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  1. I agree BU+AS(from hide) usually on the boss.
    I also use it as part of an attack chain sometimes. What I normally do is try to anticpate the hit, if it even does hit. As soon goes into his attack animation, I use AS, and it usually connects.
    Another one I've experimented with (but doesn't always work) is Teleport Foe(to me from far away)+AS
  2. buzzkiller99

    I want pirates!

    Originally Posted by Chaos_String View Post

    YES PLEASE!!!!!! Nothing says EVIL like a gang of angry clowns.

    Tier 1 Clowns: Throw pies of doom and smack people with their big oversize gloves.

    Tier 2 Clowns: Smashes people with oversized, plastic mallet and foot stomps with large oversized shoes

    Tier 3 Clowns: Use a combination illusion and Negative controls because clowns haunt you in your dreams.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post

    I like them to use their ranged attacks until the enemy gets closer, because that's just my play style. I put them in "attack mode" they run out to "ranged attack" range and huck a shuriken or take a bow shot. As soon as they do, I put them in "heel" mode, and they run back toward me. As soon as they are back near me, I switch them back to attack mode, by then the ranged attack have usually recharged and they throw or shoot again.
    I do that too. Since all my commands are bound to keys (Sandophine's guide), I press the key for "Aggressive/Attack My Target" and they attack from range. Then while they're shooting, I immediately press the key for "Body Guard" mode to keep them near me, then I immediately press the key for "Aggressive/Attack My Target" again. It may seem tideous, but it's really only a few key presses and it keeps those morons in line.
  4. I also would love to see Water Control. A cool idea would be if there was one water power in the set that worked in conjunction with Electric powers, the same way oil slick and fire powers do.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    This always strikes me as weird - to come in and say you've been playing since day one yet you haven't played for the past 4 years.

    Seriously, if you look at the meaning of the first phrase (playing since day one) - wouldn't that mean you did not take a "four year break"?

    Not to pick on OP, but it seems weird every time I see someone back after an extended break who makes a statement like "been playing since Beta (or whatever)" when what they are reallly saying is that they are back and have not been playing since Beta.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't find it wierd at all. Maybe worded incorrectly, but definitely not wierd. What was meant was, I bought CoH the day it came out, played it quite often for a year or two. Then stopped playing when I graduated, got married, moved, and started a family. Hence the 4 year absence. Now recently, I picked it back up, although since I do have other things going on in my life, I don't play as often as I want, and now that my time IS limited, I'm having a hard time picking a powerset and staying with it.
  6. Ok, so I've been playing CoH since day one, however with an almost 4 year gap since I last played. My biggest problem is deciding on an arch and actually sticking with it. I've NEVER gone higher than level 20 with any of my toons. I don't know if it's because there are so many options/power combinations that I want to try them all, or if it's because I just like designing heros and really put alot of work into them.

    Can anyone suggest a powerset, that is fun to play, that I'll hopefully end up getting to 50. It's doesn't have to be the UBERIKILLZALLZ build either. Just something enjoyable from level 1-50.
