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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DemonCaller View Post
    Costume creator? as in at the very beginning when you first roll up the toon? or when you go to Icon to make new costumes?

    I've tried going that route in the past, trying to take pictures of new costumes for my toons..It just doesn't work currently...
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post

    Just hit print screen, open up your image program (paint, gimp, photoshop, whatever) and paste it in.

    I think I know what DemonCaller is talking about (as I ran into it and found an answer elsewhere on the forums) - Apparently, for some of us, if you just hit "Print Screen" and then Alt-Tab over to a separate image-editing program (like Photoshop) and do a "Paste", all you get is a big, black rectangle.

    (there is some conjecture that its a Windows thing, that's been there for a while - I don't know)

    and, generally, "Printscreen" in the costume-creator doesn't send a .JPG to your screenshots folder like regular in-game "printscreen" does.

    But, the WORKAROUND is to go ahead and open your image-editing application in window mode, slide it down so its just barely showing its edge, but you can still see the City Of Heroes screen at the same time - and hit "Print-Screen", then slide the image-editing app back up and do the "Paste" and that will work.

    (side note: each time I meant to type "Windows" - I was typing "Wondows" and getting it flagged by the spell checker. I wonder if that a subconscious slip?)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
    As much as I need inf and wouldn't mind helping you out ingame I can help you here for free.

    Look into demorecord for your character.

    Once upon a time I had a demorecord in the tutorial area and I positioned my character where I wanted them to stand, then moved the camera where I wanted and recorded it. The great thing about demo record is you can do something like this...

    • Position person A where you want them in game, on any map, doesn't matter, though its far easier if you find a map you want so you don't have to try and translate camera info.
    • Person B moves around person A and says something at each "camera position" you want so you can find the info easier in a demorecord.
    • Edit the demo to put your character in the positions you want and remove extra camera info, so only the camera positions you want are there.
    • Run the demo and take screenshots at each position with ANY character in place of character A.
    A demorecord file is just text. Once you know the basic format it's easy enough to figure out how to modify it. Zloth and others have some good guides/tools to doing that.

    You can also make people do stuff in demos that you can't do on live, like give a new character an aura etc..

    The beauty of this is once you have it all set up for a character you can then put in any other character with only a little modification of the basic file.
    I go t a question on that - can you use that sort of thing to get a scene with more than one of your own characters on screen at one time?
  3. That's very nice! Love the face!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Attache View Post
    I'm really liking that one! Love the character, the style!
  5. I've dabbled a little in photography, and took classes in college (lo, many years ago)

    What I'd like to offer here is this: step back and take a little perspective. On the advice in this thread and on learning photography in general.

    The advice everyone so far has posted is good. All of it. Even if it contradicts other advice offered. Film vs. Digital, manual vs. automated, classes vs. not classes. There are advantages and minuses to all of it.

    Just step back a little and realize an underlying idea - that there are fundamental things about photography, things like framing, lighting, depth of field, what telephoto does to the subject matter vs what wide angle does, color, effects, composition. THOSE things are true *regardless* of what type of camera you use; digital, film, manual, automatic. You can learn them in a classroom, research them in books or online, or just try to learn them by trial and error.

    and don't scrimp on reading the owner's manual, either. Knowing all its features can only help.

    Happy shooting!
  6. U-Naught

    More art!

    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    All Point Bulletin

    New MMO coming out soon (or is it out now?).
    Bit of a cops and robbers theme to it. Looks fun, but doesn't play as well :|
    Ah, thank you for explaining!
  7. U-Naught

    More art!

    'scuse the ignorance here, but what's "APB"?

    - and, nice image there Unhearted
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
    I too would like for him to light this on fire after the the contest entry.
    heh, after the votes are all in and calculated - you could have a big, end-of-month ceremony Like the "Burning Man" thing.
  9. U-Naught

    *peeks head in*

    Three Jobs?!?!

    Good gracious! May your fortunes improve soon, so you can get your life back!!!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    Speaking of crayon sharpeners as a status symbol...

    We had these little, wooden toy trains, with wooden "track" sections that connected together with button-snaps.

    Wasn't till later that we got into Matchbox and later Hot Wheels.
  11. Congratulations Johnnykat!

    And also to Shia and PyroNympho for 2nd & 3rd!

    And Everybody else, too! Great entries all around!

    and (sniff) thanks, too, for all those who voted for me.. I Love youse guys!
  12. U-Naught

    I Llama You!!

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    THAT should have been the April 1 joke for this year: City of Llamas!!

    Llama Blast!! Llamakatana!! And the upcoming Dual Llamas, Llama Summoning, Llama Melee, and Llama Control powersets with Going Llama!!
    What that gravity power that summons random large objects and hurls them? What if it hurled Llamas!

    (and I Llama'd you right back!)
  13. U-Naught

    I Llama You!!

    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    What's up with all the llamas? Are we in Sim City or something?
    Deviant Art has this new thing where you can give someone else on DA a "Llama Badge"
  14. U-Naught

    Go Team Seeker!

    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    Bah, I got Team Gaga.

    Legend of the Seeker is actually an entertaining show if: you're not expecting the show to follow the books, cause it doesn't, not even close; you like cleavage, because apparently the costume department is a big fan of it; you like Mord Sith, the red-leather clad S&M dominatrix-style warrior women (of whom Charisma Carpenter is a member), you like SWORD FIGHTS involving Richard and the aforementioned cleavage brigade and Mord Sith.
    wait, are you saying Charisma Carpenter is on Legend of the Seeker?!?!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    Oooh, what's the death cookie? I feel I might be flamed for my ignorance, but I must know.
    Yeah, I'm clueless on this one, too. ??

    (I do remember the rectangular, wax-paper milk cartons we always got for lunch - with the little, circular pull-tab)
  16. U-Naught

    Go Team Seeker!

    Pa pa pa pa Poker Face!

  17. U-Naught

    Go Team Seeker!

    I was happy to find that I'm with Team Gaga instead of Team Seeker.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood_Wolffe View Post
    I'm tempted to do this challenge even though I didn't enter. Although the media begs the subject to be about kids, which makes the hot chick stipulation a hurdle.
    Where there are kids, there's often parents, teachers, or babysitters - all fodder for "hotness." And, as has been stated rather abundantly elsewhere, the "hot chick" rule is nowhere near the hurdle some make it out to be.
  19. Okay, went out and bought my Crayons and Construction Paper!

  20. for the record: I wholeheartedly support Wassy's position on this, and her consistent ruling on it. I see no problem with it as it stands.

    (puts on flam-suit)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
    I happen to know A kindergarten teacher...

    this is cool... and the future Mrs. Scooter is a 5th-6th grade teacher I can get the material free!!!!

    Although I think CR is going to have a leg up on us...What?

    I mean he's not made the digital transition yet and is better working on paper.
    Except that "Colored pencil is also off-limits, as is pencil and pen and ink."

    (not complaining - I think we'll all manage quite fine. But it'll be a challenge!)
  22. I wonder if there's some current, very modern Kindergarten school that's got the kiddles using computers?
  23. (insert some very clever joke about only using edible paste here - and not that nasty brown fluid in the bottle with the slanted-top applicator!)

    "NO DIGITAL ART IS ALLOWED" - this is going to be the most challenging month, ever.

    The smell of crayola wax and paste rises up from the deep, dark recesses of my memory. But I *think* I've got an idea.
  24. Caemgen, I see no problem at all with your entry qualifying per the 'Hot Chick' rule. None.