265 -
I'd really like to be able to make outdoor/roofless rooms: courtyards, peristyles, balconies, gardens, everything.
Would be nice if we could pick a style for the base's surroundings (countryside, skyscraper, industrial site, forest, underwater, airborne, etc) then add outdoor rooms and windows to look out at it. Or, indeed, do the whole base as outdoors (though it would make it hard to defend). -
So... what's the plan for the Synapse TF? Are we going ahead on Wednesday or deferring 'till Thursday?
I'd put my vote for Thursday since... well, it's our day. More people will have the time free if we stick to the normal schedule. -
Vlostok = Derek_Holden
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, this is going to make my life easier, one less forum name to match up with a Militia member.
Also, surname ftw! -
Hmm, not really. I mean, this kinda thing happens all the time in comicbooks.
Dr. Oc is defeated countless times, yet he returns to battle Spiderman.. again.
Dr. Vahilok and Frostfire are similar, they're defeated only to return.
[/ QUOTE ]
Good point.
Very good point.
Well... anyway, a TF sounds like a very good idea to me. Don't think I've ever done Synapse, and it's a good way to even-out our levels (what with the 20 limit and all). Are we saying Wednesday for that, and what time? I should be able to make it, just want to get the details straight.
On the subject of a uniform... very nice idea, style looks good. Fitting it to the Portent might be tricky though, he's not the type for a uniform, on principle... I'll play around at Icon and see what I can come up with.
Also bear in mind that if we're in SG mode, the Militia's symbol will replace that big M. Might need our Moderator to change the SG details. -
According to Nofuture.org.uk (which uses normalised damage scalar figures instead of brawl index values) the damage of Exploding Shuriken is comparable with the damage of Strike, Spin and Shockwave. Shuriken is halfway between Swipe and Strike in terms of damage.
Claws figures
Weapon Mastery figures
[/ QUOTE ]
This is very handy, thanks. Based on these numbers I'm quite willing to give Weapons a try. Hitting with Exploding Shuriken followed by Shockwave before I even reach melee range sounds very tempting.
Bring on the bonus xp event... -
My Claws/SR scrapper is approaching level 40, and I've been trying to research the scrapper ancillary pools. Unfortunately, my main reference - Sherksilver's character planner - doesn't have any details for the two attacks in Weapons Mastery, Shuriken and Exploding Shuriken. Furthermore, I've never actually seen *anyone* in game with this set.
So... has anyone ever taken these powers, and are they any good? Or is Body Mastery always the way to go? -
Putting Doc Vahzilok in his place was excellent fun, and exactly the sort of thing the Militia needs: big, cool, memorable battles.
However, it reminded me of something I meant to post about a couple of weeks ago after we took on Frostfire... for at least the third time. When we get the point when our characters *have* to ask, "What? Him? Again?", we're definitely stretching the point.
For the sake of our poor characters' sanity (those who have any), I think it would be best if we try to avoid any repetition of missions, and particularly of EBs/AVs.
In game terms this might be an inconvenience, but it rather cheapens our triumph if all our greatest victories are repeated the following week.
This isn't nearly as much of a problem with anyone other than Frosty, but after all the times my main had to fight Maestro I just wanted to raise the point for the future.
Thoughts? -
The Portent walks through metal corridors - not the gleaming contours and conduits of the Militia's base of operations, but the rusted bulkheads of his own. He comes to a room marred slightly less by years of decay, one strewn with the tools of his mission, and he is as close to home as he has come in five years.
The Portent removes his helmet, blinking in the unaccustomed light, the reams of tactical data on its displays fading into after-images on his retinas. Once he has adapted to not having infra-red and motion-vision, he sits down at a writing desk next to the worktable, takes up pen and paper, and begins to write.
Manifesto, day 1918
My investigation of the Militia has yielded unexpected results, many of which I am as yet unable to interpret. I am now certain that, far from infiltrating a collection of corrupt government pawns, I have stumbled upon an effective, self-directed and (for the most part) highly-principled group of metahumans - a perfect opportunity for case study.
The Militia has been graced with the addition of a new member: an artificial sentient who goes by the name of "Unit 29". I have never yet had the opportunity to study such a being, and I believe my findings will have great significance. Unit 29 appears to have evolved an ethical code without outside influence, a fact that strongly supports a utopian theory of behaviour.
The subject of the Crey corporation arose during the last patrol, with intriguing results. Force Commander and Extrisity appear to have an extremely healthy distrust of Crey's corporate machinations; nonetheless, even they might consider my own history with those traffickers in human suffering to be beyond the pale.
Leygran Windan seems more subdued at present; equally uncharacteristically, 'Dragonfly seems less hostile toward him. For her part, 'Dragonfly's attitude toward the Masked Angel remains unfathomable to my outsider's perspective. Whatever its nature, strife amongst the members of the Militia seems unavoidable. This will bear further observation.
Humanity prevails.
-- P -
As a self-proclaimed historian of the post-human revolution, the Portent would be more interested in observing his teammates' choice of channels, rather than anything on the TV itself.
Seeing them all choose Playboy would not be the result he was hoping for. -
The Portent is violently opposed to killing. He has no regard for law and order, but fights crime out of respect for the rights and dignities of all people. If a teammate killed an opponent by accident, he would make it clear that he expected them to be more careful, and watch them closely in future. If a teammate openly and callously killed anyone without a very good reason (such as the last desperate defense of themself or others), the Portent would pretty much consider it murder.
If this sounds arrogant, bear in mind that the Portent is little short of a fanatic. His belief in his political and moral principles is unshakeable, and he holds heroes to the same high standards as everyone else.
Since nobody seems to go on killing sprees as a matter of course, the Portent will be content to accept occasional accidents. I just got a bit worried the week before last when Triston implied that he'd knowingly and purposefully killed Frostfire.
Beyond that...
I haven't teamed with Hyper or Blitz very much, so I'll echo _Max_ and say go with the one you most enjoy, both as a combatant and to roleplay.
The Portent has no particular preference in enemies yet, but later on he'll want to focus his efforts on Crey and the Freakshow. Of course, he's happy taking on anyone who refuses to respect the rights of others.
Also, he'd quite like the Conspiracy Theorist badge.. -
Hi, sorry I missed last Thursday, I was out of the country and wasn't organised enough to post about it before I left.
I also meant to ask, as a rather crucial matter of roleplaying, do any members of the Militia actually kill their enemies, occasionally or as a matter of course? If so, I'm going to have some serious RP difficulties.
Finally, because I haven't done this yet:
Global Chat: @Wolfram
Hero Name: The Portent (real name unknown, he doesn't remember) -
((OK, here goes...))
Manifesto, Day 1883
It will begin here. I am certain. The causes are in place, as are the early effects. My most recent investigations of Crey Industries have yielded much evidence of their corrupt nature, of their conspiracy against The People, one of thousands active in this city. The added firepower I secured will be greatly needed soon, for the Change is close at hand, and there is still so much to uncover first.
I have received a personal communiqué. The "Militia". The "Ministry". The names themselves seem to betray their nature, a conspiracy that hides in plain sight. I have investigated constantly in the days since their message arrived, and their secrecy is protected from without.
Plainly the "Ministry" believes I am a licensed hero. It is best that they continue believing that; I had best refrain from changing my identity card for a short time. I have contemplated my options, and believe I have but one course.
The "Militia" acknowledges "serious problems in the city". The elements of the Change, or its causes? Perhaps it is closer than even I had thought. Given their stance, the "Militia" shall either instigate the Change, or seek to prevent it. Whichever is the case, I must observe closely, serve my duty to the truth, and that requires that I step behind their screen of secrecy, by accepting their offer. From within the conspiracy I shall be able to study their goals and methods, and understand the nature of their relationship to the Change. Understand, study, reveal.
The Change is inevitable. I am merely the Portent.
-- P -
The Portent is currently lvl 5 so I'll try to make it on Tuesday, might be a little delayed though.
Also, happy birthday to fellow Alpha Team-ite Blitz! -
Just confirming The Portent for this, energy/devices blaster. Looking forward to it.
Don't know if you have any space left, but if so I can offer a blaster, Energy/Devices, name of The Portent.
Any particular criteria I need to know about?