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  1. very sexy stuff!

    The Cowdragon
  2. Fell for it until the end of the article where it said why bother with the sounds? lol nice joke. Here's the sad bit though... I would absolutely LOVE to have visual sounds in the game. I would give up my anime styled costume ooptions for it in fact, lol.

    Seriously though... FREEM! would be soooo damn cool.

    The Cowdragon
  3. I MUST KNOW!!!

    You said when you knew, we'd know...BLaze???

    Also, I saw my wife's corruptor using Blazing Bolt...I can't wait. I wonder why they made it a lvl 35 power though?

    The Cowdragon
  4. My fire/fire dom has been my favorite toon. This guide has been extremely helpful and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Great job!

    The Cowdragon