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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    idk if i will be able to do anything in may, since thats when my graduation (may 19th is graduation date to be specific)

    i also agree that the arundel mills parking was awful that day, but it was a great place to meet for all the stuff thats available to do

    personally im not much into going to seeing movies at theaters cause of all the "must be in 3D" retardedness as well as how expensive it is
    No fear of the 3D problem, Necro. I am physically incapable of seeing a 3D so all the theaters I'm looking at have a non-3D option for movies.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    i'm down for the movie, and i prefer the no talking version (and especially the no clapping and singing version), but i long ago swore to never again go to an opening weekend movie. i would prefer a week or so after it opens so as not to have to deal with the swarms of folks, but for the opportunity to hang out again, i'll make an exception.

    but, i say we find another theater, arundel mills has a nice theater and all, but parking is really beyond belief there, not sure everyone would be up for that again. specifically of rthe folks who had to drive over an hour to spend almost the same amount of time looking for a spot.
    Well since I'm organizing the next one, I'm leaning toward doing it at a theater in this State (virginia). But yeah, I'll worry about what theater we do it at after we decide which format we want to carry it out with.

    There are a couple theathers right along the I95 corridor down here. annoying they seem to go up in quality the further south you go.

    Basically we've got a Theather at Spring Field mall. It's about a 20 minute walk from the metro station so that would be a plus for people to get to. The down side, the mall and the theater itself are pretty crappy.

    Heading down to woodbridge (about 20 minutes south of Springfield) we get to an AMC theater. They have stadium seating and is generally good though their prices are getting to be rather outrageous in my opinion. Most new movies are $14 there. But it is attached to one of the nicer malls in the area. Lots of places to get together for lunch/dinner and hang out.

    Then If we go down to fredericksburg we have a Muvico theather in an outdoor mall/town center sort of set up. Really georgeous place. They have premium seating with a win/beer lounge attached to the theater. At premium seating you're allowed to bring your drinks into the theaters and the seating is outstanding. Literally, Treagus and I could be in seats next to each other, lean back and stretch our legs out with another foot and half between our feet and the backs of the seats in front of us, spread our shoulders out and still have 8 inches of space between us. I'm use Traegus and I as reference since we're both fairly stocking fellas. The Price is a bit high at $14 a seat but for the quality of the theater I think it's worth it. The down side is it 40 minutes south of Springfield.

    So yeah, Option 1: Metro accessible and easy to get to but pretty crappy in terms of quality.

    Option 2: Not metro accessible, but close enough to make car pooling viable from a metro. Not bad in terms of Quality. Bit expensive though.

    Option 3: Just too far to make multiple Car pools viable so would need to coordinate for transit from a Metro. Great location with lots to do.
  3. Well, as much fun as it is to pick on Traegus I would like to start putting though toward the next M&G. There is a fair ammount of interest in doing a M&G centered around the Avengers movie premier which is slated for May 4th.

    Now I can see 2 ways of doing such a get together:

    1) We do the M&G for the Premier itself. We get a group rate from a movie theater (Or hell if we can swing it rent out the damned theater). We get together a few hours before the movie for lunch, chat mingle, play jokes, whatever and then we go to the movie with the understanding that all of us are there to see the movie. That means we all understand that we're not going to talk during the movie.

    2) We do the M&G a few weeks after the Premier itself, get together a few hours before the movie to mingle, chat, talk, play jokes and whatever else and then go to the movie. This difference with this approach is that there is no garuntee that we're all there to see the movie (and lets be honest chances are that we'll have already seen the movie so we'll be there to hang out more then to see the movie).

    Who wants to do which approach?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    dude, did you take no other pics? they all gotta be me with the sombrero????
    It's not like there was a lot else worth taking pictures of. You kind of stole the show Traegus.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post
    I can see the album, but I can't view the pics for whatever reason.

    Still sad pandas.
    grrr.... okay there is one last thing I can try.

    Click here (and pray).
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
    Unfortunately, it's still giving "Sorry, that page was not found."
    Third time's the charm?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post
    The link leads no where hon.

    Never fear, though, I have video of this event. :-D

    Evil Obs is EVIL.
    Might help if I set the album to be publicly viewable wouldn't it? Try now.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    Torroes, just as bit of warning, i went thru my old PM's and realized i still have your personal info, i say this in hopes you consider that before posting any pictures!!!
    Oh I most certainly did consider it before posting these pics.

    Enjoy all.
  9. Okay kids gonna try and grab a bit of a cat nap before I leave about 1:30 to get up there. I'll have my name badge on and I'll have my laptop with me. So use those to ID me.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone.
  10. Okay times up for the name badges. I will bring extras with me and have markers for folks to write their names in.
  11. OKay, Name tag count. How many should I have? At present I have 14 name tags. How many people are we expecting?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Sorry for the confusion, Elvnsword! I can't make it at all, unfortunately!
    I was just trying to provide some positive push to get people to show up early if they wanted to.

    I live in New York and would love to swing down for this, but -as it so happened- I have to attend a surprise party for an old friend instead.
    I can't think of anything that would be more surprising then jumping said old friend, blind folding, gagging, hog tieing and tossing them in the car for a nice relaxing 5 hour drive down to DC to hang out with complete strangers at a D&B.

    I mean really. What would be more surprising then that?
  13. Okay kids, I'm going to be nice with name badges and give you all a choice. I've thrown together 4 designs:


    If you have a preference as to which one your name is on, please tell me now. Like wise, if you want something other then your Forum ID as your name, please tell me. You may PM me if you like.

    You have until Friday 10pm to contact me about the name badges. Other wise, your name badge will have your forum name on them and will be on which ever back ground comes next in line.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    Ok, So it's looking like we have at or around 17 people, not enough to prebook and get our discount, but I have been assured they will have room for us to walk in.

    Electric-knight, what time would you like to have a meet up? I know I can get myself and Obsidian Light there, possibly Archangel Michael a bit early if you need early. I am in this to meet all the folks I can that play our game cause I honestly believe we have THE BEST community in the gaming industry, so if that means coming a bit early, I will do that if you want to meet early.

    Just post a proposed time, and we can all meet up and have some hang out time prior to the main meet and greet at 6PM.

    I look forward to next week, and I can't wait to meet you all.

    I'm all for getting together about 3ish. I'm sure we can all find something to do to kill a couple hours till we hit D&B at 6.
  15. As a side topic, anyone in the direction between Woodbridge and Adrundle mills interested in Car pooling? I rather dislike driving and even more so when I'm alone and triply so when I'm alone and in the car for longer then 15 minutes. So some traveling company would be nicely appreciated for this. Just toss in $5 for gas.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Wait...I'm sorry...what? Weren't you just mocking me for maybe not being able to come? And now you're out? Oh son, I am disappoint.
    All told I would prefer it was a bit earlier then 6pm. I'm coming up from Woodbridge. From Woodbridge to Arundel mills is close to an hour and a half drive. I would much rather make that trip at 1:30 (to get there by 3) then at 4:30 (to get there by 6).
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
    Lmao! Nah, we don't see each other often so I can't just cancel at the last minute. How often do you guys do this? I would mind driving p there or carpooling up there Baltimore is only like 2 to 3 hours from where I live.
    Well the last one was... what? 2 1/2 years ago? 3 years? I know it was in 2009 but don't recall when in the year it was.

    Though there did seem to be some interest in doing some sort of CoH themed get together involving the Avengers movie. So... who knows. Maybe we'll do 2 this year.
  18. You know, this does bring to light an interesting pattern regarding the Phalanx HQ location.

    Original Location: BaumTown. It's now "BOOM" town.
    2nd location: Galaxy City. That went kerbluie.
    3rd Location: Fort Trident (which is in theory a longbow base and I think that Liberty will be going a bit more rogue in coming times)

    Anyone want to place a bet on what will destroy Fort Trident?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
    I didn't find out about this until yesterday *sigh*. The SO wants to do something next weekend sorry guys .
    and I suppose coming out to D&Bs for some drinks, and games with a bunch of gamers wouldn't count huh?
  20. The majority of my characters are simple incapable of having a "secret identity". Kinda hard to disguise a 8.5 foot cyborg that looks like a Rhino and an Abhrams tanks had a love affair as anything else.

    However there are a couple characters that while they don't go as far as duel lives or anything, they don't exactly broadcast that they are super heroes. One being an introverted extremely shy 22 year old woman just can't look someone in the face and so is very unlikely to get to a point of being able to talk to someone long enough to bring up the topic of super powers.

    Another character is a school teacher that is technically speaking a magical trans-sexual. Yeah... if that little note got loose imagine how fast some parents would stop paying tuition for their kids.

    In both cases it's not that they try and deceive everyone around them, they are simply selective about who knows it. The teacher has to transform into his alternate form to use his powers, so someone casually recognizing him is unlikely, while the woman wears a full head mask so people can't meet her eyes so same point.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
    I'd join you guys but that's my birthday weekend and hubby says he's got something extra special planned for me! Enjoy and hope to meet the local DC/MD players sometime next year!
    What's could be more special then spending time with a bunch of your fellow Super Heroes?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    t besides, i may have chronologically gone beyond 12 years old, but i don't act it, therefore, you won't be the least mature person there if nothing else.
    12? Giving yourself a bit too much credit there aren't ya, Traeg?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    speaking of the badges, is anyone planning anything appropriately geeky and labor intensive for this? i just think, even if it's a small purchasable item, everyone who shows should have a reminder, i still have my old badge, i would like to add to that collection. (read this with the mindset that though i would like some crafty geeky item, i am in no way volunteering for any of the labor part.... i don't do that......yucky)
    *sigh* I guess I'm volunteering to do them again. Given the time frame this time around I'm not going to bother with putting designs up and asking for approvals or feed back or anything. I'll just make 'em and bring em.

    Confirmation list time:

    Who is coming?


    What do you want name wise on your name badge?
  24. Sadly that link went up in smoke when GoDaddy announced it's support for SOPA and I dropped my account with them in response.