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  1. Thanks... I was wondering if there was a better place to post this.
  2. I was playing around in the costume creator with the new Nature Affinity set when I decided to tinker with the power colors, and suddenly found a bunch of solid-colored squares had replaced some of the wind-blown leaves in the animations. This was quite surprising, as the original animation set performed just fine... because of that, I am lead to believe that the problem lies in the progam, rather than an issue with my grapics card.

    The only powers affected seem to be "Wild Baston" and "Entangling Aura"... all the others seem to animate as intended when the color tinted option is selected. The bug itself appears as a group of floating squares (solid patches of the second color selected), which replace the swirling leaves used in the animations for said powers. If it's of any use, I am currently on a system with an AMD Radeon HD 65300 card, with Qaulity level graphic settings on the game itself.

    I'd appreaciate it if someone could look into this issue, and get back to me on it. Thank you.
  3. I've played a MA/DA *scrapper* for awhile, though he's often mistaken for a stalker at times... XD

    ... Well, from my experience I'd say that the combination is always going to be a bit challenging no matter how you cut it. Both sets tend to eat up a lot of endurance, so rest stops tend to be become a part of your regular routine. Invest in the Fitness pool (hey, that's why they're making it an inherant after all). Consider sacrificing some of your damage-lite attacks for Tough and Weave from the Fighting pool, since you'll mostly rely on quick-hit ambush tatics no matter what you do, though MA's soft control tends to help keep the mobs from taking you apart at their leisure. As is only sensible with DA, pick up both Dark Regeneration and Soul Transfer as soon as you can, then invest heavily in them, particularly when it comes to accuracy. And knowing how Soul Transfer tends to work, you shouldn't be afraid to "make death part of your attack chain"... Debt doesn't tend to mean much anyways.

    Sadly, I'm not all that great at writing up or putting together builds, so I can only give general advice on the subject, most of which is common sense. But hey, when all else fails, just remember that it's just a game and that you're playing you character because it's fun, not because it's easy or because it came recommended by someone else's guid.