2357 -
Quote:False, but we can't have that conversation here.
Well, he'd know. Dead white European males forged most of those chains. -
Quote:Actually they are relatively old. Civilizations had to build up to a significant size before relative anarchy stopped working.
Haha - you assume a "normal society" is a non-totalitarian one? I think history may not support that position; "free" societies are relatively new.
The earliest society I know that I would call "totalitarian" would be the Chinese Legalists, c. 400 CE (IIRC). That would put them at about the halfway point in recorded history. The kind of modern fascism portrayed in Praetoria is very new, as it's almost right out of Mussolini.
As for what a "natural society" is, some dead white European male once noted that "man is born free but everywhere is in chains"; he also observed that even if someone gives away their own freedom they can't give away their childrens', and to renounce liberty is to give up being human. -
Another five-star comment (bringing the arc up to a mind-numbing four plays
Quote:I'm fixing Boris now. Not sure I can do much about the patrols, other than have them not talk at all.xxxxx wrote: Boris "get him" should be $himher. M3: all those talking patrols spam up NPC dialogue. Cute arc. Now where's my action figure? -
Just to throw another shrimp on the barbie, I started Ramiel's arc with my Peacebringer (build) and Trapdoor was an extremely tedious unfun fight for her. Even one bifurcation pretty much zeroed her damage, and by the time I could hunt down the buffbots he'd regen back to full. His Total Focus was a one-shot kill unless she was at full health, and then it became a two-shot kill since I couldn't break the hold and heal before another attack hit. I eventually caught a break and got him to the dialog stage after something like an hour of trying...if I counted correctly, I took out over 100 bifurcations by then.
Quote:We don't know that.
That being said, Chili Incarnate over there truly is protecting the world from Hamidon.
Quote:If they overthrow him, and if the process of overthrowing him destroys the Sonic Fences, do you feel that the Resistance would share some responsibility in any of the repercussions of that? -
The "casual MMO" is FarmVille.
Quote:"Capable" is an absolute; either you can do it or you can't. The rest is overkill. Which, granted, is underrated, but that's irrelevant.
Just because all "competent builds" are supposed to be capable of soloing standard content, does not mean either that everyone should be capable of soloing standard content equally well nor does that rule apply to all content.
Quote:But as a matter of principle, I'm forced to state that the blanket assertion is not consistent with good game design.
Quote:Based on your posts (historically, not just in here), you are one of the most inflexible, intolerant players I have ever had the opportunity to read the posts of on this forum.
Quote:You have always come across as wholly intolerant of game mechanics, lore, and just about anything else that does not fit nicely into your own box which outlines what is good and what is bad.
Quote:I'm willing to risk certain unpleasant outcomes in order to give the devs some leeway to try new things
Quote:my favorite was the RP-justified refusal of Venture's heroes to use the merged markets since they'd never buy stuff from bad guys...even though his heroic characters would have absolutely no way of knowing that villains were now interacting with the supply pool.
b) Check the market for an item that has no current bids and none for sale. Have an SG member in one location put one of said item up for sale and one in the other buy it.
c) Later, rinse, repeat until satisfied that this isn't a coincidence.
.: QED.
N.B. this uses only in-game resources. Not that such is really important, since no reasonable account could possibly explain how such a corrupt enterprise could exist without anyone, or, actually, everyone, knowing about it.
All of that being said I did have to abandon my stand here. As I went over my builds I started guesstimating how long it would take to acquire what I wanted and the results were trending suspiciously close to, say, the expected heat death of the universe. Uncommon recipes were particularly pernicious as you can't get them with AMs. Getting the Field Crafter accolade on my main's reroll without market support doesn't look very promising either, though I am likely to try. I use the markets as little as possible and won't pay outrageous obviously flipper-generated prices but I've had to chalk this up to the same kind of sadistic GMing we've been plagued with pretty much from the start. -
Quote:"Always plant a lie inside a truth. It make it easier to swallow." -- J. Sheridan
But the bio sasy good and bad things about him, so it can't really be the work of either side -
Quote:Fail. I have. I did have enough sense to do it with a Blaster, though. I wouldn't even consider using a melee build in serious PvP in this system.
You know how I know you never PvP'd?
Quote:Or, that ranged characters would sometimes have an advantage over melee characters.
Quote:Does that mean I think ranged abilities should suddenly shift to a position of dominance over melee ones? Certainly not. Nor do I believe that's what's happened. I appreciate slippery slope concerns. Let's just not act like we've already suffered an avalanche.
Quote:Does having to hang back away from such effects cut DPS? Of course it does. What matters is how severely that cut affects your performance relative to the difficulty of the encounter. It's a subjective observation, but Battle Maiden doesn't seem to regenerate HP very fast, and she does not come back from her retreat fully healed. She's not that hard to defeat.
Edit: missed one:
Quote:The metric "DPS" exists among players because of brainless spam-and-bash keys gameplay. -
Quote:Nothing said in any of the bios can be taken at face value. Any or all of it could be propaganda (from either side).
I quote Tyrant's Bio(from Paragon Wiki):
The tentacles, assuming they're actually in the game, could also be fakes operated by the State. Since they're conveniently inaccessible I'll believe they're part of a Praetorian Hamidon (or real at all) when and if we get to fight them. -
Quote:Know what happens if you "joust" with a melee character? You cut your DPS about in half as you spend more time running back to somewhere you can hit the target from as you spend actually hitting the target. The day the devs decided that some characters wouldn't be able to fight effectively at range and that characters can't move while attacking was the day they decided encounters based on mobility would be broken.
Activate an attack which is out of range. Run towards your opponent and jump. You will fly through the air animating your attack. -
Quote:I was referring to the "zones of death" in the Apex TF, which I've only heard of.
And yet AmazingMOO, myself, and many others have managed to do so successfully and repeatedly.
As for Trapdoor, I got in his face and hit him until he fell down.
Edit: And:
Quote:Lol, who says you that CANNOT move while fighting? -
Quote:While I haven't played the encounter in question yet, the game is designed so that you fight by "standing still and clicking your power buttons over and over". If they want people to fight on the move they should first make it possible to actually do so.
You are NOT gonna win this fight by standing still and clicking your power buttons over and over again. -
Meh, a fake IVy wouldn't really come close. That's a custom model.
I'd also have to change the story, since I went in a different direction when I found IVy wasn't available. Probably better to leave that money on the table. -
Can't do that either. That's a restriction people have been chafing against since Day One. Another big one: can't have placed Bosses as hostage guards.
Quote:I don't have a problem with it.
The only thing I don't like is that it's stickied when Venture's or Coulomb2's are not. Whatever the reason is, wether it's your amazing formatting skills or anything else, I still find it a bit unfair to the others.
Quote:Sadly,no other comedy arcs come to mind as being even passable to me, although some arcs are unintentionally funny.
Quote:That said, I still find it nearly irresistable to inject humor into lighthearted superhero adventures that I, personally, write. Comic books are meant to be fun, after all. -
Can't do it. Since I've never seen it done in a dev mission they probably can't do it either.
Quote:It implies nothing of the sort. It is simply a statement about the world. As Shatterjack notes, it is player knowledge. How or if the character responds is another matter. Part of being a good roleplayer is being able to manage what information does or does not get past the "firewall" between player and character.
It implies that I can tell that it's cold.
Quote:I don't actually care if someone makes assumptions about my character. -
"The Christmas We Get" (#356477) is technically five acts, but two of those are very short. "Why We Fight" (#253990) is four, but the first one can be stealthed or cherry-picked from the air.
My others are five acts and fairly involved, except for "Psychophage", which is four acts and meant to kill you and/or irritate you enough to quit. -
Thanks for the review!
Force Majeure does mediport when you beat him...the dialog is a bit misleading I guess. "No...mediporting...." was meant to express denial or disbelief at his defeat followed by a mediport. I should probably change that. -
Some comments on this I somehow missed:
Quote:I'll be checking the arc today for the group issue.I have not played a more hilarious arc yet. I was splitting my sides the whole time, and after the first mission it got ridiculously hilarious, I split my sides ater beating Ghost Widow and finding out that her consort was Edward. Nice play on names there. That was THE most stupidly hilarious moment I've ever had on Mission Architect.. Mission 2 also felt a lot like Arachnos Propaganda! There were some issues (Some critters had the group of "All Custom Characters"), but other than that is was great fun.
Quote:Oh. Oh my god. Oh my god. That was awesome. -
Replying to various points, despite myself...really ought to just stop reading.
Quote:Hated it; no theme, dealt with a part of the game that's best handwaved, throws the Idiot Ball, poor gameplay (ambushes from hell, short-timed objectives, cut scenes chewing up insp/buff time, drops a freaking ZEUS on mid-level characters).I think the Ray Cooling arc is cool for the mechanics and the new mission maps but about average as to the writing.
Quote:The two Doppelganger arcs, however, have both cool mechanics and a very cool story that is executed extremely well.
Quote:The disturbing thing is the arc creator tested this and ENJOYED how it turned out. Such malevolently sadistic construction does not lend itself to repetitive play.
Quote:And they wonder why the developers forced the "Slow" option on the player in the Incarnate arc...
Quote:I'm wondering if it would be possible/useful/fair to ditch arcs that haven't been PLAYED within the passage of a certain amount of time.
Quote:Since there are literally hundreds of thousands of arcs, the vast majority aren't going to be played recently. Basically you're removing any which have had the bad luck to be overlooked.
Quote:Junking arcs wholesale is just an awful idea.
Quote:Or you could just write in a way that works for 95% of the characters and let the outliers deal with it however they want rather than writing in the most sterile way possible. -
"The Christmas We Get" (2009); "Cole In Your Stocking" (2010).