could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He savored the moment for a few prescious seconds longer, then he took the shot.
An armor piercing round shot out of the chamber and went at super sonic speeds through the air. A second later FX's body gave a sudden jerk. His helmet suirted blood out in all directions, the sniper bullet having gone straight between his eyes. The other three heroes immediately made a move to dive for cover. As FX's body fell limp and he dropped like a stone Phantom Paragon disappeared into the darkness. Jack rolled over a crate, disappearing into a maze of supplies.
Static was about to do the same when suddenly a bright green bolt slammed into him from above. It impacted against his bright red electrical shield, immediately drawing his attention.
Radiator fell upon him like the flood, lashing out with bright green attacks that impacted further against Static's shield. Ghost had to leave those two to their own devices now, he had bigger fish to fry.
He was about to activate his thermal goggles and look for the other two heroes himself, when suddenly an impact grenade slammed into the crate next to him, and detonated. The shockwave sent Ghost flying out of cover and straight into a wall.
Jack 7 had hit his mark. -
*Convinces Dinosaurs to go back to their world*
*On it's way out a T-Rex uses Chaotic 96 as a chew toy*
For sheer comic relief, *rezes Chameleon*
*Seals barrier between our world and dino world* -
"Ach thank zou." Klaus replied in a sleepy voice. He took a seat on a nearby box and promply fell asleep again. Should anyone need him they'd find that it's pretty easy to wake him up, but at this point he really wasn't important anyway, so they'd most likely just leave him alone.
*Accelerates molecules in my arm so that they can phase through matter*
*Puts my arm through Chameleon's chest*
*Pulls out his heart*
Yes physics is very fun -
Klaus suddenly gave a start.
"Ach! There I go snooozing on the job again. Vat did I miss?" -
Technically I'm not dead!
*Zombies eat my brains*
I sooo hate zombies
*Whips out gravity gun*
*Begins firing random sharp objects into the zombies*
*Then takes one of those sharp little metal discs from Half Life 2 and fires it into Chaotic, cutting him off from the waist down* -
*Comes up behind Chaotic while he's too busy playing with black holes and breaks his neck*
*Actually fails to kill Chaotic. He's now paralyzed.*
Oh well.
*Throws Chaotic into black hole.*
Problem solved. -
I fail to see how this new attack of yours would work, but whatever.
*Pulls out incredibly large laser cannon from out of thin air*
*Incinerates Chaotic*
THAT's how I roll... -
Hey, no one attacked either of us, and thus I had no one to kill!
*Whips out bazooka*
*Chaotic explodes into tiny liitle pieces* -
*Grabs rediculously large hammer*
*Squishes Squiddy with hammer*
*Uses powers to rez Chameleon.*
Wait a second, everyone that I've ever rezed turned around and killed me sometime later.
*Pulls out Uzi*
*Kills Chameleon ala Stewie Griffin 100th episode style* -
Jack 7 and the others nodded and then set off for the portal.
As they made their way across the grounds the team began to solemnly prepare themselves for the mission. Jack had a backpack slung over his shoulder that contained all the gear he would need. Static was completely self reliant, but would need to calibrate his incredibly complex battle armor for the mission. The others had their own ways of preparing.
Upon seeing the somewhat legendary Jack 7 in their midst many Longbow guards and leftover Vanguard personnel members would probably feel a sense of pride. Some of them had no doubt worked with him in the past, and even those that didn't at least knew his reputation felt emboldened.
Before stepping near the portal Jack tracked down one of the technicians and told him to inform Unai Kemen that Jack 7 and his team were now a part of the task force.
--Jade Moon--
Radiator and Ghost knew where they were going. Or at least, they knew the general location of it. Before leaving, HK 48 and Scarab had informed them of the location of the hangar. The two mercenaries were careful to avoid Vanguard patrols as they made their way through the halls, intent on making it to the hangar as fast as possible.
Ghost turned to his superior. "Why aren't we gonna steal the warship again?"
Radiator slowed down so he could talk to his comrade. "First of all, it's bound to be full of Vanguard. Second, it's not exactly good for keeping a low profile."
Ghost nodded. "But we can't let them have a working warship either."
Radiator grinned underneath his helmet. "No...that wouldn't be very sportin' now would it."
The hero team made it's way out of the portal room, making a beeline for the Vanguard command post. Once there they would look for Lady Grey. While Jack 7 may have never actually been introduced to her he had seen her before, and knew of her reputation. Some people back on Earth might not have trusted Vanguard, but he put a hell of a lot of time and energy into helping them. As far as he was concerned Vanguard had done more for the good of humanity than any other worldwide organization. He just hoped he wasn't too late to stop the mercenaries. -
He forgot to turn the meat grinder on!
*Entropy hears music *
*Knocks Chaotic out*
*Pulls Entropy out of grinder*
I'll let you think of a suitable punishment. -
All of my characters except for my most recent creations.
Seriously, just about all of them. When I started here I was...a bit of a jerk. I didn't think before I posted and I didn't listen to the advice of others. Since then I've changed the few characters I'm still using from there.
Darkvapor, for instance, was originally a magic overlord type. He's now a super intelligent symbiote that lives inside human hosts. He also completely detests magic now.
Radiator was originally a complete psychopath that liked to attack people for no reason. Now he's a much more calm and reserved character.
I think I can safely say that these changes were all for the better. -
What about the whole "I'm not gonna kill you" thing?
*Rezes Chaotic*
*Beats the crap out of him until he's dead.*
*Then takes Chaotic's body and shoves it into a meat grinder*
*Sits back and listens to Entropy's violin playing* -
--Jade Moon--
By now all Vanguard operatives had been alerted to the presence of the four mercenaries. Knowing Vanguard they'd have a standard shoot on sight order. In fact, Radiator would have been apalled to find that they didn't.
It mattered little though, because there really was no way out of here anyway. The team had no idea how much control the Vanguard team on board the warship had over the vessel, or what kind of defenses the base had against ships. Right now the most important thing to the team was gathering intelligence.
To that end, they split into two groups of two. The first one included Radiator and Ghost. The second contained HK-48 and Scarab.
Team one made it's way across the facility to search for transportation. Judging from what Scarab had told them this place was some sort of a manufacturing plant for ships. That's most likely where the Vanguard team had found their warship.
Team 2 had a two-part mission. The first was to gather as much intelligence as possible from the Vanguard. The second, was to sabotage the Vanguard operations on this base in any way possible.
To that end Team 2 was now on it's way to a secluded corner of the base. HK 48 surmized that this was a prime location to set up an ambush for an unwary Vanguard patrol. The problem was, neither team currently had their cloak on, which meant that they were totally exposed...
"Nice to meet you Termoplast." Jack replied. Jack slowly returned his attention to the Longbow guard. "Okay, we're going to need to go through the portal and join the task force. I know how these guys think, if they aren't busy fighting Vanguard team members, they'll be setting up traps for when they do find team members..." -
--Steel Canyon--
The Longbow Comander in charge on the ground was furious. His men had just completed a sweep of the area, and found nothing. No trace of the four men that had laid seige to the region, taking out several PPD officers in the process.
"This is inexcusable. How could you let them get away?" He'd shouted over the radio. The troops feebly appologized. Appologies wouldn't help him track the gunmen though.
"Alright, get cleanup crews in here and have Chasers 1 and 2 do a full sweep of the zone. Tell them to contact me if they see anything out of the ordinary."
"Uh sir," the rookie on the other end of the radio replied rather sheepishly, "we may have a situation brewing on the East side of Steel Canyon."
"What kind of situation exactly?" The commander retorted.
"A break in at Omicron technologies. A group of heavily armed men stormed in and shot the place up. They just wiped out the PPD response team."
Cant anything get done right around here? "Okay, send Chaser One over and as many Eagle team members as we can spare. Also send a message out to any and all heroes in the area. We may need all the help we can get on this one."
Frankie from 7th street gave a grunt as his team of technicians gave his armor a final looking over. "Everything looks normal boss," one of them said with a smile.
"Good," Frankie snarled, "how much further we gots to go?"
"Not much further boss."
"Who's stupid idea was it to put Jimmy and he's boys out here in da firstplace?"
No one dared answer him, becuase they all knew that it was Frankie who had given Jimmy his orders. Of course, if you told the boss that it was his fault he'd probably break your legs. Freakshow tankers had a nasty habit of doing that.
The delivery truck rounded the corner, nearly overturning in the process. Some of the tools the technicians had been using slid around in the back of the truck and Frankie felt his body sliding as well. "Hey careful up there you dolt!"
The truck stopped about a block away from where Jimmy had said to meet him. "Stay here, and keep the engine runnin'." The truck lurched as the tank jumped off and landed with a soft thud on the ground.
The Freak slowly made his way through the neighborhood, walking with the kind of stride that told people that he owned the place. Or at least, that he thought he did.
He reached the barricade a few seconds later.
"Jimmy!" he boomed. "Where are ya?"
"Jimmy's dead, and you're next." a cold hearted voice intoned. Frankie tried to turn to face his opponent, but it took a while to do so with all of his thick armor.
"You killed Jimmy an' all his boys, all by yer lonesome? I'm gonna enjoy breakin' you boy!" -
((OOC: Hi ya'll. Once again I've been stricken with the sudden and strange urge to write. These stories will basically cover the backstorys of my various characters and some of their more important exploits. Feel free to critique this as you please, I'm always open to comments.))
--Paragon City, Rhode Island--
Police sirens blared throughout Steel Canyon. Traffic throughout much of the area slowed to a crawl. Spandex wearing heroes were seen everywhere making a mad dash after the cops. It was pandemonium. It was also the perfect distraction.
On the opposite side of Steel Canyon, two armored security trucks pulled up in the back of a ten story office building. There was a brief pause after they stopped, and then the back doors of both trucks opened up.
The men that exited the trucks looked like something out of some sci-fi show. Encased in sleek opaque armor from head to toe the men moved with a grace that came from years of experience in the field. Not taking any time to sit around they instead made a dash for the open door of the loading bay. They were almost noiseless, their padded soles bouncing off the concrete floor. The two groups split up, each one heading in opposite directions once inside the loading bay.
There were two security guards at the far end of the room, dressed in light blue shirts and black slacks. Neither one of them was very imposing. Far from it. The two heavily overweight gentlemen were too busy playing cards to notice the twelve man team enter the room. They had no idea the danger they were in.
"Hah, I win again. Pay up man."
"You cheated!"
"Quit being such a sore loser dude. I won fair and square."
The loser reluctantly pulled out a crumpled up twenty from his wallet. He was about to hand it over to his friend when something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. His buddy noticed his reaction and was about to turn and see what the loser was looking at when his friend's brains were suddenly and forcefully ejected from his skull and spread across the adjacent wall.
A few seconds later the same thing happened to the winner.
"Loading bay cleared, bring in the package."
"Look out! Grenade!"
There was barely even time for the Freaks to process what their comrade had just said, before the grenade detonated, sending a handful of Freaks airborne. The others dived down to avoid the hailstorm of shrapnel that shout outwards.
Over the deafening roar of the grenade came the roar of an assault rifle. There was the distinct metal pinging sound as the bullets hit against one of the old beat up muscle cars that the Freakshow was using for cover. One of the Freaks leaning against it cried out in pain as a bullet hit his exposed knee. As he dropped to the ground there was another roar as the gun went off again, this time hitting him in the side as he dropped. The guy hit the street a few seconds later, blood pouring out of him like a ruptured water baloon.
What had once been a nice neighborhood was now a warzone. About thirty Freaks were assembled in a sort of blockade of beat up cars and just about anything else the crazies could find. Most of them were just juicers with submachine guns, but there were a few others mixed in for added firepower.
"Come on! It's just one guy!"
"If he's so easy to kill, why don't you do it?"
"[censored] this is crazy, we gotta get the hell out of here man!"
"All of you shut up!" Roared a Freak towards the center of the blockade. "I was just on the phone with Frankie and his boys. They'll be here any minute now." This news immediately dismissed any attempts to escape. Even amongst such a ramschackle bunch of hoodlums, there was a chain of command. Unless you wanted to get shot, you did what the guy with the pointy metal claw told you to do.
It was rather incredible actually that the one guy had been able to cause this much damage. One man, armed with an adaptable assault rifle and a good supply of explosives.
The guy was wearing a brown trenchcoat over his bulletproof flack jacket. Dark black sunglasses and a brown fedora shielded his face from the sun. A well trimmed beard and strong facial features gave the impression that this guy wasn't messing around. As he dropped down under his own shelter he heard the Freaks rally together. Suddenly a storm of bullets impacted against the van he was using as refuge.
"You can't win hero! We got 'tchu outnumbered fool!" The Freak leader boomed, his Uzi clattering off round after round into the van.
Got me outnumbered do you? All the better for me...
Basic mob mentality. Strength in numbers. The Freaks really thought they could just fire off a ton of bullets without aiming and kill him, a man who had spent his entire life training for situations like this. A man who could kill you a million diffrent ways. That was the kind of man they were dealing with, and yet they foolishly held onto the notion that they could scare him away by beating their chests and holding up a few machine guns.
It was time to show these punks what real firepower was.
The hero extracted his empty ammo clip and replaced it with a fresh one full of 5.56mm armor piercing rounds. He also opened the grenade launcher section and loaded in two more grenades.
He calmly waited for the gunners to take cover again and then popped out. He didn't even aim at the troops themselves. Instead he pointed the rifle at one of the cars that formed the barricade and fired.
There was a massive gas fueled explosion as the car was torn apart. He did the same with another car seconds later. The explosions took out five more Freaks and wounded three more.
The hero the let loose with the armor piercing rounds. He cut into the cars, taking out those foolish enough to take cover on the other side.
There was minimal return fire as he launched his onslaught. The Freaks were trying to avoid getting caught in one of the explosions that came as a result of a chain reaction of exploding cars. Several of them were hit by the furious fire of the lone gunman. Others hunkered down and prayed that the fire passed over them.
The hero didn't bother taking cover before reloading. He instead walked out from his cover and began walking down the street towards his targets.
The hero's glasses gave an eerie reflection of the blazing fires in front of him, giving him a sort of inhuman stare. How fitting that it would be the last thing the Freak leader saw... -
*Uses control over gravity to pickup the bullets and fling them back at Hellsprite over and over again until he's dead*
*Rezes everyone else for kicks* -
((Eh me two I guess. As for this so called Brzzting....
*Shoots Khell's computer*
It will no longer bother you))
Really? I wonder how guitars taste.
*Eats electric guitar*
*Amps explode*
*Goes flying*
*Lands in the lawn in front of Chaotic*
Hate...you....*Dies* -
Klaus eyes gave a little twinkle as they passed through the lab tower. "Zis...zis is incredible!" he muttered excitedly on several occasions. Many times he forgot to translate his exclamations into English, speaking instead in heavily accented German.
When they reached the hangar bay he gave a little smile. "Vell sir, I must say zis facility is truly vonderful." He commented, directing his praise to Vern.
All the while, his suit's advanced sensor system was busy trying to analyze and explain just what made the Labtower tick. -
Huh? Gene Simmons? Get outta my way! *Shoots Gene*
*Tracks down Perfect Pain using superior senses*
*Shoots Pain with harpoon gun*