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  1. I think someone should run up an impromptu raid sooner. With global chat, it's easier for people to get in touch with controller friends who may be alting and not heard of it happening than ever before. So the few people that know would be able to organise a pretty decent number of trollers at short notice, if only by word of mouth in game.
  2. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Heh apart from the super-double post power it seems to have occasionally

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I want to add I'm writting this post on a SCHOOL computer at the moment

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah well.

    Oh, Red, if you can't get on, mind if Dutch and I progress the TF a bit anyway? We won't complete it without yas, but I was planning to play Poweramp tonight and get him a travel power... and really don't fancy hunting all that way.

    Though I could work on Electrosity if you'd rather we didn't. Nix biggie. Dutch could bring on Dutch Courage, he's still lvl 8 and Elec is lvl 9.
  3. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Your modem screwed, techs comp doing wierd disconnects
    What's up with your comps lately, it seems I'm the only one with relative no problems

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh apart from the super-double post power it seems to have occasionally

    Seriously though, hope you get sorted there Red and C, sucks when good hardware goes bad.

    As for my comp, the issues are
    1. It's a laptop
    2. It's an OLD laptop
    3. I'm still trying to find/decide on a new machine

    The problem with 3 is that I need one with decent specs so that it will last a couple of years, since I tend to be a replacer, not an upgrade, and it has to be a decently low price. Another prob with buying a computer is 'where am i'. If I make a new comp and then don't get a visa to stay in the UK, it's just another piece that I have to find a way to ship home. And what do I do with my laptop...


    Someone work out a decent price for me for a decent machine. The way I figure I'll need a 7800 GT (or higher/similar) graphics card, a CPU, some RAM, a Mother Board (with onboard non-AC97 sound preferably), a case and power supply. I have a hard disk and dvd-writer already, and my projector and wireless keyboard and mouse will switch over to it for that. It seems that that looks like it will cost about 700 squid . I don't want to pay that. I don't even know if I want AMD or Intel yet.

    Shrug again.
  4. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Blade if you need some funds for Cleaver's DOs we can work all that out later in the week, I need some for Poweramp too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah that would be great bud.
    Send a word at your convenience and we can sort out a funds exchange.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Got to 12 with Poweramp last night and Red kindly donated me a couple of hundred k for my DOs. I'll hook ya up another time tho man, or something.

    We started the Positron TF last night too, just 4 of us (Me, Red, Dutch, C). Ouch it's hard at lvl 10! Those Vahz and CoT hurt... Anyway, should finish it tonight hopefully. I don't think Poweramp will hit 15 from it though, maybe 14... just. So if you still want to do it with Red Cleaver, I'll still join you. Actually I might bring one of my other toons, I've got loads that are almost or just in the 10 range. Probably Electrosity, he's been sitting at 9 for ages, need to move him along a bit. And dutch still has to do it with Dutch Courage (he's doing Blue Swordmistress at the mo).

    Anyway, the day is draaaaging along, can't wait to get out of work

    Someone write something I can reply to
  5. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Ok let's line Positron up for the weekend sometime. Anyone got preferences?

    If we do a Sunday it looks like 10.30ish will be the usual start with Dutchy having familytime beforehand, no biggie there as a lie in is always appreciated

    Or we could do it Saturday, but not sure if any/everyone is available. Dutch was out RPing or something last weekend, and I don't know if that was a regular thing or what, plus this Saturday I have to go out and buy a birthday present for Puma (everyone PM me ideas! lol). But after that I should be available.

    I'd prefer it Saturday if possible, since then I could organise Synapse for Sunday, hehe.

    I'm not sure who has toons around that level though, can ya throw your hands up if you want to do the Positron TF, and if Saturday avo (3pm onwards) or Sunday morning (10.30ish) is any good for ya. It's easy to get a toon to 10 (the minimum entry requirement), if someone wants to join but doesn't have one in range. 12 would be ideal, but I'd guess the TF would ding you to that anyway if you got in at 10, so you could DO up at that point.

    Blade if you need some funds for Cleaver's DOs we can work all that out later in the week, I need some for Poweramp too.

    Feel free to decorate the base Dutchy. The Raid TP room really should be arcane, like how I've got it, since it is an arcane TPer, and might as well leave the Vault in arcane too. But I'm not too bothered.
  6. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Well then!

    That was a fun day yesterday

    So we kicked off around 10.45ish I think, we were set to go at 10.30 but I decided to check out CGRAVs info... which froze my laptop so we were slightly delayed. I think we finished Burkholder around 12.15, so yup one and a half hours is about right Dutchy!

    In the end, well actually near the beginning, I felt that my bringing Skull Bender on wasn't as useful as we'd hoped. I mean 4 scrappers, a tank, and so yeah, Skull looked like a good idea for some healing and controlling etc, but it seemed like my heals were underused, and I wasn't really controlling jack all lol. I don't think we'd have had any problems if I'd brought on Tech either. Still it was nice having Skull out for a change, and got some points toward our SG badge for healing, which was good... But now Dutch has pulled his prestige lead over Tech out by like another 10k... dammit! *shakes fist at Dutch* I'll get ya!

    Ah well.

    So I remade the base too, it's got 8 rooms, including a vault and raid TP, and still room for another room, if we find we need another workshop or energy room, shrug. Dutch and I dropped most things that we could think of - functional wise - into the base, including the (IMO) grossly overpriced Monitor Bank, which generates mediocre control for a LOT of salvage that we could have put into something else...

    So I've noticed we've got like half a dozen alts in the 10-15 range... Anyone up for another TF soon? I want to do Positron with Poweramp before he gets to a point where he doesn't really benefit from it. 12 would be ideal, with DOs and a new power, we should be able to cream though it (and a few levels I'd bet!). Not a great plan for those trying to complete as many contacts as possible, but great XP and a good time for all I expect the next time I take Poweramp in will get him to 12, or near to it, so either this coming weekend or before would be cool.

    Anyway, enough of the writing stuff.
  7. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    with 3 peacebringers, my warshade

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bleh, 4 kheldians.

    So sounds like 5 of us will be there, sweet, shouldn't be too bad, 3hrs tops, including lunch would be my guess.

    Not sure how the levels will go with tech, dutch, and dk at 30 and everyone else 25/26... should be ok.
  8. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah I"m out sorry.

    About the Hess tf I have to start on 10:30 cause of family breakfast (its something we do every sunday) anyways see you tomorow.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Twas fine matey, we started Positron, but had a defeat all mish where one was definitely MIA so we quit and didn't bother starting it again.

    NPs about the start time dude, 10am was a 'round about' time, only thing is everyone will prolly disappear soon afterwards for lunch
  9. Tower_EU


    Heh yeah very cold right now, will get betta, you chose an.. interesting.. time to join us

    Welcome to the UK, hopefully one day will catch ya round!
  10. Make sure a few people /demorecord it too... If it manages to get started.

    I think there are a lot of us who are interested in how well everyone does, the layout of the violators base, powers etc . And just for braggability I guess.

    Should be interesting to watch.
  11. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    So I think about 3 hours for the Hess TF?

    How long did it take last time any of you did it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sounds about right dude, I can't remember it was a while ago that we did it.

    Anyway, after dinner (probably around 6ish) P and I were thinking of doing a TF, just a low level one, for our littles. Either Positron or Synapse would be cool. Posi is 10-15, Synapse is 15-21, I think.

    Actually I think we just dinged 16, so it would be Synapse, which is full of clocks and ends in an AV (Clockwork King). So anyone 15+ wanna come for a run? Expecting 2-3 hours, though possibly more since I have no idea on how long it really is, heh. I'd be a controller (Ice/Kin), and P would be her scrapper (MA/Dark), both 16. I think Blade would bring his lvl 16 troller also (Mind/Rad), so we'd just need 1 more to start it *looks in Dutch's direction* .

    Shrug, think Dutch is AFK today, doing table-top RPing, so he's prolly out.
  12. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    don't think Moonfire has a badge Dutchy, will have to check

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Checked I have! There is one, it's Honorary Peacebringer, sorry
  13. Personally I prefer 'Union PvP', just cause it looks nicer. I'm on the Union Badgehunters channel too, and have a nifty bind (thanks to some suggestions from the Questions forum):
    /bind t beginchat /send "Union Badgehunters"

    Starts send and puts you in a position to just type the msg.

    No biggie though, and I am really surprised that noone has jumped up claiming that they haven't made a chan for this yet... I don't really want the responsibility of being chanmaster...
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Strange, I thought this was a thread asking people to come to Sirens...


    Can I come play? I have a lvl 50 tank, inv/axe (like max powerz, only better ), and a lvl 50 controller, ill/emp.

    Neither are built for PvP yet, but I would very much like to do so with one or both of them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    U wish!!!

    Clearly I have the bestest tank - too bad teams have been picked :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shrug, ah well, too late for me then I guess, no biggie.

    Next time you guys do something like this and want more of a turnout, you might want to rethink the thread subject a little... 'Inter-server PvP Teams' or something, shrug.
  15. Strange, I thought this was a thread asking people to come to Sirens...


    Can I come play? I have a lvl 50 tank, inv/axe (like max powerz, only better ), and a lvl 50 controller, ill/emp.

    Neither are built for PvP yet, but I would very much like to do so with one or both of them.
  16. Is there a "Union PvP" (or some such) global chat channel?

    And I'm not talking about the Arena chat, I'm after something that, if abused (by spamming or whatever), we have the ability to kick said spammer from the channel, which I'm sure a lot of people would love.

    If so, could a leader please send an invite to @Tech Tower at some point... If I'm allowed to join

  17. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    I don't think Moonfire has a badge Dutchy, will have to check. Or if it does it's just been recently added. She's next to that Raven*something* levelup person in Striga, level is 23-28 or something like that. This morning when I helped you with your Maestro mish (Red) I checked her out and she wants 6 or more people for the TF.

    A group of other heroes have posted on Union Heroes for the Moonfire TF too, starting tonight at 7pm. I'm guessing that's probably too soon for you to reach 23 though Red. I was thinking we could start at the same time as them and race the TFs but we probably can't make it at that point.

    I'm keen to do it, throw it up here when you ding 23, and if we have the numbers we can give it a run through... chances are it would be tomorrow though, shouldn't be a prob for most of us to make anyway.

    I'm planning to respec Dark Bubble soon. He's got some real [censored] powers (Energy Torrent for example, Repusion Field), and I'd like to slot him up better. Damn I wish I'd gone FF/Ice though...

    *toys with the idea of deleting Dark Bubble and remaking*
  18. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    You should be sweet as getting to 23 Red, you seem to be powering along with him, and just think, in 6 more bars... SOs! Yay!

    Knockback, I don't like it either... which is a shame because Axe has it with the attacks too. Red will attest to my dislike of it.

    Knockdown and knockup are fine though. I've really only got a couple of knockback attacks though, unfortunately one of them is my big cone attack, which is like my favourite one

    I tend to find that the best way to deal with it is to attack things that are higher level, usually purples, since they seem to resist it better.

    I think P and I will be playing our little lvl 15s tonight... If she's stopped being mad at me for going out to the pub last night instead of coming home... But I might be able to join you for some villains later Dutch?

    Another thing, level 23 for moonfire TF, should help you on your way to Hess Red.
  19. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Before I forget I have the Spelunker mish on Blue Swordmistriss.

    And to tech I'd say post the 3 man team brag, needing an whole SG for lusca pfft.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cool make sure that Red doesn't need it on her scrapper, she's in the Atlas Medallion stage I think.

    Red has picked up the PWNZ badge on Black Lace too, though I guess she was planning to post that here and do it tonight, if anyone wants it. I think I'll bring Skull along, since he's missing it.

    Mmmm, Lioneyes. Sounds cute

    And I browse this during work because CoH is far more interesting right now

    Oh and Dutch, they aren't taking a whole SG out for Lusca... They're taking 6 supergroups, yup, the whole 1AT coalition lol. Sure they'll do it quicker than our 3-person team did, but meh.
  20. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Hehe, the 1AT is going for Lusca this weekend, good luck to them I say, but reading through the thread noticed a 'we did it with 6 people' and a 'we did it with 5'...

    So close to posting that we've knocked her down, in I6, with just 3 of us, lol.

    Strange, I didn't think of that as a big deal, though maybe it is. I mean with me taking the hits and Puma healing, Dutch and I have been able to drop all the GMs I think.

    Will have to give it another go soon. Maybe we should come on at like 4am one morning and see how many GMs we can go through in record time
  21. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    (I've had my weetabix )

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Ya know, in New Zealand we have something similar, called Weet Bix.

    The main differences are the corners aren't shamelessly removed from the corners of ours, and recycled into other blocks to bloat their output (and therefore income), and ours taste goood

    Sigh. I miss New Zealand Marmite

    And L&P (Lemon & Paeroa... A soft drink/'fizzy'/soda), it's taken forever to get Australians to stock it (but they do!), I can't imagine it getting all the way around the world to here anytime soon, heh.
  22. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]

    And also I've picked up the science contact which will/should open up my 35-40 SOs. Usually a tough one so anyone available will be welcome

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sure dude I'll help out if ya want, need to bring Skull out for a bit tonight anyway, to help out our SG healing badge . Puma might help out if I'm not available, or there are enough of us to find someone

    [ QUOTE ]
    The Hess TF was given out if I remember correctly by the traiter Council. Luitenant Hess by any chance, so just play till you get him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not sure who gives it, could google it but so could anyone else . Basically you don't have to hunt for the contact, once you've finished the Striga arc he'll be offered to you. The TF guy is Ernesto Hess I believe, and you are sent to talk to him as a mission from a striga contact, though I don't recall who it was. Lars Hanson was suggested by Blade, and could well be correct.

    Not sure who I'll be on as tonight, no plans (if I'm not/done helping Blade). Tech is working through World Wide Red malta story arc, so might work on that a bit, or level up Poweramp or something.

    Will see!
  23. Personally I say Air Sup too, it's too cool, especially for grounding those blasted flyers in PvP!

    Though I've heard some people say to take hover for the knockback protection...
  24. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    He killed me far too many times though . But when I get Accuracy DOs and more slots, we'll try it again

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I remember it correctly the end score was like 13-6 in your favour.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I still maintain that that is far too much

    Maybe break out the Dutch Courage? rofl, that name is too great dude

    I'll bring on Poweramp if you're keen. Haven't played my villain for an age though... Maybe this weekend.

  25. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah P said you PC was rubbish

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's really weird man, it used to go really smoothly in CoH I don't know if it was something about the last patch or 3 but it's been going quite badly lately. Even after I defragged it's [censored] into a solid blue block (and detached solid green block) AND turned ALL of the quality settings down to as low as possible ...

    [ QUOTE ]
    But perhaps it crashing did you a favour. You obviously needed some shuteye and at least that way you didn't wake up with qwerty embedded in your forhead

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yah maybe, I definitely needed a good nights rest, but I prefer to do that during the weekends, having a good sleep in. No chance of QWERTY on the forehead I'm a fair distance away from my wall (where the screen is projected) with a wireless kb/mouse . And unless I can double over and put my forehead into my lap, that kb is out of reach.

    And NO, I can't do that, at least I'm assuming I can't, ouch!

    (and on that let's change the subject...)
    Dutch and I had a PvP match the other night with our lvl 8 toons, his MA/Regen scrapper vs my Ice/En blaster. Neither of us had enough inf to slot up all the way with 10+s, and it was a good match.

    He killed me far too many times though . But when I get Accuracy DOs and more slots, we'll try it again