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  1. coachjames

    RUSH the RIKTI!!

    Okay, as usual, I don't understand. I did actually read the guide, a rarity for me. Of course, I read it this morning, after the raid.

    The pylons and stuff are easy. But I really don't understand the deal on the ship. I do a little more now that I've read the guide, but it appears that I'm the only person that read it.

    From what I read, after we board the ship, it seems like we should go from grate to grate, taking them down and setting bombs. But that isn't what seemed to me to be happening. It looked like people were just kind of wandering around randomly smashing Rikti. I mean, I did see a few people stacked around grates every now and then, but it didn't seem like a concerted effort. And nobody seemed to be calling out "Grate #1", "Grate #2", etc. So, I spent the time running around trying to help anyone who's life bar went a little too low. But much of the time, my team wasn't even near each other. I wasn't so much tanking as just busting chops. No effort seemed to be being made to corral the rikti in order to maximize AOE usage or minimize squishy death.

    As this was only my second raid, I do not know how it is "supposed" to go. Is that pretty much it? People just smash Rikti while a few folks pop the grates and set the bombs? I only ever saw one bomb callout, and several people obviously missed it because there were several skulls after it went off.

    At some point, I remembered there was a GM I was supposed to pound, but by that time people said he had already been done. I didn't recall seeing him, and we certainly didn't follow Mew's guide of pulling him anywhere. At least not that I saw.

    And then, we just kept killing Rikti until we got popped off the ship. Is that it? No "you win"? No "you lose"? No definitive completion? That seems a little wack.

    I was also wondering about creating a RtR channel, just for that. I was often missing the Broadcast and Request chat.

    Anyway, I had a ton of fun, got lots of XP and only died once. I just want to make sure I am contributing to the best of my ability.
  2. coachjames

    RUSH the RIKTI!!

    Guides are for wussies! Just charge!

    Mew, I really want to come, but I don't think I will be able to start making them until next year.
  3. Hey! What's up with this? Last post a month ago???