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  1. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Ooook then.

    So we had a great Moonfire TF last night! A few dings, always adds a little to them too Only a couple of plants, because of crossed wires but overall very good, fast, and fun.

    In attendance:
    Miss Mindreader
    Dutch Courage
    Red Earth
    Ashen (newest recruit, li'l blaster)

    A tank, 2 scrappers, a blaster, and 2 kinetics controllers Whoa yeah that was a quick 'un.

    Pity that Black Lace didn't make it in before we were underway that would have given us 3 kintrollers . And a shame that Miss M didn't make it through to the end. A little over 2 hours to complete, I was happy with that!

    Now I do believe that most of us have someone within the Hess TF level range now (25-30). I just dinged Satisfaction to 27 this morning, but I think most are 26ish, with a couple of 28s. Might be able to give it a shot soon? Either that or Citadel, perhaps, I think he's 25-30 also (or thereabouts).

    Anyway, good times all. Plans tonight anyone?
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    One other thing I heard/read (hopefully true) is it doesnt have to be your own sg. Other members can join in but ofcourse they wont get the IoP.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That would make sense to me, thinking about it now. If the raid is along the lines as those regular SG Mission computer missions, you should be able to take anyone you want with you, right? Er, that's assuming that the regular missions you can take anyone in with you, providing you let them into your base...

    That would work well for those SGs with a coalition to their retired lvl 50 group, so that they won't need to move their 50s around to do the trial and pick up an IoP.

    Would also mean the roving band of IoP picker uppers wouldn't have to leave their SG either.

    I wonder, if this works, and the IoP goes to the SG who's base it was started in (basically), does the prestige get split between the SGs that participated?

  3. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Heya all, yup Dutch remembers rightly, hoping to get Moonfire up and running at 7pm (UK time).

    So far as I can see, we have:
    Miss Mindreader (28)
    Triggarin (27)
    Satisfaction (25)
    Red Earth (25)
    Dutch Courage/Barbarian (25/50)

    Am hoping that Black Lace will make it, either as her, or Chick. Also if CGRAV makes it as himself or Night Devil, we'll be mint! Irish Storm mentioned she might be keen too, but it's tough to see her online nowadays...

    Only prob might be healing. If chick comes, we'll have 3 kineticists Otherwise, we might well end up with 2 of em, a tank, and 5 scrappers, lol. Imagine the carnage! Should still be enough transfusions flying around for that kind of (melee-range) team!

    Can't wait, hope everyone can make it
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't forget that you get a 5mil prestige bonus just for finishing the trial.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What! I was completely unaware of this. I was planning on running the TF at least once just to try it out then not actually placing the IoP.

    Do you only get 5 mill prestige for placing the IoP or can you do the TF, notplace the IoP and still get the prestige?

    If that's the case, I will be running this at least 2 or 3 times ASAP.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    The trial can only be run if you have a raidable base with a vault and an IoP base (without an IoP), right?

    Hmm, my SG doesn't have anywhere near 24 active-at-one-time members, so this is going to be quite difficult for us unless we start to expand a bit.

    Maybe now a viable 'roving SG' of 24 raid-whacking people who pimp themselves out to help other SGs will appear, and run the trial for SGs who can pay for the privilege? Not only will the SG then get an IoP, but they will get a decent 5million prestige boost. Wow, that's more prestige than what my SG has in total at the moment.

    About the raid etiquette. If an SG doesn't want thier stuff destroyed, set the IoP raid window for some unrealistic time, and don't sign any of the members up for the raid. The raiding team then wins by default, as I understand it. Sure they cart off your IoP, but chances are you didn't want it, you just wanted the experience and prestige.


    Guess I'll be needing about half a doz vaults if we ever get a trial-capable group...
  5. Tower_EU

    SG Costume

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So I have to do that every time I switch from costume 1 to costume 2?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not to my knowledge. You only have to set each costumes SG colouring once.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At the moment, I'm having to set it with every change ...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Indeed. If you select all the primary sg colour down the left hand set, and the secondary down the right on costume one, then go into costume 2 and set it all in reverse, when you change back to costume one it will keep the secondary down the left and primary down the right, if that makes sense.

    The SG colour settings is character-wide, not costume related, unfortunately

    A lot of cossies will look fine with the same colour schemes, but a lot will just look weird when you change too.

  6. I'll try to make it with Tech, if I'm in town.
  7. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Yup will be AWOL most of the evening, back latish, probably..

    Goldenboy is running a badgehunt tonight for those of us non-healers, who want the healing badges, using gladiators (starting at 11pm UK time), so I'll be around for that, hopefully.

    Anyway, as we talked about last night...

    Moonfire this weekend!

    So, I'm going to push to get Satisfaction to 26... or nearer to it. He's currently just over 25. The reason is that the bad dudes in this TF are 27/28, and if we don't have any exemplars, we might be in a bit of trouble without a couple more lvls on our toons.

    Puma has renewed her account So she'll be around for it too, I think.

    If we don't manage to get any higher levels to join, I'll bring Tech along for it. He doesn't need the badge but we'll need a load of aggro management to keep the mobs off our lowbies... Hopefully I won't lose too many fun powers

    Anyway, will most likely see half of yas when I get in tonight. Otherwise, will catch yas tomorrow.

  8. After playing a blaster a few levels now, I'm coming around to Defiance... The Concept.

    I still don't like it much, but it is actually quite nice to see it shoot up and you yell 'DEFIANCE' and manage to shoot a minion before falling over. The numbers that go up are nice to see, and almost make up for being planted. Till you realise how everyone else gets inherents that are more useful a lot more of the time.

    I think they could tune it more. Maybe have Defiance kick in quite well at around 50%, and then max out at 10%... At least you have a chance to achieve something.

    Though I'm still not sure about the Blaster AT.. I don't know any other AT with a secondary anywhere near as overpowered as a blaster. How is hitting something with super-energized/flaming/etc fists considered blasting?

  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, is anyone willing to do a gladiator match for the healing badges with me this week?

    You'll need:
    <ul type="square">[*]Mensons[*]Longbow Warden 2's or Arch Mage of Agonys[/list]
    For us to both get the badges, 2 of each, plus a filler.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have Agony and Mesons, but not Longbow Warden 2s (yet), and would love to get some healing badges in before this work around gets closed up, if you're still lookin for a 2nd!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Perfect. I'll have a quick word with you ingame later on (too late/early now).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm. I'm currently in an Arena match with Corten, and I really don't think my setup is working. I see his Longbow Wardens spamming heals, and my guys just stand there and take damage, I occasionally see a mage throw up a heal, but I really doubt we've got it set up right

    PM me here, if you like. Like I said, Tech is in the Arena now, and I'd like some info on how it's supposed to work.

    Ta dude.
  10. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    *Scrambles of to boost prestige of Dutch B*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good Did you catch up in the end?

    It's nice to know that every point of prestige I earn gets doubled via competition Might break Tech out again for some more.

    I think we have almost 1.1 million prestige available... a little over 4 if we sold everything... I was on the test server the other day, and they give you 36million prestige there to test out base stuff with, so I tried out a few things.

    It looks like we need around 6million for the entire base layout, before putting stuff into it, maybe another 3 or so to kit it out properly... I think our current base layout is about 1million worth, which means we've got 2m in 'stuff', at the moment. If we sold a bit of stuff, we could upgrade our plot, which would be a good start, without radically changing anything. Then we could fix our layout a bit, without losing any of our rooms at the moment. Is this something we might want to do? Maybe we should wait till I7 to see if anything really changes, base-wise, before deciding on what to do.

    Anyway, it's not bad progress We're in the top 100 SGs at the moment, prestige-wise, which is pretty cool. Granted we're nearer the bottom than the top, but hey, we're only small . At the moment it looks like we're making about 400k a week, which isn't bad, as far as I'm concerned, heh. I know the bigger ones make loads more, but frankly I like our SG just fine.

    So, another TF tonight? Will see who's online this evening, almost got some decent lvls to run the Respec missions maybe...

    Catch yas tonight
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, is anyone willing to do a gladiator match for the healing badges with me this week?

    You'll need:
    <ul type="square">[*]Mensons[*]Longbow Warden 2's or Arch Mage of Agonys[/list]
    For us to both get the badges, 2 of each, plus a filler.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have Agony and Mesons, but not Longbow Warden 2s (yet), and would love to get some healing badges in before this work around gets closed up, if you're still lookin for a 2nd!
  12. Tower_EU

    Union Leaders

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ascended Marras - @Tech Tower (SG)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heya Death. Just a couple of things:

    Our SG is called 'Ascended', Ascended Marras is just our SG thread name.

    And I haven't actually joined the channel. I would have, but I currently have 4, and the 5th adds a horrid colour that I didn't want. I plan to join though, when we get more channel options (hoping that the I7 changes will fix up a load of this).

    Good luck with it though See yas there when I7 goes live.
  13. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]

    Acsended above and beyond!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That amuses me

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hya guys and gals, I wont be on this week... too much stuff to do, goddammit I hate that. I wanna play... See you soon, I hope.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heya matey, fair enuff, real life can sometimes get in the way of playing I guess.. I've been trying to think of something real lifish to do over easter weekend (on a couple hundred quid, max), but can't seem to come up with anything that interests me, though considering a trip to Spain.. Anyone keen for a jaunt to Barcelona for a few days? Heh.

    Failing that, I'll probably be around in game, I suppose.

    Ok all yas that are sticking around this week... I'm out of touch on Wednesday (Easter forcing us to move up Poker/Darts night by a day), but should be around most of the rest of the week.

    We have a load of toons that are in the range for Moonfire now (23-28), so maybe we can aim for that on Tuesday? Names from memory would be Satisfaction (25), Red Earth (23, will need sk), Dutch Courage (24?), Red's Chick (24), Miss Mindreader (27).

    Oh damn, scratch Miss Mindreader. Puma is on holiday from CoH for a little while, so her toons are afk for now. She'll probably reactivate when she has more time to play.

    Anyway, another few levels and we could possibly take on the first Respec too

    I'll be around from about 6.30, most likely mishing with Death Kiss as Tech Tower (Duuuutchy, I have finally caught up with prestige! , unless someone yells out for one of my smaller toons!

    Have been on Teamspeak a lot lately, is not too bad (not as good as Skype quality-wise though).

    Catch yas later!
  14. So... Max Khaos offered to show me his base last night, in a mock-raid (just myself as Tech Tower and him).

    I pop over there and we spar for a sec, then I wander his base, and start hitting things...

    Which is why I relise that half the things I'm hitting are completely unaffected by 2 of my attacks! I don't mean doing no damage, or missing. In my power tray was basically just 'You have activated x power', and then nothing till it recharges.

    So Axe tankers out there, you may as well throw away your Beheader and Swoop powers if you're going to do a raid, since a lot of base items aren't damaged by them.

    Some things that they didn't work on: The Dimensional Anchors, the Turbine Generator, the Targetting helper things (defences), the Damage boost things (defences too)... More I'm sure, but don't recall.

    Not impressed, really. Hopefully this is something they have addressed in I7.

    Anyone else noticed powers that have this problem?
  15. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!


    Grats to all who came with us this avo for another Eden attempt

    So after a few miscommuncations and targetting problems, we did manage to get through successfully, with a little less than an hour left on the clock!

    Ended up with 6 team members, 5 which were from the SG: Tech Tower, Puma, Dutch Barbarian, Death Kiss, Ramaseys. (sp?), and a Union Overlord - Catherine Wheel (recently back from a long retirement).

    I really do love that TF really makes me feel like a tanker, after so long of having felt like the devs want me to be a scranker or something... That first wall (Rock Wall) is hilarious, the spawns go ooon and ooon, and eventually, they stop

    I got my 6th(!!) debt badge today! Exalted . Am well pleased with it really, fits the Ascended feel really well lol.

    Anyway, wish I could post some screenies or something, but I don't have a way right now. Maybe another time.

    I'm quite pleased with Tech's new build though . I respecced him this morning, and agonised over whether or not I would be able to include Tough (Fighting pool), and ended up leaving it out for some other resistances (Elements) and Unstoppable, which I think is the better route. I might post the build in the Tanker forum, and see what others think of it...

    Off for some dinner, then probably back into it again soon!

    Laters all
  16. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Darn just read this post about the TF, was with some friends last night. Ill be on tonight tho.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry bout the short notice there Blappy, it was just a spur of the moment idea. Pity you missed it too I think we ended up with 4, Me, Blade, Dutch, Red, (And CGRAV to start it), and it was really neat. Just before we started I got Dutch to see if you were around, but he said you must have been out or something.

    Satisfaction 22-24
    Red Earth 20-23
    Dutch Courage 21-24 (dinged on the xp from the final TF mish )
    Black Lace 35-35 (no xp)

    I'm AFK tonight, poker/darts/beer night with some mates, but will be back in after a few beers I'm sure. Always makes for interesting conversations... I (semi) remember some crazy conversation with Sulphur one night... He had to remind me what the hell we talked about the next day tho. But that's not relevant

    So tomorrow (Friday) we have the Eden Trial lined up, with a previous Eden teammate Mister J. Current line up is Tech Tower, Dutch Barbarian, Death Kiss, Mister J. Yup, 1 tank and 3 scrappers . Should be fun! Puma said she'll try to make it, but she has plans for that afternoon that could run till after that. Will see what happens.

    We were on Teamspeak (union server) last night during the TF (well the last few mishes!), and was really good, seemed to work really well. I think we should probably do it more in the future too, I'm sure everyone can listen in, even if they don't have microphones.

    Dutch had a few issues with staying logged on tho (a few 'damn, wrong button!'s from him ), and Red had probs with her mic (like everytime she whips it out, lol), and Blade seemed unsure if he was invited (lol!), but we all got there in the end

    We discussed doing the Moonfire TF soon too, as we all have toons 23+ (min lvl for it). Except Blappy.

    I'm up for running Sis Psyche TF again, with one of my other toons. I noticed last night that every TF we've done recently I've done on a different alt, lol. I'd love to do Sis Psyche with Electrosity, who's at 20. It really was the best TF thus far (ie of Pos,Syn,Sis). Full of freak tanks, rezzing every 2 seconds, heh. Lots of XP, good fun all round .

    Anyway, DAMN that's a decent length post . Someone reply in suit
  17. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Have PMed Mister J, and he's keen for running through the Eden Trial with us this Friday. I mentioned 6.30pm to him, as a start time, so that Puma could hopefully make it, if she has time. He said he'll try to make it home by then, but I'm sure we won't overly mind if he's a bit later.

    Any plans for tonight yet? Was thinking we could do Sis Psyche, if we have enough for a team. I think it's 20-25, min 5 people. Could be wrong, am going from memory.

    Blappy, Dutch, Blade? You guys around? I know Red needs to check this one off too, available tonight Red? Thinking 6.30 still. No idea how long it is, prolly do it in a couple of hours, like usual.

    Should we start calling you Lace? Or K? I mean all your new things have nothing to do with 'Red' Whereas Blades new ones are Red named, lol

    Laters guys!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well I'm after the Cave of Transcendance if anyone gets it please give me a shout
    Golbal @Gilliam

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can help with this. I'll send out a message over the Union Badgehunter channel for people after it. I have an illusionist that has done it a couple of times with zero probs, was built for it in truth.

    Probably 9pm tonight, to give people time to get organised. If you find yourself a team of 7 earlier, give me a yell at @Tech Tower, and I should be able to help.

    Pretty quick Trial, really.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Changed my mind, find someone else to help.

    Offer retracted.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    But seriously, we're used to running multiple teams on these TF Sundays, and I'll do my best to get 2 or 3 balanced teams together out of those that show up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll offer joining-to-start services, if you're lacking team members, but then if you had enough you could do 4-4-8 (etc) easy enough I guess

    But that doesn't leave redundancies, if people get fed up...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Really if your not committed to doing the FUll 8 to 10 hours
    you should not sign up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Try reading my post again. I'm offering to help start it, which is a problem when you need 8 people to start one. I don't need it, already have it, and take offence with the tone of your post.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Well I'm after the Cave of Transcendance if anyone gets it please give me a shout
    Golbal @Gilliam

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can help with this. I'll send out a message over the Union Badgehunter channel for people after it. I have an illusionist that has done it a couple of times with zero probs, was built for it in truth.

    Probably 9pm tonight, to give people time to get organised. If you find yourself a team of 7 earlier, give me a yell at @Tech Tower, and I should be able to help.

    Pretty quick Trial, really.

  21. [ QUOTE ]
    But seriously, we're used to running multiple teams on these TF Sundays, and I'll do my best to get 2 or 3 balanced teams together out of those that show up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll offer joining-to-start services, if you're lacking team members, but then if you had enough you could do 4-4-8 (etc) easy enough I guess

    But that doesn't leave redundancies, if people get fed up...

  22. Tower_EU

    NEW Hami Raid

    [ QUOTE ]
    prob is you still need tons of em to beat him anyway... having one every night? brrr.. weekly? ouch.. biweekly? hmm.. might consider yet doubt it.. once a month? think i could handle..

    if you DO plan to do one each night, dont count on me bein bombin every time

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heya stage, ta for the group fly last night, didn't realise the plan was to spread out or I'd have pulled fly in for the job!

    Will defo be getting fly on Skull Bender for the next raid, next week or fortnight or whenever I enjoyed it and would do it more often. Maybe weekly would be the absolute maximum I'd take part in, fortnightly+ preferred

    An interesting plan that I was really suprised to see work so well! Next time I assume we can get away with one PA bomb, the holding &amp; kinhealing teams run in and should be able to get sorted in that time, quick holding phase, and pummelling team doing their thing soon enough. Seemed like we had been holding him for a good half hour or so before the damaging teams started their thing, but then I wasn't the hami-tank so can't say for sure. Maybe with preset raid teams the whole thing would go a lot smoother in the future.

    Shrug. See yas at the next one
  23. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also if she comes back I hope it's before the name is taken

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No probs there mate, she's a 50, and it's only &lt;30 (maybe &lt;35)s that have their name made available after 3 inactive months, so unless Puma gets deleted, then she'll be fine, as will the rest of us.

    I thought that was common knowledge? Does everyone believe that ALL of their names go up in the unreserved bin if they're inactive for 3 months? If so I might make a post in General Discussion trying to broaden the public awareness...

  24. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Sister Psyche this week? 20-25 I believe. Should go well for our toons, maybe try it on Tenacious (bigger spawns than heroic, but same level) or Unyielding (bigger spawns + 1)? Shrug.

    Eden TF on Friday night, for 39+s who can make it. Will PM Mister J and see if he's keen. So far it seems like him, dutch, me, blade (as death kiss) will be doing it, maybe Puma joining us, if it's not late. Will see, her subscription runs out on Saturday, and she won't be renewing it for a while.

    Red did you stay long enough to get a Hami-o last night? I think you shot off, but it was soo hard to read anything and the evening was a blur . I know Dutch and I got one each

    Hopefully when they do another run at him, they won't wait so long. He was held for ages before they called in the damage team, or so I heard... Far too many tanks in the jelly it seemed, can't imagine what most of them were there for, until the pummelling stage. Am looking forward to the next one Only died once, heh, and that was for a shortcut out of Eden at the end Guess I had a pretty safe job (though had some teammates die too during it, just lucky I guess).

    Will be running late tonight, am catching up with a mate who just rang over lunch. Will be in later though, I'm sure.

    Catch yas