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  1. WarpGirl


    some of you have seen and enjoyed my micro heroes and I love making them for you guys and I don't plan on stopping. But it's made realize just how much I really suck at drawing. The whole reason I do micros, is because I can't draw.

    I'm a good design person. I take pieces and put them together well. But I really really want to draw. I have these visions, of my characters and Non CoH stuff that I really really want to see on paper and I just can't do it. I try... I read tutorials, buy books, download hundreds of Timm templates and other Evo templates and assorted other templates and I just can't produce the things I see in my head.

    Sometimes it almost makes me want to cry.

    Anyways... I just had to get that out. I'll go hide back in my micro thread now.
  2. Sorry I took a little time off from turning these out.

    Here's Tormented Soil for Roxstar done in non-huge format
  3. it's all good, take your time, your talent deserves it.
  4. I assure you, that mod still works
  5. it's a mod, replaces the "leather" top with the carnie top. While "officially" not condoned by the Devs they really don't care much since it's entirely a client side thing and dosen't interfere with other players.
  6. *giggles* I like it, I'll do it
  7. current que

    1. Roxstar
    2. DerianXandor
    3. Thornster
  8. eeep! well, I can't wait to see it anyways! *giggle*
  9. woohooo! Supers are spawning!! Congrats and Luck and all that good stuff!
  10. I'll try him in regular body type and see how it looks
  11. <<.

    my que is empty... that hasn't happened since 11/27 when I started this...

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I was just kind of curious, do you use a micro template? And if so, Where do you get it? I just wanna play around with it a bit

    [/ QUOTE ]

    most of templates and stuff come from

    the Microhero/Pixelhero Archive!
  13. Current Que

    1. ROFLWaffle
    2. DerianXandor
    3. Igniitus
    4. PaladinZero (yes you can get one *giggle*)
    5. Personamorpher (thought you deserved to have an actual spot instead of wondering when I'd get around to you again)
  14. Now THAT looks like a fun challenge! Consider yourself added!
  15. God I wish I knew, lol. I just found her randomly on the net. It was some cosplay/comic convention.