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  1. Ultrakid_II

    Total reinstall

    Hi everyone. My main computer is having major problems, so my Dad is going to wipe the harddrive. Since I'll need to reinstall the game, is there any files I should save, so I can put them back once the game is installed, or should I just get the updater to check everything, just to play safe?
  2. Ultrakid_II

    Additional slots

    I've never heard of prepaid credit cards before, how do I go about getting one?
  3. Ultrakid_II

    Additional slots

    Hi everyone. Apologies if this is in the wrong thread, wasn't sure where else to post it. I tried to ask this question on the plaync help page, but for some weird reason I couldn't login properly. I only have a debit card, so my subscription was paid for via paypal. I now want to buy additional slots, but I can't unless I have a credit card, and I don't want to get one just so I can do that. Is is possible for me to buy additional character slots via paypal as well? Thanks
  4. Any chance you could make a figure for me of my main alt please Blindfaith?

  5. Nice work Cap, where did you get the template from?