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  1. Wizard Con in Chicago! First place I played the game. Best con memory ever.

  2. Not bad. Of course, lag was interminable off and on, but for a while, I was actually able to string a chain of attacks (which unfortunately led to being killed FASTER by a GM/Hero).
    Got some AV badges, some GM badges, a lotta DEBT and some rewards.

    Fun for awhile despite the lag. Maybe they could have tonight's on all servers instead of sticking to the previous plan?

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
    well i went to test2 and created a char,claws/wp scrapper,got to the screen where it asked for starting point,i picked atlas, then the screen froze, and task manager showed it not responding. killed it and then came here to report,this was at about 6 am est wed april 21 2010,and the server was green when i selected it .
    I'm getting the same thing on 2. If I "go into PAragon City", same behavior. Every time. TR1 seems fine though. Gonna try a new char on 2 to see if I can dup the problem

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Wednesday the 28th is a good secondary bet, given that April 28th is the actual 6th anniversary of the game. (I'm with you guys for the 27th being the more popular choice, though.)
    I'm skeptical--quite a few bugs still on test, although I'm not sure which are game bugs and which are simply overload.

    Gotta admit,though--kinda underwhelmed by UM so far. Of course, the water is the bomb, and the shadows are nice,--oh yeah, and reflections are nice--OK, -nevermind.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
    You didn't spell "mystery" correctly...

    Other than that I believe it should definitely give better random rewards than it does now.
    Nonono, I think he means that, since he's a "Mr" and he's getting the gift that, to describe the gift it would be sort of "Mister-y".

    ...or not..
  6. I'd just like to know if there's going to be any advancement of the "big picture" story here. So far, it looks like QoL improvements which rawk, don't get me wrong, but (call me petty) I wanna see what the heck they're building in SC.
  7. All the information has me salivating.. Thank you!!

    My question is (apologies if this has been covered before):

    If the FF ro HC os in CoV, will we (as the villains we are) be able to go up against some of the heroes from CoH?
