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  1. @Pauper - thank you very much for the Mac instructions
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Everything corresponded up until this point. My CoH mac client doesn't have a data folder inside the coh folder ... nor is there a texture_library folder somewhere within it.
    The Data folder is not there by default. Create one if it does not exist.

    Do the same for the texture_library folder (inside the Data folder) as well.
  3. A newer version has just been uploaded (at the same link). New feature is a "Sounds" tab. This tab lists all the sounds in the game. If you want to mute a paticular sound, or groups of sounds, just put a check mark next to them. The app will place a silent ogg file in place of the sound. To unmute, remove the check mark. Restart the client for changes to take effect.

    There is also a Button on the same tab to replace Glowy sounds with a Radar Ping sound instead of the normal hum. This will make finding the Glowies much easier as the ping doesn't blend into the background noises.

    *Note - Muting the sounds will replace any other replacement sounds you may use.

    More information and names of some of the sounds can be found in this thread
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dave0523 View Post
    Really great job! One question, though, what is the difference between the Task Force (Any AT) and Task Force entries?

    When I form Taskforces I will accept Any Archetype at all that wants to join. It doesn't matter if I end up with 8 Defenders or 8 Blasters, just whatever wants to join. When sending out messages to a channel, the Any AT broadcast would look like:
    Forming a ITF Any AT. Takes about 0:45 26 Merits. Get Temporal Strife Badge. PST if interested.
    and the regular TFs Broadcast would look like:
    Forming a ITF. Takes about 0:45 26 Merits. Get Temporal Strife Badge. PST if interested.
    Certain TFs (even under Any AT) do not specify "Any AT" in them. These include LGTF, Cuda, STF, LRSF, TinMage, Apex, CoP, and iTrials.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    /em wonders how this will install on Mac Clients
    Right now it doesnt... I don't know macs at all. But anyone that can slightly code on a mac could write an installer, and I will provide the source code for this, as well as an explanation of how this code works so it could be ported.

    The short version is that all the info is stored in a sqlite DB, and the file is pieced together from it. If someone could write an installer that works same was, I would gladly link it, and keep it updated as well. It is just beyond my capabilities as of right now.

    I can post a full help file with all of the options for a manual install if that would be preferred for macs.

    A zipped version for macs with all the options has now been posted at: Zipped For Macs
  6. I've been working on a little project of mine for a while now, and it is ready for release. It contains a lot of information that one would normally have to Alt-Tab out of game to pull up. Now it can all be accessed straight from the Help menu or /helpwindow

    Screenshots are located here:
    Photo Bucket
    (these are a slightly older less formatted version, but you will get the idea)

    Information it contains:

    Zone Maps - Contains all the information for each zone in the game.
    • Level Ranges,
    • Enemy groups/Levels,
    • NPCs in zone (Trainers, merit vendors, etc),
    • Contacts in the zone with a listing of arcs/badges they provide
    • Badges that can be awarded (Defeats, Day Jobs, Time Spent etc)
    • Exploration Badges
    • History plaques that are needed for other badges
    • Stores and what they sell
    • Buildings in zone (AE, Arena, WW etc)
    • Neighborhoods and what kind/level of enemy found there
    • A copy of the Map for the zone that can be pulled up anywhere w/o fog of war (not zoomable though)

    Tip Missions - Contains information for tips found in the game (including Event Tips).
    • The Main Navigation Text of each tip
    • The objective Text
    • The Enemy group
    • Any Temp Powers Earned
    • Any Badges Earned
    • NPCs sorted in to types (Boss, Hostage, Ally etc)
    • Mission Type (Defeat All, Defeat Boss etc)

    Story Arcs - Full information of every story arc in the game (also includes Badge Missions, Temp Power Missions, Safeguard/Mayhem Missions)
    • Type/Side of Mission/Arc
    • The Level
    • How many merits it will give at completion
    • Contacts that give it out
    • Souvenir form the Mission
    • Average Time to complete (TFs only)
    • Badges it may give
    • A Summary of the Arc (how many Missions - how many defeat alls/hunts etc)
    • A Complete breakdown of each mission just like Tip Missions

    Temp Powers - Full information of every temp power in game (craftable and non)
    • Text of temp power
    • Story arc or Mission it comes from
    • Contact that gives the mission
    • Level Range of the mission
    • Breakdown of the arc if required

    Souvenirs - Complete list of all souvenirs in game, the arc that gives them, and the text for them.

    Badges - Full information of every badge in game
    • Badge Art work for both sides
    • Badge Names for both sides
    • Badge Text for both sides
    • Any bonus form the badge (temp powers, additional badges)
    • Requirements for the badge
    • Target names (and a bind to find them) for defeat badges, as well as hunt locations
    • Location pictures for Exploration and History badges
    • Set Title command
    • Required Arcs

    Supergroup Badges - same info as regular badges

    Contacts - Full info for every contact in the game (that gives at least one mission)
    • The type of the contact (TF/Trial contact, Story Arc, Event etc)
    • The Level range
    • The Location
    • Enemy Groups
    • Badges the contact leads to
    • Arcs they give
    • Temp Power Missions they give
    • Who all they introduce
    • Who introduces them
    • Breakdown of the arcs and missions they give

    Colors for the color blind. From the post in the player guides forums, recreated for in game Help.
    • Lists the colors used in the game with a descriptive name for players that are colorblind.
    • Clicking a color name will set your windows colors to that color

    Other Features:
    • Automatically Bind your [TAB] key to a list of target names you need for defeat badges.
    • Reset automatically bound [TAB] keys to defaults
    • The little pink Delta symbol at the top of each page opens up a Notes field where you can write your own notes for each mission/arc/badge/whatever. These notes are nothing more than custom player notes, and as such there is no limit to the length (pretty sure about that but have not tested)
    • Always stays open regardless of keystrokes until you close it
    • Choose just the content you want.
    • Easily form TaskForces/Trials with single click to broadcast the TF forming.

    Clickable Fields:
    Clickable text is found throughout the menu. Different ones give different information. If you hover over text (usually light green) and it turns yellow, it's clickable.
    • Contact Names - Opens a popmenu giving you contact location, arcs they give and other info
    • Story Arc Names - Opens a popmenu with information on the arc, how many missions, who gives it etc
    • Temp Power Names - Opens a popmenu with one of the options being Power Info. This is the same as clicking [Power_Name] in chat
    • Badge Names - Opens a popmenu letting you know if you have it or not, and if you have required badges for it (ie Exploration Accolades)
    All Clickable fields also give the option to Edit Note, which is the same as the pink Delta symbol described above.

    Features I wish it included:
    Resizable window
    Ability to resize
    Wish i could make it bigger...

    Features I will add if the slash commands ever become available:
    Setting waymarks by clicking the contact/location name

    Future Information to be added:
    The Kind of power a Temp Power is (ie Hold, -REGEN etc)

    Some parts are incomplete (data wise), but will be completed as it becomes available. For the breakdowns of the NPCs and Mission types, that will require me to run each and every mission. That will take some time. The rest I will get when I can.
    If the pictures are not showing, it is because your window is to small. 82% windows or higher are required.
    You can resize just the help window (and health window as the two are connected) using

    /window_scale Health .8174

    Download and Installation:

    It is very easy to install and choose what you want to add. The installer is located here: MediaFire
    1. Download the file form the link above
    2. Unzip the file to a folder
    3. Go to that folder and doubleclick InfoReporter.exe
    4. Give it a few seconds to open and read from the DB

    At the main screen are a few options.
    • Install to: The default location for CoX should already be filled out. (It pulls from the registry). If you need to change the location for test or whatever, click Browse and browse to the location of your install.
    • US/UK: This option is for the US and UK Clients. If you are using the UK client, then choose it, otherwise leave it on US.
    • Chosen Options: The categories you have chosen
    • Available Options: The categories that are available. Hovering over an item will popup a description of the item.

    To choose an item, click it in the list then click Add or Remove. You can also reorder the list by using the Up and Down buttons.

    Once you have your selections in place, click Install and give it a few seconds. Once complete it will tell you Information has been wrote.

    Extended Options:
    There is a tab called Global Channels. This tab allows you to input up to 15 Global Channels. When used with Task Forces entry, it will prepare a sub category with the global channels you specified. Clicking these channel names will allow you to broadcast the forming of a TF into that channel. If you do not specify any channels, then only Local, Broadcast, and LFG channels will be shown. Pics of mine are here: PhotoBucket
    There are 3 entries for Badge Reporter in the list as well. Badge Reporter is a popmenu that lists all the badges in the game, highlighting the ones that you have. It is discussed in this thread: CoX forums. To use it, you have to create the macros in game.

    /macro BRo popmenu BadgesByInGameOrder
    /macro BRc popmenu BadgesByCatagory
    /macro BRr popmenu BadgesRecentAdds
    Delete the following files/folders
    C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\Data\Texts\English\Help\help.txt
    C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\Data\Texts\English\Menus\PopMenu for InGameInfo.mnu
    C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\Data\Texts\English\Menus\Badge Reporter xxxxxxxxxxx.mnu
    C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\Data\Texts\English\Menus\BRBinds (Folder)
    C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\Data\texture_library\Badge_Reporter (Folder)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    True. However popmenus like other "features" accessible via insertion into the DATA folder is completely unsupported. Maybe it has stability issues related to size or number of nested levels. The only place I can think of where the devs may use it is the emotes popup button next to the chat bar (please enlighten me if it's officially used somewhere else in the game, I'm curious).
    The quickchat menu (the emotes list) as well as the Example one in the same file (not really used but does exist in game via /popmenu Example (I believe that's the name) are definite examples of dev provided popmenus

    Other versions that are the same format (and easily reproduced fully)
    The Main Menu (When clicking Menu)
    Any clicking of names (chat windows)
    The main difference between a /popmenu for the names, is that it uses variables to know who to send the tell to. It may also be of some sort of dynamic window that is created and thrown away on each click.

    Those are the main uses of it that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there are other smaller uses that exist

    Do I think memory leaks caused by user generated popmenues will ever appear on a coders todo list, sadly doubtful. It's my impression that the number of client programmers are rather small when compared to the rest of the staff and after 8+ years parts of the code can be quite the nightmare to work on without accidentally breaking something else so they pick their battles wisely.
    Yes I doubt this will ever be fixed, but it is still a bug none the less. As stated before though, it is not confined to user generated menus. It can and does happen with QuickChat if opened enough times. Granted most users never will open it that many times, but some (raises hand) will at least once.

    I would prefer it if they would focus on more important fixes/QoL improvements (Base items for one)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Your tests show that it only takes two openings of your 40 meg popmenu to crash and five times with a 10 meg popmenu. Hope you can understand that why I leaped to the idea that size may be the problem in this case.
    I do understand that the larger menu causes it to crash quicker because it uses a larger amount of ram. My point was though that the root problem is not the size of the menu in use, but more the fact the ram is not released once the menu is closed.
  9. The smallest menu I have currently is QuickChat (not sure the size as I don't have it extracted, but it is by far the simplest. It uses about 20k? when opened in rapid succession.

    I have retested on my home computer (Windows 7 32 bit) using 4 custom menus. These menus have been uploaded to:
    I closed all power trays, maps, contact window, and any extra windows I had opened, including chats. Loaded into a minimal base (4 porters, storage items, minimal power/control items, and 0 decorative items) stood in a med room and looked at the wall.

    The results of the tests (clicking on menu, looking at Task Manager and noting the Memory usage of CityOfHeroes.exe in notepad, Hitting [ESC] to close menu and then repeating):

    Menu: QuickChat.mnu (unknown size but pretty small)
    used about 20 k when opened in rapid succession

    Menu: SGBadgesByCatagory.mnu (371 kb)

    Menu: BadgesByCatagory (3,692 kb)

    Menu: ZoneMaps.mnu (10,899 kb)

    Menu: ContactsByName.mnu (40,810 kb)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Why the heck do you have a 49 meg popfile!!!??? Yea, that could be a problem.
    Why not have a 49 meg popfile? If I can code a file correctly to give me whatever info I want in game, so that I don't have to alt tab out of game just to look something up, then I should. But the bug is not related to the size of the popmenu file. It happens with the provided popmenu's as well. In the original post I commented that it happened with 10 meg files as well. It also happens with much smaller files, and even with the QuickChat file. Granted the smaller the file, the longer the bug will take to crash the client, but regardless it still happens.

    To test for yourself, if you are capable of macroing a keyboard (outside of CoX), create a macro to open QuickChat, then close it (Escape key closes) and have it repeatedly open and close the QuickChat file (I had my test running several minutes) and you will see the memory slowly rise each time it opens.

    The size of the popmenu file is irrelevant to the problem happening, it just speeds up the process.
  11. Just to clarify my previous post on popmenu size limits.

    Popmenu it self does not have a size limit.

    I have a popmenu with the following stats:
    1,432,325 Lines
    189,087 Submenus
    440,937 Options
    385,163 Locked Options
    49 Megs

    And the menu opens and displays fine.

    Multiple times opening though, that's when issues arise. When opening popmenus, memory is not released after they close down. The result is that opening absurdly large menus will result in client crashes quickly due to Out Of Memory errors.

    For the most part, make the popmenus as large as you wish, and you will be fine.
  12. There is a leak in the way Popmenus are displayed in such that when a menu is opened, the memory usage rises. But when the menu is close, the memory is not released. If the same menu is opened a second time, the memory rises again.

    Test environment:
    64 bit Windows 7 with 3 gig ram
    Graphics set to minimum, sitting in Cimerora with no PC's/NPC's on screen except myself

    1 very large popmenu file (40 megs+)

    Memory usage on login: 1,755,364 k
    After opening and then closing popmenu: 1,859,468 k
    Tried to open 2nd time: CoX crashed once 1,904,316 k ram was hit

    a Not as Large Popmenu (10 megs+)
    Memory usage on login: 1,754,268 k
    Menu open 1 time: 1,779,816 k
    Menu open 2 times: 1,805,480 k
    Menu open 3 times: 1,831,920 k
    Menu open 4 times: 1,857,872 k
    About to open menu 5th time and crashes with:

    ./piggs/stage1.pigg: Failed memory allocation (zip'd size 1583904, unzip'd size 2122427)
    Read failed for file: player_library/V_fem_Boot.geo

    The game ran out of memory and must now exit.
    Test 3:
    Used QuickChat menu only (With macro'ed G15 keyboard)
    Opened QC multiple times (2-3 times a second for a few minutes)
    Crashed once ram got up around 1,900,000 k

    If the ram could be released after a menu is shown, then we could have very large popmenus. Even leaving alone, given enough menus opened, the client will eventually run out of ram.
  13. No prob at all. The install instructions are at beginning and middle of this thread, but I will repost again.

    Download and save the BadgeReporterAll version. Once it gets downloaded, double click the file to open it. Inside you will see a folder called "BadgeReporterAll". Double click the folder to open it. You will now see 2 folders called "Texts" and "texture_library". These 2 files you want to copy to inside of your City of heroes Data folder. By default, the data folder is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\Data\ (for 64 bit windows) or C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\Data\ (for 32 bit windows)

    If you have them copied in the right space, you should see files at:
    C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\Data\Texts\English\Help\Help.txt
    C:\Program Files\NCSoft\City of Heroes\Data\Texts\English\Menus\BadgeReporterExpan ded.mnu
    and a few other files.

    (there are over 500 total files, but if those 2 are in the right place, the others should be as well)

    To use the menus/help - refer to previous post for the macros
  14. It's a listing (mostly information) of quite a bit of things. I'm also adding it to a help file, but the popmenu is for those that prefer popmenu over help.

    It's the standard badge reporter combined with information about the individual zones (contact locations, what stores sell what, info on the various mobs in the zone and the levels, as well as a breakdown on the different story arcs and badges that can be gained in each zone) Basically you can just look at an entry and see if this zone is "complete or not".

    Each contact listed will also have a breakdown of the arcs they provide, souvenirs they grant, badges, and a small break down of each mission in the arc. It will also list who introduces them and who they introduced. If they are unlockable, it will show you if you have or have not unlocked them.

    Each Story arc will provide merits returned, missions in the arc, and the rewards that can be gained.

    Task forces will do the same as story arcs, plus give a general strategy for getting whatever badges there are. (Master Of on trials for example)

    Like I said, it's mostly geared towards a help file, but I'm implementing it via popmenu as well.

    I've already got zone info, contacts, and Hero side story arcs mostly done, just need to finish the rest. I'm thinking maybe a week and half from now.
  15. I do not believe there is a limit at all. If so it is absurdly high.

    I am currently working on a massive updated menu, and it's current line count is 1,118,095 lines and it opens up just fine. Granted it is 5 different menus in the same file, but the largest of these is still sitting at 513,656 lines.

    And for those wondering about game impact with such menus/help files... 0 impact at all.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ellectra View Post
    Hi there,

    Looking at the older threads, I would guess I need to copy the contents of "BadgeReporterALL" and put that in my Data folder ( overwriting the "texture_library" folder ? ) Is that correct or have I completely missed the whole idea ?

    Yes that is correct. You will be adding to/overwriting the texture_library folder (as well as Texts if you already have one)

    The end result will be:

    City Of Heroes
                          Badge_Reporter (Folder with lots in it)
                                        BRBinds (Folder with lots in it)
  17. Newest version of Badge Reporter is done.

    Issue 23 badges have been added with most of the info. Some I23 badges still need a little bit more info, which I will add as I get it. Because I23 has been added, some SetTitle numbers will be off until I23 hits Live servers. You can still set badge title under the in game badge list however.

    A couple of new features in this release.
    Badges are now sorted into different main catagories. They are
    1. PW Catagories
    2. InGame Order
    3. Alphabetical
    4. By Issue
    5. Recent Adds

    1. PW Category - Badges listed in same Category/Sub Categories as Paragon Wiki lists them. A few have additional subcategories for display purposes (ie. to many badges in one list to fit on screen (defeats/Gladiators))

    2. InGame Order - Same order as in game

    3. Alphabetical - Self Explanatory

    4. By Issue - Badges listed by issue they were released in game. They are in the present categories though.

    5. Recent Adds - Badges that came out in the current issue or that are in Beta and to be released.

    Hopefully this ordering will help anyone find the badge they may be looking for.

    AutoTargeting for defeat style badges has been changed as well. Now when choosing AutoTarget, an entry on your chatline is loaded for the bind. In order to create the bind, choose "Load AutoTarget File" from Badge Reporter for whichever badge, and then press [Enter] twice. (once brings chat in focus, the second creates the bind)

    Your [TAB] key will now just tab to the alive enemy that you need to defeat.
    To reset [TAB] back to the default, choose "Reset AutoTarget" from BadgeReporter.

    Powers from badges (accolades/Day jobs) will now open the Power Info for the power it self.

    All the images in Badge Help have been updated to current images.

    I still need to add a Credits page, but for now -
    Special thanks to:
    Badge-Hunter (In Game ordering)
    Paragon Wiki - Most of the requirements, locations
    City Info Terminal - Badge Names, Badge Text
    Blondeshell - Most if not all ingame pictures of badges/plaque locations
    TheUnamedOne - Original implementation
    SnowGlobe - Various fixes/suggestions

    To Install - Unzip whichever flavor you want to the Data folder in your City Of Heroes Folder

    /macro BRc PopMenu BadgeReporter
    /macro BRe PopMenu BadgeReporterExpanded
    /macro BRh helpwindow

    Badge Reporter Classic:
    Badge Reporter Expanded:
    All 3 versions:
  18. You have a really old version. Both of those issues are fixed in newest version.
  19. So I've been offline for the better part of a year and half, and last week someone mentioned BadgeReporter to me. I had long since forgotten about it, and after checking backups... I no longer had the original source for it.

    So it has since been rewrote. It's still in testing atm, but I will post the download link for now. The order of some badges may be off (ie Badge Collection Achievements), but all the current badges should be listed. I have pulled the other older versions for now, but should have the Extended as well as the help file (with new pics) posted by the end of the week. Any problems found with this version will also be fixed by then.

    Again, sorry for not keeping this updated, I just had not been playing at all for a while..

    Current Version as of 5-08-2012

    Refer to first post for how to install if you are new to this tool
  20. haven't visited this thread for a bit. Project is not dead per say, on back burner for a minute as I am working on a very big project. DB has been updated with the new badges, just a new version has not been put out. New project encompasses this project as well as some of my side things and new stuff. It is currently 55% completed. I expect to release it in the next 2-3 months at the most, hopefully more like 4-5 weeks. Currently going through the process of data mining/data verification, which is time consuming at best. If they end up releasing a large number of badges all at once (i18, i19) then I will put the other on hold and get this part of it back up to date. For now, as others have suggested, edit the files or keep separate track of the i20 badges.
  21. I believe it is true for any ambush, no matter what. It's why you will sometimes see Carnies in Steel based on Maria's Arc
  22. not archetict - Live in the real Sewers. There was like 10-15+ ppl there

    The ambush spawns on the teammate wherever they are, not the zone.

    They way I did it was solo'ed Synapse and the Malta arc on my main/sub accounts, and made sure I was in the sewers when it came time to spawn.
  23. Got bored and decided to have some fun with ambushes. Decided to spawn both Kronos and Babbage at the same time in Atlas Park Sewers (First main room)

    Screenshots or it didn't happen...

  24. Sounds more like overheating of video card or bad video ram in general. The GTX 2xx's have had a lot of issues relating to those very things. A quick google search will point to ltos of threads for various issues in various programs. Have you tried testing the card in a stability program such as

    The location of the client is irrelevent to stability, and Service Pack 1 for windows 7 isn't due out until the 22nd. CoX on 7 64 bit works fine though - been on the 2 since 7 went RTM

    FltMgnr.sys is Microsoft Filesystem Filter Manager. If this is a one time error, I wouldn't be to concerned, but if it happens a lot, or you get 0x7B errors it might be more of a hard drive problem. You mentioned fresh isntall. What were the reasons behind the fresh install?

    Also to rule out CoX as being the issus, have you tried any other graphic intensive games?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GhoulSlayer View Post
    I know this is a rant but I don't care. This SF/TF of the week idea is a load of garbage!! I just spent 15 minutes trying to form a Tin Mage SF and no one was interested. I figured maybe if there were badges involved I might be able to get people to join so I switched gears and tried to form a MOapex. It took me 45 minutes to get 7 people on my team and we waited an additional 30 minutes until we all decided to give up. Normally, when I form a SF/TF people are banging on the door to get in. I know that the intention was to get people to try different SF/TFs but it's having the opposite effect. Everybody is doing the SF/TF of the week and they don't want to do anything else. Spending more than an hour during midday trying to form a SF is ridiculous. I am infuriated. I quit the game for the day. I won't be back until I cool down.
    Perhaps it was the server, time of day, people that were the issue. Yesterday ran ITF, 2 STFs, citadel, manticore, sister, and could have ran more but had other things to do. Every TF filled in less than 30 seconds. You claim that WST's are the issue, when it is really WST and The Rare slot, and incarnate all being released on the same day as well as new badges. Once people get the badges and the slot, the overwhelming desire to hit STF/LRSF will subside. You see the same thing any time anything new is out. People rush in to get the badges\powers\slots etc, then once they do, you don't see them as much.