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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
    Holy wow. My NCsoft launcher is indicating a 2 gig patch on the beta server.
    Wow! What the heck are they updating over there?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    (its scheduled for release next week, right?)
    Nice try.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    *points in a random direction*

    Point him to Kings Row. There's a few of his kind there. The Lost, that is.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It'd make a nice change - the community team need to stop wasting time with the community and get to work on fixing the bugs in the game.
    They should leave it up to the animators to fix the bugs.
  5. Thanks for chiming in, now get ye some rest! We'll need you 100% for tomorrow's Ustream!
  6. Oh... and apparently Zwillinger is out sick, so get well soon!
  7. You don't think they're trying to sell convenience? Isn't that all a in-game store ever is? Content, convenience, and services?
  8. I am a fan of this newbie story. *click*

  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Yes - several people on the forums have said that the stuff we can buy in the Paragon Market counts as an "I win" button.
    What exactly counted as an "I win" button? I win at purchasing a Server Transfer? I win at buying that belt from the Magic Pack? I win at buying a Character Rename?
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Okay... I am totally confused........

    If the Ustream was canceled...

    What was that video that I was just watching where Zwil was singing in the shower???
    It was his final attack: Ultimate Tangent.

    I... I'm sorry you've experienced it.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by golden girl View Post
    then you need to buy the "i win" button that i've been told we'll be getting in i21.
    o rly?
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Well, it was indeed tangent free.
    This is the only time that it will be.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Same. but in this case it wasn't bad.
    You've been had, but it wasn't too bad.

    For the record: I would do these highlights too but VK already does them and I'd rather do focus discussion, like the time they mentioned Power Proliferation and I went straight to the forums to post about it.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    I feel so.... used.
    You see that, Zwillinger? This is what happens when you postpone a Coffee Talk!

    *shakes fist up at the sky, presumably at Zwillinger*
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    Much agreement there. Now that we know <redacted> I can't wait for Issue 21 and the launch of City of Heroes: Freedom!
  • Today's highlights for the Coffee Talk are:


    You're still here? Come back tomorrow for the August 4th edition! Coffee Talk has been delayed for a day.

    This has been a parody thread. We now return you to your regularly scheduled serious business.
  • bAss_ackwards

    Ascension Armor

    Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
    Normally i dont copy costumes... but dang its too good!

    Sorry Gold, Please tell me your not on virtue xD
    Go ahead and copy! Anything I share is always up for use in part or all of it!

    And no, I only play on Pinnacle!
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Follow-up to this, so I can wrap my head around it.

    The "which hero will die?" arc is, from information around, going to be about 8 months long.

    VIPs will have access to the complete stories as long as they are subscribed.

    Premium players have to unlock them. Does this mean:
    1) A premium player can unlock episodes 1, 3, 7, and 8 permanently.
    2) Unlock all available stories for that arc of stories (1-8, after it is "done") for only a month at at time.
    How you are phrasing that could be interpreted either way... If it is the first, will there be a bundle for each signature arc?
    I assumed Premium players would be able to purchase Monthly Story Arcs as a permanent item. I don't think they've ever mentioned the word Renting when talking about purchasing the new zone or the MSA's.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
    I'm a little confused.
    It says the enhancement trays are account wide. Does that mean they apply to current and new characters made on the account?
    Your question is your answer. Current and new characters have account wide perks applied to them. Costume Boosters, the Wisps Aura incentive, and Costume Codes are examples of account wide perks. I see no other way for it to work, unless it is with Certifications, which is the only other account wide mechanic out there.

    As well with the additional character slots. I did buy for up to 36 slots on a server right now and have 5 veteran reward character slots I can unlock on a server. Will I just need to buy 7 additional slots to get up to 48 on the server, or do I need to go in for the full 12?
    You won't lose those unused character slots when Freedom arrives. They are not taking away things from subscribers, their (heavily) expressed intent is to give more value to them. As part of City of Heroes: Freedom you will be able to use your saved up character slots on the new page. I know I will be for my saved up character slots. I only play on one server and I'm glad I never wasted them!

    Either way, you've got me spending a few dollars at launch. Even with my VIP free points, I doubt it'll be enough for me to buy the additional premium powers and the costume slots and the enhancement trays and the character slots.
    I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of money when the Paragon Market finally arrives.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
    I really don't know why that wasn't done ages ago. Sure it's nice to see the personal achievements a character has made, but for an alt friendly game this is far too granular. Especially with how difficult or time consuming some of those Badges are.

    Until then, I'm only interested in Badges for bonuses such as the +HP/+Endurance Accolades.
  • I'm liking the ability to purchase more character slots, but why only 1 more page? Why not let us buy a huge amount of character slots, like the previously suggested 72 slots? With 4 pages, my character list is still going to be dominated by Scrapper Primary/Secondary combinations I want to play. Especially with the new options opened up with the next round of Power Proliferation! I like other ATs too, but Scrapper characters get the priority on space!
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
    It's only called Crushing Uppercut because "TIGER UPPERCUT!!!" was already taken
    I can already hear the sound effects: "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! Tiger Uppercut!" Quit spamming!

  • bAss_ackwards

    CoH Noob...

    The others have already given out great advice, so I'll just add in my "Welcome to the forums and the game!"
  • Strangely Translated Electronically Etched List

    ... Charlottesville Ladies Arm Wrestling
