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  1. WarVet

    WoW vs CoX RP

    Keep it coming, I'm posting these at work for the WoW players to see
  2. My favorite moment was in Bloody Bay ( my EM/Regen ) when I came across some heros farming meteors. A Blaster, Tank, and Scrapper. A friend of mine was online with his Stalker ( Spines/NIN ) so I invited him and we started following them. Once they picked the base they were hitting, we both stacked Combat Invis and Hide and went into the bunker.

    He targeted the blaster, me the scrapper. We popped some insp. right before they entered, and when they did we both 2 shotted our targets without hitting BU. He dropped Caltrops for the tank ( a stone tank at that ) and we both Placated, Hit BU, and 2 shotted the tank togather while he tried to crawl away.

    We both hit the scanner with our meteors and proceeded to drumdance on their bodies while they shouted all kinds of obsenities at us. At one point the scrapper actually had the cahones to self-rez up and try to take us out. And even though his Regen powers DPed him to full health, we both Placated and AS him back to the floor. I still laugh out loud just thinking about that