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  1. UberGuy

    Why bother?

    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    Why would a community do that? They care about the game. Not the dev team, which should really make any creative person sad.
    The two are not really extricable. This game's recent improvements are a function of its dev team. It would not be what it is without them. Which is, naturally, one of the concerns we all have knowing the core team was laid off and need to be out looking for other jobs.

    If a miracle shows up and the game as it exists now gets to continue and/or restart somewhere else, I would play it. I would be concerned about where it would go from there without at least some of the existing development team behind it.

    Beyond that, I do care about this dev team because they have been fantastic at engagement of their game's community. They not only made overt, direct use of our feedback, many of them communicated their own thoughts and intentions back to us on a scale unique in the MMO scene as far as I can tell.
  2. I stay in touch with Quat outside of CoH, so if it's him, he's very good at hiding it.
  3. Yeah, I've always been a bit confused by the occasional complaints about the pace of combat in CoH. For an MMO, its pace of combat has, frankly, amazed me. It's the only MMO I ever investigated that felt like an FPS, and I am positive that this actually was an important aspect of why it was the only MMO I ever really wanted to play.

    Sure, you don't actually aim your powers here the way you would in an FPS, and that took some getting used to. At least in the context of the rapid, 3D movement - the toHit roll mechanics were, at their core, familiar to me as a player of pen & paper RPGs. But the almost unfettered 3D movement? Totally natural to an FPSer.

    And yeah, that was the thing that hurt about I13's PvP changes. IMO, they stripped CoH of what I considered its single most important PvP game-mechanical differentiator - the fast-paced, 3D movement. I didn't even play CoH PvP to speak of and it killed me that they stripped that from it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Energon View Post
    Still hoping that City gets saved. If not, I'll remember it for a long time, it's been that intertwined with my life.

    And while the details differ for each of us, the way this game is interwoven in our lives is why so many of us want to hold on to it.

    However it goes, best of luck with your game plan!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I learned a couple of things from threads recently. Every argument I have had on the boards over the years has come from my desire to see the game improve. A more accessible market that didn't so grossly favor the manipulators, Bringing blasters up to the performance level of other ATs, trying to get depth added to the game so it would have a wider audience all of that was because I saw potential for this game that now will never be realized. I was willing to fight because I cared.
    What I say next contains no sarcasm, is not a veiled joke or dig, or anything of that sort.

    I would never begrudge you or anyone else that motivation. I applaud it for every player of this game, whether or not or even how often I might have disagreed with you.

    That said, I came to deplore the way in which you went about it.

    Without the concern about the games future or the hope of seeing it improve, you are nothing to me just a guy with a really big chip on his shoulder.
    So you do realize that you are the guy who jumped in to this thread, armed with a dictionary to pick at just one piece of a post that wasn't even addressed to you, right? I probably wouldn't have said "boo" to you without that. You get that, right? And when I responded, you are the one who broke out the reference to that old thread?

    And I'm the one with a chip on his shoulder?

    Here's the best part, Fan. What would I even have that chip for? Being shown up by you on the forums? Fan, for me to be upset about that, I would need to think that ever happened. And with absolute and utter sincerity, I do not.

    The only thing I have against you is the way you have behaved around here. Not your ideas, nor your goals. Just the way you have treated other posters. Because despite what my anti-fan with the Mechwarrior-sounding name is wont to think of me, I know I actually wasn't an *** to people most of the time. You can disbelieve that if you want to, because I've certainly been an *** to you here, but if you never know the truth of it doesn't really matter to me.

    Come Dec 1, I will find something new to do with the wife, and you will still be a nobody that needs to be right on the net.
    There's a wonderful symmetry in how we view each other, then.
  6. I meant to mention it in my original reply, and forgot. I'm with the folks who really don't think that much of lifetime subscriptions.

    On the somewhat negative side of things, paying that way amounts relinquishing the ability to vote with my wallet by going else where. In a sense, you're saying "here, have a bunch of money, and you basically get to not care about my opinion from here on out".

    On a more positive outlook, I'd rather pay in an ongoing way so that if I do like a game, and if it does last a long time, my payments continue to support it.

    I think most of us are inferring a special case scenario attached to the question in the OP poll that affects how folks would answer. I know I'm assuming that a "saved" CoH would benefit from a cash infusion to use as start-up funds. Given no other option, I would strongly consider buying a lifetime sub to enable that. However, I would much rather have some other mechanism to provide such a boost, plus the option to pay a subscription and/or buy things in an in-game store to provide the ongoing income.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I had a brief temptation, to look up the citations for PPCGunner, seeing as I was pretty sure Uberguy was trying to pick a fight, but I saw this and laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair.
    Rock on. If how things usually go for you on the forums here are any indication, I'm guessing you needed the amusement. It must be a real downer to be so right all time, and yet not only have no one acknowledge it, but have so many people actually deny it. Nemesis plot, indeed.

    Of course, contrary to PPCRegularGuy's conclusions, I don't actually think I have any special reputation for denying your correctitude. After all, look at all those example quotes I posted earlier. My only claim to fame (shame?) is that I just happened to have a really long example handy. I can't actually take all the credit, though. My personal posse of forum pit bulls, so ready to take you down a peg on my command, have to factor in somewhere. Truly, I owe them all a pint or five once the lights go out on these forums.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Protip: Citation f'ing needed ? Was regular guy speak, for take it elsewhere and find an idiot that wants to play your game.
    "Regular guy" who proclaims to be here to "blow our minds".

    How's that going, anyway?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Citation f'ing needed ? Look the hell up.
    Protip: "citation needed" is internet-speak for "bull ****, show me where I said that."
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    This whole experience has completely soured the game for me.
    This seems odd to me. Wouldn't that be a function of what company you're paying, and not of the game? I'm just confused how what's happened would affect whether or not you liked the game itself. Or is there some other factor I'm not considering?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PointLookout View Post
    Enjoy working on Guild Wars 3. Which is why city of heroes was canceled. Sorry that was unfair. enjoy the product refocus efforts.
    Do we know he's getting a job at NCSoft or one of its subsidiaries or something?

    Not that I'd hassle him over it (well, other than to wonder if it was a good idea), but that's news to me.
  12. I have to say, I think it probably is too much. Edit: I mean $1000 is too much. $500 is probably still too much, but its a lot closer.

    The weird part, is I could see myself paying it anyway.

    But the problem is, I could only do that because I'm a single guy with a significant disposable income. I don't think I know anyone else in real life who could legitimately justify that cost up front, even if it's a reasonable amount to imagine spending if you paid a standard sub (or anything like it) over the long haul.

    There are a couple of reasons here. The first is the matter of cash flow. Throwing a grand out there puts a big dent in most people's cash on hand - money they need in any given month to pay bills, buy real-world stuff like groceries and gas, etc. Even if they can dip into savings or credit (ew) to pay it, that is going to be a big chunk out of those reserves that a lot of people keep on hand for unexpected expenses.

    Now, people definitely do blow that kind of money from time to time on various non-critical stuff, like new TVs, new computers, etc. If you don't see yourself needing any of those other things for long enough that you can manage the dent in reserves, then sure, you might be able to justify the spend.

    Of course, if you're married, unless your spouse is also seriously in love with CoH, I could see it being a hard sell. And actually, that makes me think of something, for those couples who do game together ... multiple lifetime subs per house seems really painful at $1000.

    I think it's almost certainly too much for most people. The sticker shock factor is probably too strong.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I am not sure how Paragon handled it, but game Q&A tends to be a very harsh job. The average I have seen is about $12 an hour, with non-warranted 40 hour weeks. For Paragon Studios, I'm sure hours were more standard but I doubt salary was much higher.
    I can't speak as much to the hours or even the salary, but I've had a couple of friends in Q&A jobs for game companies, and from what I was told, their benefits were pretty much crap, too. I'd be surprised if the usual rule of thumb to double their base salary to get their total cost to the employer was that good of a measure in their case.

    Again, we don't know what it was like at Paragon Studios, I'm just speaking in general.
  14. I've been the cat herder for four successful attempts so far on Justice. I'll toss my observations here in case they are of use.

    Forming a league for this badge is more annoying than pretty much any others, because I think you do need to be really picky. I don't like doing that, but in my experience, failing to do so means you don't get the badge.
    • You need to have a vast majority of +3s. Too many +2s will make it unlikely you will succeed, and too many of anything less just makes it worse.
    • You want as much -resistance as you can get. As far as I know, Arcanaville is correct, and Tyrant is completely immune to -regen. Bear this in mind if you're someone who normally spams -regen powers like Lingering Rad or Howling Twilight ; unless they do something else you want, you are losing DPS by spamming them.
    • You want as much DPS as you can get. The lower Tyrant's HP go, the higher his regen gets. At some point, he may match your DPS with his increased regen, and you'll stop making progress. Corruptor Scourge is very useful here, because it effectively increases DPS as his HP falls. No league I formed pulled it off with less than about 1/3 of the league being +3 Corruptors, though some such leagues still failed if there was not also sufficient -res.
    The rough priority of things I want on the league so far looks like this.
    • +3 Corruptors who debuff DR
    • +3 Corruptors with decent DPS potential (before Scourge)
    • +3 support folks of other types who can debuff DR
    • +3 support folks of other types who can buff DPS, give +def or heal.
    • +3 high single-target DPS types such as Blasters, Stalkers, Scrappers and Brutes
    • +2 versions of all the above +3 things, in roughly the same order
    • One person you can trust to taunt Tyrant out of the inevitable cluster of Flow Lightning patches that appear at his feat every time he summons it.
    • Badge collector characters who don't fit any of the above criteria
    My leagues have usually been around 1/3rd -2/5ths Corrs, about 1/2 other debuffing or DPSing characters, and the rest assorted badge toons who didn't otherwise map to a category. Since that clearly meant not everyone could get the badge, I've run the thing five nights now, with a sixth planned for Thursday night, so people can rotate in their badge characters while others run the support/DPS characters we need (when those aren't the same thing).

    One thing I learned that can be very important is trying to keep Tyrant still after each Flow Lightning summons. If he keeps moving around, all your melee DPS and some of the Lore pets will have a hard time delivering DPS on him. I had one attempt change from not making any progress to getting the badge just by asking the tank to sit still as best he could between lightning patches.

    On the matter of Ultimates, a +3 with an Ultimate literally delivers twice as much damage as a +3 without an Ultimate (or a +2 with an Ultimate). Everyone has been asked to bring them. While it's not always mandatory to run one for the whole fight, you do have to keep an eye on the timer. Usually I would pop mine when he got to around 80% health, and three would get me through the rest of the fight.

    Finally, have folks bring things that can boost damage. I recommend at least T3 rage inspirations. T4s are nice if you have them, but I would save Astrals for Ultimates.

    Team inspirations are also nice.

    If anyone has holiday Present inspirations that boost damage, many folks don't realize that they boost it for 16 people in a 30' radius, and the boost is scaled by the number of people affected. Basically, popping it while standing in a crowd slams everyone's damage to the cap. I don't think any are for sale on the market, but people may have them stored in base or on characters.

    Edit: Based on experimental results reported by other posters, Degenerative Core Interface is useful for this fight, as -maxHP has an effect on time-to-defeat similar to that of -res, but with Degenerative Core being a more effective on time-to-defeat than Reactive Core, just as a function of the specific numbers they gave the respective effects.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    I just call em like I see em.

    You're the one who thought your argument with fan was some sort of monumental achievement
    Citation needed.

    What I seem to recall is him referencing the argument, and my begging him to go there because of how that ended up going at the time.

    blew up when told you both look like dorks.
    Citation needed. After your last shot at quoting me, I'm curious to see how this one goes.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    I don't think I've reminded Hopeling recently how much it annoys me that he compares -maxHP to -Res.
    Ooh. I have formulas showing the equivalency for a given time-to-defeat. Shall I go get them?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    Ever play a Scrapper?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    That is why you just wrote the abridged version of war and peace, to defend yourself to a random guy on the internet ? Stubborn ? more like insecure.
    Yeah... and we should all have so much faith in your (or pretty much anyone's) ability to judge other people based on a text medium. At least Fan and I have been arguing for years, literally. Forgive me if I don't assume Johnny-come-lately knows what he's talking about, especially when he refuses to say anything quantitative.

    (By the way, want to expand on the correlation between writing the abridged version of war and peace and being insecure? I bet it'll be fascinating.)

    Trust me, if I was insecure, I wouldn't be jumping with both feet into stuff like the threads I've linked here. Or this one.

    So, are you going to just stick to the sound bites, or are you actually going to try and make some defensible arguments about why I was factually wrong in that old thread, or even in this thread. Repeating that I was wrong every third post or so doesn't make it true. So far this is more like one of those "no, you" arguments that my kid cousins get into than an actual argument. You don't happen to be 12 years old, do you?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
    Simple: I'm not doing that. I think your accusations are ridiculous. You think my eyes are planks. I know my eyes just are unfamiliar to you.

    Of course, if that's sawdust in your eyes, I also think you ought to get checked for termites.

    People often confuse dogged responses with high emotions. It's silly. I'm not mad. I'm just stubborn.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Unh hunh. I think you have defined yourself pretty well in this thread.
    VIP access to the forums, $0-30 prior to Sept 19.
    Seeing a self-professed forum dodger being the very thing they purport to hate: priceless.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Oh I got it, without your opinion they would suffer in ignorance, and if they don't get it fast enough why should you be polite?
    Hardly. I may attack other posters arguments, but I believe I am very good about not attacking the poster unless they start making it personal. Of course, some posters have a hard time separating the idea of someone attacking their argument from that of someone attacking them personally.

    I've pointed out how your very early forays into this thread involved rather passive-aggressive ad hominem attacks on other posters. I notice you haven't responded to that in the least.

    In case you haven't noticed I have no problem with being confrontational. It's the part where you can't own up to being wrong that makes you a jackass.
    There's a whole lot of burden of proof missing here. For me to own up to being wrong, someone needs to offer something that at least makes it look like that might be the case. So far, you have made only one specific claim to try and make such a case about anything I've said, and it was trivially shot down. Try harder.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Do you apply that to yourself or does your **** taste good ?
    Occasionally, folks bring a knife to a gunfight. So far, you've brought a spoon to face Patten's third army. Carry on, though. Apparently you're entertaining others.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    You don't get how that makes you a jackass ?
    Being a jackass comes into play based on what you argue, how you go about it, and sometimes when. I don't run around the forums picking fights: I only respond when I think someone is saying something that's both (factually) wrong and (IMO) important to correct.

    Sometimes I think it's important to correct things because it will help the person making the incorrect statement. I usually make special efforts to be polite when offering corrections in this case, though on the rare occasion I am attacked in response despite that politeness, I may not always be polite any further.

    Sometimes, I think it's important to respond when I think the thing that's wrong is part of a larger misconception that is harmful for people to have. That old thread is an example of this - I feel that a large number of players had terrible misconceptions about the market, and that those misconceptions were bad for the game. They often became rallying cries for something like virtual class warfare, which is a terrible thing if they are actually wrong. Unfortunately, debates about them often became very heated because they convolved facts with opinions - people had very strong, almost religious convictions about the rights and wrongs of the in-game market, and that almost always clouded rational debate. I won't claim I was immune to this, but I was at least aware of it and tried to bear it in mind.

    You seem to feel that being confrontational at all is the hallmark of a jackass. That's your prerogative, but it's not a view I will ever share.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Why would you put anyone on ignore unless they were spamming ?
    Because some people post such intense BS so often that it's less annyoing when you can't see it any more.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Yeah, tell it to someone a little more gullible and didn't see you post deceptive pictures of what pricing was like.
    Ironically, what you are doing here is exactly the kind of response behavior that gets people into fights with Another_Fan. You moved the goal posts completely here. You accused me of "making **** up", and when I pointed you at what I said and showed that was a load of hooey, you deflect and make a different claim all together.

    Look, anyone who knows me knows I'll gladly argue this ancient history with you till the sun goes out. I mean it, I'm happy to keep going, because I think you're living in a wrong tree in the valley of wrong, and someone is wrong on the internet. If you really want to keep responding to it here, I'll keep responding back. But I know that it's completely off the original topic of this thread, continuing to derail the living hell out of it, and believe it or not, I'd rather do it somewhere else.

    I'm not completely sure why you've decided to make me a target of your flailing, but I can guess. I think you don't like the way I responded to you earlier, calling into question the whole "failure" thing, and a couple of times now digging you for your claims of "blowing our mind".

    Do I need to point out that leading in with that how your insights will "blow our minds" is exceptionally condescending? That suggesting that you know stuff that everyone else is apparently too stupid or emotional to have figured out isn't going to endear you to anyone, especially when you end up posting nothing new? And you have the temerity to get on a soap box about how you've avoided the forums because of nasty posters? You need to invest in a mirror, dude.