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  1. This was a mission box from when I first entered a newspaper mission:

    There's nothing better than this kind of job. No crates to look through. No hostages to escort through winding mazes. Just go in, beat the snot out of some loser, and leave. Glorious!

    Thought that was pretty funny. And very true.
  2. UncleSlam

    Dark Armor Sound

    Maybe they don't want to make the artist that came up with the sound feel bad. Somebody designed that sound, and somebody else approved it so...
  3. UncleSlam

    Dark Armor Sound

    You know, some people like the sounds, and others can't stand them. Why don't they set it up so that you can choose if the sounds fade out or not? Add a toggle switch in the Options menu or something. That way, everyone is happy.
  4. UncleSlam

    Dark Armor Sound

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    I'm just curious, but how many people aren't bothered by the sounds? Because they never bother me, and I play with the sound on (really, it's the only way I can play any game).

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    Only sounds in game that bug me is the DA sounds, just that non-stop Wha wha wha wha wha gets on my nerves.
  5. UncleSlam

    Dark Armor Sound

    [ QUOTE ]
    I've seen a lot of complaints about this so I brought it up before we went live. We changed it so certain toggle effects fade out but it didn't make it into live. Dark Armor shouldn't be so bad anymore once this gets updated. The same goes for Mud Pots.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good deal, I've acutally dumped toons because of the DA sound effects. Can't wait to see it put in game.
  6. UncleSlam

    Dark Armor Sound

    Well, without hacking your game, you can try turning the sound effects in the Options menu down to the point where it doesn't bug you. That way you'll still hear the music and stuff, but the "wah wah wah wah" sound of the shield will be subdued enough so you shouldn't notice it.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Paragon City is nice, but I wonder what the rest of the US looks like.

    Other Cities I would like to see in the game:
    Washington D.C.
    New York, New York
    Chicago, Illinois
    Miami, Florida
    Dallas, Texas
    Los Angeles, California
    Seattle, Washington
    Vancouver, British Columbia

    All of these would have Multiple Zones, trainers and stores like Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. Expansion Name? Cities of Heroes

    Something else I'd like to see would be actual Suburban areas, Townhomes and Houses, Schools and etcetera... call it Suburban Heroes

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    Would one of the classes for Suburban Heroes be "Soccer Mom"?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Anyone have any other ideas for the next City of … game? I’m thinking:

    City of Porn

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    I thought they released that as 'The Sims Online"

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    Ever play SWG? There was a hella lot of "porn" going on in that game.
  9. Anyone have any other ideas for the next City of … game? I’m thinking:

    City of Encyclopedia Salesmen (everyone goes around selling encyclopedias door-to-door)
    City of Handymen (everyone is Mr. Fixit and runs around repairing everything)
    City of Naps (where everyone just goes to get some sleep)

    And, the one that would probably make the company billions of dollars a year:

    City of Porn
  10. I have a SS/FA Brute and I'd have to totally agree with the above posters. Speed is the key to a successful Brute. And what I mean by speed is the faster you can cycle your attacks, the better.

    I usually start with Jab, then Punch, then Brawl. By the time you are through with your first Brawl, Jab is back up, then it's sort of a toss up between Brawl and Punch, depending on which cycles first. If you have Haymaker, you can toss that into the mix and there should almost always be at least one attack ready to go when you've finished with the previous one.

    Since the attack recharges are different on each one, and some will cycle faster than others, I don't have a specific sequence of attacks, i.e. I don't sit there and wait for the first attack to finish cycling if I've just finished the last attack in the sequence. I will start off with a specific cycle, but then switch to whatever is up when I need to SMASH.

    Also, try not to waste a high hitting attack like Haymaker on a mob that only has 2 hp left, it's an endurance waster to do that. Slot for Acc the most, since the more you miss, the longer it takes to SMASH something and the more endurance you lose in the process. At low levels endurance drain is the biggest obstacle to overcome. Even with Jab and Punch slotted with Acc and End enhancements, you should be doing pretty good damage and they will build fury very quickly which is the whole point behind a successful SMASH.

    As far as inspirations go, don’t carry any reds, you get enough damage with fury. Carry greens for healing and blues for endurance recovery, maybe a defense or two if you want, but I’d focus on heal and end recovery.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, so we were told that we would be getting bases when CoH came out, and all these great things would be coming. Now it looks like you cant get this content without having CoV. How is this fair to your longterm player base? I can have everything if I just buy CoV, or I can continue paying for a game that has less features? Maybe I should have just waited for CoV and not wasted all this time and money on CoH. Making you buy CoV is a good marketing ploy, but shows very poor ethics. Guess it comes down to " is $50 bucks worth paying just to get a little added content if you dont want to play a villain" I wouldnt even be considering it if I didnt already have CoH, I would just buy CoV.. why pay for two games when I can pay for one? Its the same darn game, one is just upgraded over the other. If I were a new player I could be satisfied just buying CoV, CoH would leave me unsatisfied due to less content.

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    I wouldn't buy CoV or continue to play CoH if I were you. Since at some point in the future CoH2 and CoV2 will come out, and by your logic, buying and playing both CoH and CoV when the devs were planning on making a sequel is a waste of money.

    It's called a sunk cost in economic terms, what you put into it prior to the current situation shouldn't factor into your decision to buy CoV. Either CoV has what you want and you are willing to pay the extra money for it or you're not. Of course, you could whine about it on the forums and see if it saves you any money.