
Forum Cartel
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  1. *poot* =>_>=


    *sledgehammers frozen NAK crushing him into little tiny pieces*

    *poot* *vanishes in a splash of water*
  2. *pulls VTs head off inserts jello and vodka*

    *drops in ice cubes and shakes vigorously*

    *reattaches head to shoulders and screws back on with a good spin*

    =^_^= heheheh jello shots *poot* vanishes in a poof of corn flakes*
  3. *misdirects the train at full speed into a mountain side causing a TREMENDOUS train wreck*

    *chugs past the train wreck on one wheel through a hole in the wall*

    =^_^= choo!! choo!!
  4. *tap tap tap*

    =^_^= this drives the bunch of them nuts *giggles hysterically*
  5. =^_^= *slowly fades in with huge cheshire cat grin*

    *random parts start disappearing before finally fading away entirely leaving only the huge cheshire cat grin*

    *cheshire cat grin fades away to reveal teh moon*
  6. *poot* =O_O=


    *poot* *poot* *poot* *poot* *poot*
    *poot* *poot* *poot*
  7. =^_^= *giggles hysterically* knew that thing would come in handy.

    *poot!!* vanishes in a puff of cocoa puffs*
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    "This is Coldfire Kaiser! I'm stuck in Perez Park with two other heroes and we are pinned down by Kraken! We need assistance! We can't fight him alone!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    as coldfire said it suddenly the massive form of the Kraken loomed over him. seeming to blot out the lights of the city. As it reared back its massive foot for a bone shattering stomp, it staggered back and roared in agony.

    Coldfire almost couldnt believe what he was seing the Kraken was burning and the wet slimy exterior wasnt going out. It was as if the slime had suddenly become flammable and then ignited.

    Suddenly a bolt of fire blazed past him and struck the kraken squarely in its massive chest, followed b a series of rapidly fired flame blasts. Roaring in pain and rage the kraken spat a blast of acidic venom towards its tormentor the Red clad woman floating above the fallen heroes. the acid which would have scoured steel splashed off of a blazing aura of fire and plasma that evaporated it before it even got close.

    Bale Fire reached out to the creatures flame of life and enervated it infecting it with a cold sickly greenish flame that weakend and slowed it. then she blasted it with a blast of flash fire that disoriented it sending it backwards steadilly.

    Finally she delivered the COup de grace. reaching into the very fire of the world she was surrounded in a firey embrace, building up her power she took aim and unleashed an massive inferno of flame. the blast caused coldfire to duck and cover as he could feel the intense heat wave come off of the beautiful young heroine. the Kraken roared in agony then fled into the lake losing it self in the depths to lick its wounds.

    Exhausted Bale slumped down to one knee it was her most pwoerful attack and it took a lot out of her shed need to meditate for a little bit tonight to recover.

    Turning around she jogged back to where cold was hanging back in cover.

    "Hey their are you ok?" she asked the heroes. with out waiting to see if the responded she reached out and felt their inner fire. sensing mostly minor injuries and the disturbing sensation shed been feeling for the last hour or so of something missing. she unleashed a wave of radiant green fire cleasning the wounds and healing the majority of them. then she accelrated their metabolisms whihc would increase their ability to recover faster.

    She still didnt know what was going on but she was determined to find out. studying the runes on the warwalls floating aetherically on the dulled energy fields. she had never felt anything like them. she was well studied in mystic languages and runes of all sorts but the origins of the runes escaped her. they had the look of ancient atlantean but stunk of banished pantheon.

    Yep she thought gonna be a loooong night

    ((good start looks like fun))

    (( just FYI bales a 50 fire fire fire tank, with a blaster and controller version (fire rad fire obviously)) her origins magic but shes also unique in that shes a mutant from a race of sorcerers. shes an elemental prodigy so she thats why she still has her powers and ps the COT, and BP are looking to use her as a doomsday being )))
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    i like! although, i feel like CB's animation has been slowed slightly. maybe it's just in my head.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The animation is certainly different.

    Charged Brawl for blasters uses brawl's animation.

    Charged Brawl for brutes uses Jab's animation.

    Personally, I like brawl better.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i agree the jab animation makes it look clunky. it should be the brawl/shadow punch animation

    personally ive never had a problem with the jab power itself except ive never liked the animation.
  10. "the temperature." Serra replied mischieviously at the sudden mental intrusion.

    She wasnt worried at the telepath reading her thoughts too deeply; heck the last arachnos psychic that had tried it had ended up in the hospital with third degree burns from the experience. her mind was like looking into an inferno and she was sure the person speaking could allready feel the heat.

    She slowly sipped from the water she had brought enjoying the cool touch of the liquid as it flowed down her throat.

    As she drank she scanned the bar seeing a small cat like woman speaking in hushed tones to another woman. probbaly making a deal of some sort Pocket D was the place for such happenings after all. others moved in and around the area.

    Serra stepped up to the balcony and spread her arms and closed her eyes. Allowing the fire that was in every being to wash over her.

    She allowed herself to feel the subtle rythms in the flames but pulled back before she got too enraptured. It was easy to become lost in the passions that made up the bright spark of the fire of life in humanity.

    Catching the beginnings of one of her favorite songs she jumped over the railing and then flew down to the floor landing softly and beginning to dance again.
  11. On the dance floor a young woman was giving new meaning to the term "Hot Dance Floor".

    She was known as Serafina, but most of the heroes and even a number of the Villians knew her as Bale Fire. She was dressed in a red tube top and tight black leather pants that accentuated her athletic figure for all to see.

    As she danced her Long red hair seemed to flow about with a life of its own, and her Emerald green eyes reflected the strobing lights.

    As She danced letting the driving rythim move through her an aura of flame swirled up around her. the fire changed colors with the lights and seemed to flow around Serra like water. but that was as it should be for She was an elemental prodigy or so her mother had named her. the Fire was hers to control it worshiped her ,and sang to her ,and did as she commanded.

    Out of the flame came several small imp like creatures of purest fire. each one hit the floor and with small keening cries that sounded like wind blowing through a flaming tunnel; began to dance and contort to their mistresses gyrations.

    Serra though was lost in the music she didnt seem to notice that she was putting on quite a show. when the music was moving through her like this it became a sort of meditation allowing her to feel the flame of life that burned brightly in all living things.

    Radiant and beautiful she was over whelmed for a second and suddenly unleashed a wide Radiant aura of pure soft green fire. the green waves pulsed out over the dance floor accelerating the metabolisms of the nearby dancers and erasing any fatigue they may have had.

    The enervating effect on her combined with an upswing in the tempo of the music caused her to speed up her dancing and found her lifiting off of the floor. as the song came to its conclusion the flaming aura intensified untill it became unbearable to be around her.

    then a pair of bright firey wings flared out from her back, the keening of the firey imps became an soft wailing as they seemed to bow down in praise to their mistress suddenly they were sucked into the burning patch at her feet and the entire patch flared upwards to suround her then exploded suddenly in a shower of buring butterflys that flitted about before fizzling out slowly as the song ended Serra floated slowly down to the dance floor breathing heavilly but happily.

    opening her eyes she saw the onlookers applauding her display, and suddenly realized what she had done. embarrased her face turning as red as her hair she smiled weakly, waved then hurried to one of the bar areas for a drink of cool water.

    ((lots of fun ))
  12. =@_@= RALPH!!

    *ralphs on blarghy*

    thats a nice shade of green your turnin blarghy
  13. *uses rivet gun to put a steel plate on evil terrors head*
  14. catsi563

    A fond farewell

    Alexa noooooooooooo

    *pounces and huggles*

    *holds onto ankle to be dragged around*

    best wishes for a safe journey. may the winds of fortune carry you safely to your destination and may they smile gently upon your new task.
  15. *goes zipping through on a walrus*

    (^.^)(________)::: ZOOOM!!!
  16. *drops an ice cube and red fire ants down blarghys pants*

    *Giggles hysterically at the results*
  17. =<.<=



    * CLANGS!!! craban repeatedly onna noggin with WARMACE *
  18. *lotus studied the return letter. intently* they rruly were as skilled as she had heard. She had suspected the base defences to be just too easy to penetrate. everything in her intelligence dossier had pointed to an almost paranoid level security. defences layered upon defences that sugested that what she suspected had come to pass. she had been allowed in. not necessarilly her but a possible contact with the Ivory tower. trully intriguing.

    She replied in kind via the posted email she had held.

    Dear Foxtrot

    No need to be violent it seems we both passed some tests for each other. I must apologize for the attempted entry, you seem to have mistaken it for an attempt at intimidation. It was not I can assure you. instead it was a display of skill and also simply the most effective means of making sure that my message got directly to your commanders. instead fo going through layers of intermediaries. For the future I well most certainly deal with you through the proper channels, I believe you are well and trully as skilled as I have come to learn and think an alliance between your company and the Ivory Tower would be of great benefit. You are not to be owned we would never presume to do so. And everything in my intelligence suggests you would rebel openly against such control anyways. in closing let me add that I am aware fo the damage you did to the Malta group it was most impressive. but if you think the Tower an easy target or myself for that matter please find the attached file of a picture the heads of 20 of the knives of artemis's best warriors I slew them myself and yes I am that good. Again I apologize for any misunderstanding that may ahve arisen form my inital contatc and promise to make future contatc through prescribed channels as I find you worthy of the respect fo doing so.

    Yours sincerely
    The White Lotus
    Queen of the House of Scepters
    The Ivory Tower

    Sending the email off she wondered at the responce, perhaps she reflected that she had perhaps been a little hasty in her choice to sneak in as it had invoked a fairly emotional responce. she was dealing with children still(well trained and extremely lethal children) but children none the less. she had felt the mages wards felt the telepathic presence dogging her steps the patrols and hard security measures had been difficult but not impossible the more esoteric ones had taken some serious work. if this was how they dealt with intruders they expected she pitied the intruder that was not invited.
    sitting back she awaited the responce and thought. Yes, the kids are all right.
  19. 0000 hours, the Foxtrot Company Base, Rogue Ilses

    A shadow detaches itself from the rest and moves through the base with a purpose. No sound is made. not a hint of her presence is ever given. Special techniques practiced since childhood enable her To fool sensors and infared scanners. pressure plates on the floor are bypassed with acrobatic ease. Patrols keen eyed and eared are never aware of anything save a growing unease as a silent figure bypasses them as well.

    In Her Bed Charly herself wakes from a fitful dream of shadows. her training and instincts informing her that she is in mortal danger.

    She looks around slowly holding a pistol in a steady hand and a knife in the other. slowly she scans the shadows of the room seeking the source of her discomort.

    swiftly she turns on the light but the revealed room holds no answers. a quick call made to security reveals no intruders or threats to the company detected.

    "Must have been a dream" she thought to herself more to convince herself then anyone else.

    As she lay down returning the knife to its sheath and the pistol to its holster, she felt something under her pillow. A shock ran through ehr as she pulled it out. A letter wrapped in a velvet envelope.she studied it in shock as she was positive that it had not been their before.

    Looking at the envelope she saw that it was a fine velvet, and stamped in wax. the sigil was of a tower surrounded by a sword, a moon, an anarchy symbol, an rune she recognized as ancient celtic for dreams, and a regal scepter sitting at the top of the tower itself.

    Opening it cautiously she studied its contents her young eyes growing wider at the words she read. words written in a soft but firm hand.

    Dear Charly

    Greetings to you company commander. I am the White Lotus Daiyamo of Clan yoshima and Monarch of the House of Scepters of the Ivory Tower. You may or may not have heard of us so as to not waste your time I we'l elaborate.

    The Ivory Tower are the Elite of the Rogue Ilses. We boast (quite rightly I can say with no brggadacio) a collection of some of the finest and most powerful beings on the planet. we hold control of vast resources and an well connect network of spies and informants. We are rapidly rising in the esteem of Arachnos both as a potential Ally and as a threat. We have eliminated many Longbow agents and any other threat that has stood in our way. including several so called superheroes.

    I am writing this missive to you on behalf of myself and My Lord Supremacy. We have ben aware of your Activites for sometime now and I must say that I am impressed. for your young age you and your companions have reaked a fair amount of havoc. I also am impressed with your loyalty to each other and your company. Loyalty is a Value that is Highly prized in the House of Scepters. as Loyalty is at The Heart of its beliefs.

    in closing, My Lord Supremacy is seeking new and skilled allies with which to strenthen his hand and spread his influence. I believe you and yours would make excellent allies and I invite you to join in a coalition with The Ivory Tower and its many allies(some of which you may have heard of Black Dawn, Xevos Legion to name some of the more prominent ones) This coalition I feel well benefit both of us a great deal. You well gain from the extensive resources at our disposal, and we well gain from the lethal skills at yours.

    If this is acceptable to you please send me a message via the Broker named Desdemona the Glint. She well pass along the message and we well arrainge to make contact at a future date and make preparations to begin what I hope to be a full and prosperous alliance.

    Untill then

    White Lotus
    Queen of the House of Scepters
    of the Ivory Tower
  20. *reattaches NAKS head to hsi neck. replaces brain with a tickle me elmo brain*

    *uses Howling twilight to rez NAK*

    *sits back to watch the insanity* =^_^=
  21. as i was going to st ives I met a man with 20 wives
    each wife had 20 cats, each cat had 20 rats.
    my flamethrower prowess was much in use as i did cook all their gooses. how many were going to ST ives?
    I have no clue but they cook nicely
  22. YAY me and my poxiness

    as for you mr poop bob triangle shorts why dont you do what i told blarghy to do, go in that round rubber room and sit in the corner.

  23. HA a pox upon all those who pox those who dare or do not dare to enter the random games section
  24. The Coming of Grahn

    What makes a monster? such a question has been asked many times, and debated throughout history by philosophers.

    In the case of Erich Brodsky a former arachnos spy, many surmise that the accident that changed him into Grahn only brought out what was allready there.

    Erich Brodsky had infiltrated the FSBA under the guise of a lab technician. working in the S.E.R.A.P.H., and D.A.T.A. labs under the guise of Wilhelm Schmidt. Erich or Wilhelm as he was then known passed along many secrets to his Arachnos masters. Erich was a skilled spy with a background in scientific research. this enabled him to fit in with the others and to elicit information from them. Professor St.John-Smythe had come to suspect a leak but could not confirm it as Brodsky was very efficient at covering his tracks.

    Having no proof yet growing more suspiscious, Professor St.John-Smythe initiated a plan to unveil the suspected mole. He unveiled a new design for a microfusion power supply for jetpacks, powered armor,and such. He also spoke in passing to a Heroine named Psi-Lance that he knew who the leak in S.E.R.A.P.H. was. Later that night Brodsky attempted to assasinate Professor Smythe with a carbomb. the Professor was saved by Psi-Lance at the last second.

    Using her mental abilities Psi-Lance was able to find the psychic imprint of Erich Brodsky on the device, and Professor St.John-Smythe confirmed that Brodsky had access to the materials needed to make the bomb. Further investigation showed a well covered up trail of information drops that brodsky had engineered including the leak of the new power system plans. Which the professor had put several computer tags on to trace the data.Using this information, the heroine and the professor informed the police, and confronted brodsky with their proof.

    Confident that he could escape brodsky denied their claims stalling for time. But a quick thinking deception by Psi-Lance caught brodsky off guard and made him reveal through his surface thoughts his true allegiance. throwing down a flashbang he had concealed brodsky attempted escape. but a telekinetic blast by the heroine knocked him through a pair of doors and into a laboratory that Positron had been using for experiments to safely store the excess of radioactive energy that he sometime sloughed off. Staggering up his flailing hand activated the device and Brodskyw as exposed to a massive burst of radiation. But instead of killing him as it should have. The radiation initated an unholy transformation.

    Brodsky grew in height to nearly 8 feet, and his musculature expanded to tremendous proportions. His skin grew dark green and scaly taking on a texture likend to a combination of a crocdiles and a pythons. His eyes became black and pupiless like a sharks. and his ears became flared like a bats.

    Standing in the green glow of the radiation surrounding him, Brodsky Roared. A Roar of rage, power, and pain. A deafening roar that shattered glass within the building and for a mile around. A roar that was heard as far away as Steel Canyon. A roar that heralded the birth of a monster into the world. A roar whose sound would become the creatures name. GRAAAAAAAHHHHNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!

    Lashing out Grahn smashed his way out of the lab. His actions causing an explosion that The heroine Psi-Lance was only barely able to contain at great cost to herself. an action that saved many lives. gathering his massive legs beneath him Grahn leapt straight up blasting through the reinfored roofing like a balistic missle. his inital leap carrying him to the plaza. and catching by suprise a group of young heroes speaking with Miss Liberty. Grahn wasted no time and attacked with a terifying ferocity. The medicom system was directly responsible for saving the lives of at least a dozen of the young heros and heroines that day.

    Leaving the defeated heros on the ground Grahn roared his victory to the world smashing his hands against his chest like some grotesque ape. then proceeded to leap to the sky, in a prodigious bound that carried him clear to the Atlas Park warwall separating Atlas form Steel Canyon. There He displayed his most terrifying aspect. Even though drunk on power and rage, Grahn remained fully posessed of his intellect. displaying a devlish cunning Grahn avoided the gate and the police drones. Grahn reared back and proceeded to smash his way through the Warwall. a trully stupendous feat. tearing and crushing his way through the nearly 200 ft thick structure, and exploding out the other side.

    Crashing his way through a building in front of him he leapt through the air landing nearly at Blyde square. There he was met by a rapidly put together force of Longbow special forces and Freedom Corp operatives backed up by Paragon SWAT teams. And above them the Freedom Phalanxe quickly gathered after Miss LIberty had alerted Positron to the danger. Positron, his protege Valkyrie, Swan, Manticore, Synapse, Mnyx, The Back Alley brawler, Citadel, and Sister Psyche, and Aurora Borealis. Statesman was off in another dimension having been captured by his alternate version Tyrant. word was that The Demolition Girls led by Alicia Artica were allready in the process of rescuing him.

    Even without their leader the Freedom Phalanxe was a power unto itself. Positron ordered Grahn to surrender. Grahns responce was devestating. Stomping his foot onto the ground he caused a massive shockwave that threw many of the troops and heroes off their feet. Then He leapt into the fray. a massive battle ensuded a battle still talked about to this day. Clapping his massive hands together Grahn caused a sonic boom that shattered windows for a mile in every direction and knocked out more then a third of the troops including stunning Manticore and Sister Psyche, and Aurora.

    The Longbow and Freedom Corp troops fought back valiantly laying down a withering barrage of return fire. But Nothing seemed to work. Grahn seemed invincible and unstoppable. The Back Alley Brawler and Citadel engaged Grahn in an incredible hand to hand fight but each one fell in turn. their energy enhanced punches seeming to only enrage the creature further. Synapse moved like a lightning bolt, dodgeing sledgehammer blows and peppering his massive assailant with lightning bolts. Swan blasted away with her light based powers sending blasts of light into Grahn, Minx slashed away with her claws detemrinedly. Valkyrie used her halbred with lethal skill. Positron used all the impressive power at his command. Irradiating Grahn with doses of neutrinos and x-rays in an attemp to weaken him; But all for naught.

    Grahn was unyeilding in his defiance though, and seemed to feed off Positrons attacks growing in power with each passing second. his return strikes were devestating. haymaker blows dispatching Citadel and the Brawler. Using a crashed Longbow chaser he took synpase and minx out of the fight then threw the unconscious heroes like ragdolls knocking swan out. Then with an incredible Leap he slammed into Positron and with a crushing grip nearly cracked his armored shell.

    Positron was only barely able to escape through use of an underhanded but effective tactic. A quick blast of x-rays into Grahns eyes blinded the creature temporarilly allowing Positron to fly upwards out of the atmosphere where he could safely repair his armor.

    Nothing it seemed could stop Grahn. then a massive thunderbolt crashed into the Monster. Followed by a Star Spangled figure. Statesman freed by the Demolition Girls and given enough time to return by the desparate heroic stand of the phalanxers. Crashed into Grahn with a thunderous impact that registered on richter scales in california. Punches that could shatter mountains were exchanged between the 2 combatants. A battle thatleft onlookers stunned.

    Yet in the end the massive onslaught of Grahn was not to be stopped by even the Mighty Statesman. Knocked unconscious by a thunderous overhand smash. Standing over his defeated Foe Grahn roared his triumph to the Sky several times. only to be interrupted by the Demolition Girls. Who had returned from the Praetorian dimension. rushing to the scene to witness Statesman fall.

    the Demolition Girls attacked courageously, and with a cunning plan. using there blasters, scrappers, and tankers they engaged Grahn directly. while Alicia Artica, her daughter Ariana, and North Wind and Icy Angel, combined their ice control powers to slowly but steadily lower Grahns core temperature to near freezing. slowly but surely Grahn slowed and soon he fell. Frozen in an block of ice stronger then an iceberg. Positron would return and together the heros and Freedom Corp soldiers would transfer Grahns slumbering form to the Zig. Where using his powers Positron drained away the excess of energy flowing through the massive creature that had once been Erich Brodsky. greatly reducing its formidiable power. Grahn was sentenced to be confined for life in a hotsleep chamber through the use of a synaptic inhibitor that kept him in a calm state.

    It seemed the nightmare would be over then. More then a third of Steel Canyon and a portion of Atlas Park had been destroyed. Many brave Longbow and Freedom Corp soldiers had sacrificed their lives fighting Grahn and in rescue efforts after the battle. the property damage would stretch into the millions of dollars. Despite that though. It seemd all would be well untill the day came when Arachnos troops attacked the Zig and freed many of the prisoners, including Grahn himself. What plans he may have are unknown but one thing is certain they well involve devestation on a massive scale.