895 -
I guess I missed the joke but it made my morning a little bit more surreal ^^
I like surreal -
that closeup of Ghost Widow made my day, something to smile about here at work.
And BaB just reaffirmed his place as my favorite Dev ^^ -
pffft... I'm begining to think my boss, Jack spends more time muggin' for the cameras than laying the smack down on the bad guys
I almost go that out with a straight face -
ooooo... I love RB and GR, very nice stuff ^^
even at the height of my "micro" making I never accepted money even when it was offered and this is exactly why. I know that I'm subject to fits of what I call "the terminal [censored] - its". Meaning I just can't summon the motivation to do anything.
I'd feel like hell if somone paid me to do something and I couldn't follow through. -
nah... GW is teh hawt
I've had a Ghost Widow crush since I started playing -
well, it's not the first time it's happened with them... there was complete lack of communication on their part for like, a year and then they said, "hey, we're back.. sorry" and offered refunds for those who wanted them
have they now gone *poof* again?? -
keep one thing in mind, that costume is made with the current skirt bug in place. That pencil skirt you're wearing is actually rotated sideways.
It's quite possible you might be able to keep it that way but you never if a sudden "fix" will twist it back around. -
Sorry, where are the notes?
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since the update is clearly labeled "24th" it might be available then. -
Longbow and Freedom Corps
has anyone had any luck coming up with good imitations? I'd like to see them. -
yup, same with pencil skirts.
but to be honest, once I got in game and played with having my skirt split up the front
it wasn't as cool as I'd thought it would be -
*makes note: "California is Gamma Friendly"*
I have to keep track of these things... it got ugly the last time I flew over the bible belt... -
now if only they's let us use bikini 3 with skirts again ...
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lol God your awesome!!
I say we let Gamma have Jay's job for a week
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I just have ideas that are illegal in 6 states and 19 countries, not much art skill
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only 6? damn, I'm slipping... -
it seems the fix that's going in is you have to go to icon and the tailor readjusts your skirt.
So if you want to keep it... don't hit the tailor in that costume
but I could be wrong -
if you don't have a skirt but go get one now, will it have this bug?
now if only they's let us use bikini 3 with skirts again ...
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lol God your awesome!!
I say we let Gamma have Jay's job for a week
[/ QUOTE ]
I just have ideas, not much art skill -
now if only they's let us use bikini 3 with skirts again ...
as my baby likes to say, "abso-floggin'-lutely" -
ugh... gaia is such a scary place, I was on there for a while until the hordes... and I mean literally hordes, of pedos came after me thinking I was asian loli.
then after I posted that I'm in my 40's... a bunch of teen boys AND girls started stalking me. -
wooow... stand by for birthday molestation ^^
I missed it too... anywhere else we can see this?