895 -
erk... that looked better on my screen then it does on the web... oh well
well, in spite of my Angsty/Emo art meltdown last week, I have been giving it another try. I recently got a lot of "templates" or blanks from Djeanie and several other web sources.
My first attempts working with them were just futzing around in windows Paintbrush. I posted them in another thread but I'll repost here just for reference
Blue Wonder
Well, I wasn't totally unhappy withe results and I wondered what I could actually do with a real pencil. I printed out some of the templates and began drawing on them.
Note: all of these pieces my be NSFW due to protruding and sometimes exposed bits. If it's too much for these forums, mods let me know.
Here's my first one... Chibi Widow -
heheh..ok, I guess that decides it... I'll keep making them =)
I'm such a [censored] =) -
hrrrmm... I'm wondering if I should close my que for a while. As I review my work I'm noticing a lot of mistakes that I didn't notice before. Such as forgetting to color Djeanie's viel and forgetting to give Capt. Quebec a gotee. Some may say they are minor mistakes but I seem to be making them a lot. Maybe I need to take a break from Micros?
I'll finish my current que then decide -
I know, but all those images have been moved to a new directory on photobucket, just check the micro hero directory and they are all there. I just couldn't go back and edit my posts to fix the links
don't know if you're still taking requests but Gamma.Girl is a total art [censored] (I bet that gets censored, lol)
Gamma.Girl 1
Gamma.Girl 2
Gamma.Girl 3
Gamma.Girl -
thanks, so far that's just futzing around with windows paintbrush. (I'm at work right now and that's all I have to work with). What I want to try is printing the templates out and drawing on them with a real pencil.
Here's my alt "Blue- Wonder" on Freedom. You can tell that once I find a costume and "look" that I like, I tend to put it on all of my toons
Bue- Wonder -
lol! That's Dragonberry and she's doing a kick.
well, I've been crying about my poor art skills for a while but I decided to give it a shot again. I used a Timm style body template and hand drew Gamma.Girl's new costume. Let me know what you guys thinks
Gamma.Girl -
Well, I've been turning out a lot of micros for the forum readers and artists (see link in my sig) and I thought I'd make something from Christmas. Some of my more recent requests didn't make it in but I hope everyone enjoys this.
Merry Christmas from Gamma.Girl -
current que
1. Thornster
2. Black_Magistar
3. Djeannie
4. Striking_Speedy
5. Zekiran_Santa
6. Antihiro
7. Personamorpher
8. Thors_Assassin x2 -
LOL, now I know I've made the grade when TA notices me =)
of course I can fit them in -
yes, Personamorpher, you're still in there
OMG, I'd love to try working with those
Speedy and Winter are added... Winter will be challenge because of her legs. It will be fun trying to figure out how to do that =)
rawr! (that's different from rowr, we all know who that is) but seriously... heeeellloooooo nurse! I'd be happy to make a micro of her =)