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  1. Thank you all!

    The reason I asked #1 was because another SG has found me and we share the same theme (Divine, angels, heaven...) so it would be nice if we combine but I guess we are going to settle with a coalition...which doesn't do much for us right now since we are both pretty new SGs.
  2. I have a couple of questions too.

    1) Can two SGs merge?
    2) In base editing, do you get back prestige if you downgrade the size of the base?
  3. Umbran

    Also (I know I am just having too many problems) I lost my vip subscription and can't pay it until another two days -_-. So I hope my SG sees this...because I don't have vip I can't send them a private msg -_-.
  4. Umbran

    I have forgotten to mention that this whole idea has moved to Freedom server. =] sorry for the slight confusion.
  5. Umbran

    Originally Posted by Mr_Magnifico View Post
    What power types are you looking for? What time of day do you all play? I might be down to join in also.
    You can choose any power type you like. So far we have a bubbler, tank, scrapper, and troller. I for one am on most of the time...almost 24/7 lol. For now the team has agreed to get on on Tuesday nights at around 8 cst (of course i'll be on before then and I will be on later tonight also, I JUST logged off). If you join I will be happy to be on your team of course =]. Note: you don't have to have wings to be in theme of an angel or even have a cape. Our scrapper had neither, just a mostly metal armor and mostly white...everyone has their own spine but we all look like we belong together.

    My global name is "Flen the Heathen" lol
  6. Umbran

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    rp = roleplaying

    yay acronyms lol
    lol just making sure, i've only been playing for two months now. Well it kind of is Role Playing-ish. So far the three of us have created a Super Group "The Order of the Archangel" and I am requesting it to be a themed guild where angels are the only ones to join. I would have set colors but i'm sure everyone has a "bright" idea of what an angel can and cannot look like (even tho i have a 2nd costume with my angel that might scare people....just don't get me angry and I wont be the "Angry Angel" lol). If you would like to join that will be great. It's all in the starting stages so it's a perfect time to get to know everyone and put in some good times!
  7. Umbran

    Originally Posted by Mister Migraine View Post
    Would these pairings be rp based?
    I'm sorry, "rp"?
  8. Umbran

    Originally Posted by Star_Seven View Post

    I'm always up for something new....and a consistent team is always nice. If you'd like a 3rd player for your little group let me know what time/days you play. I'm east coast so mostly play after 8pm EST. M-F. see if we can work something out.
    That would be great. Yeah we haven't had a discussion yet but i'm central time and not doing anything with my life right now lol so I am free..
    I'll send the two of you a private msg
  9. Umbran

    A special someone has responded to my request and we are discussing the details now =]
  10. Umbran

    lol it's okay, really.
  11. Umbran

    Yes I's hard to find a stranger who shares the same excitement as me. =[
    Thank you tho, but I will end my search here.
  12. Umbran

    Hello all, I'm looking to be a partner with someone and create new characters that work together [like batman and robin]. We would do missions together and match and be all superhero sidekick like lol.

    If anyone would like to join me I would be very grateful! we can discuss what we want to do and what colors to use and which powers. =]