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  1. Turned out I needed to be 25 for the respec Trial anyway... and I can't delete posts! So I get to sit here looking a total gimp for all eternity! Oh, the shame!
  2. ...
    Well, due to an overwhelming response, I guess I'll just be wandering around hoping someone else is doing the respec trial around then!

    I'll be on (and marked LFTrial) a little before 1400, begging and pleading for a space, in Shark/Nerva

    Painmaker (24 SS/Inv Brute)
  3. Well, still trying to get a respec trial sorted... As it stands so far, I think I'll sit on Unthing's side of the fence though.

    The resistances from Resist Blah are pretty paltry, whereas the gains from Tough are more significant...

    If I got hit for 100 fire damage, I won't resist an extra 9 points of it, but if I'm slapped (it happens!) for 100, I'll resist n extra 18 points of it...

    I'll no doubt regret it everytime I'm wasted by a Fire/Ice/Dark/Energy type, but hey. I'll rock against slappers

    Painmaker (24 SS/Inv Brute who is VERY grateful for all of your help!)
  4. Hey all!

    Looking to earn a respec with my Brute and wondering if people want to get a group together for the 1st respec trial... I -think- the level range is 24 to 33 off the top of my head

    So if anyone's up for it, leave a message here and we'll see if we can get enough interest!

    Painmaker (24 SS/Inv Brute)
  5. Resist Energies three slotted still only gives 8.8% though... Does it help RESIST the -Acc from most Dark attacks? I'd love to drop Tough, as it's another bloody toggle to worry about, but I'm dubious

    IF I dropped Tough, I could have Resist Energies 3 slotted and put the remaining slot into RPD I suppose... It's certainly worth thinking about, but if you or anyone else reading has a clue as to HOW useful Resist Energies is, please gimme some more feedback

    Painmaker (finally 24 and looking into the respec thang)
  6. Ok, after MUCH deliberation I've decided I can live without (though not how long for ) the Resist Blahs... So this is the final build...

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Painmaker
    Level: 41
    Archetype: Brute
    Primary: Super Strength
    Secondary: Invulnerability
    01) --> Jab==> Acc(1)EndRdx(3)Dmg(5)
    01) --> Resist Physical Damage==> DmgRes(1)
    02) --> Temp Invulnerability==> DmgRes(2)DmgRes(3)DmgRes(13)EndRdx(15)
    04) --> Haymaker==> Acc(4)Dmg(5)Dmg(7)EndRdx(37)Rechg(40)
    06) --> Boxing==> Acc(6)EndRdx(7)Dmg(15)
    08) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(8)Heal(9)Heal(9)Rechg(13)Rechg(21)Rechg(36)
    10) --> Knockout Blow==> Acc(10)Dmg(11)Dmg(11)Dmg(37)EndRdx(37)Rechg(40)
    12) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(12)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
    16) --> Unyielding==> DmgRes(16)DmgRes(17)DmgRes(17)EndRdx(31)
    18) --> Rage==> Rechg(18)Rechg(19)Rechg(19)TH_Buf(21)TH_Buf(23)TH_Buf(29)
    20) --> Swift==> Run(20)
    22) --> Health==> Heal(22)Heal(23)
    24) --> Stamina==> EndMod(24)EndMod(25)EndMod(25)
    26) --> Tough==> DmgRes(26)DmgRes(27)DmgRes(27)EndRdx(29)
    28) --> Hurl==> Acc(28)Dmg(34)Dmg(34)
    30) --> Invincibility==> DefBuf(30)DefBuf(31)DefBuf(31)EndRdx(40)
    32) --> Foot Stomp==> Acc(32)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Rechg(34)
    35) --> Tough Hide==> DefBuf(35)DefBuf(36)DefBuf(36)
    38) --> Unstoppable==> DmgRes(38)DmgRes(39)DmgRes(39)EndMod(39)
    01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
    01) --> Fury==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)

    Pretty much the same as the last one, but with some slots moved around (and 2 slots taken out of RPD)

    Any major flaws come to light?

    Painmaker (who now needs to gain a level so he can DO the respec mission)
  7. /Cry!!!

    Now I'm tempted to drop Boxing and Tough for the two Resist Blahs! What IS our resist cap as Brutes? Is it a known thing? Would I notice the loss of Tough?

    Anyone know?

    I'll see how it looks in the Builder I use, but I don't know if that will tell me anyhting about CAPS. I think I read somewhere we (Brutes) cap at 75% resist... That sound right?

    Once again, thanks for the advice guys and gals

    Oh! Just discovered that ONE slotting RPD gives 6.8%, THREE slotting it gives 8.8%, So I've freed up another two slots... Also at current level, I'd have ~48% resist smash/lethal without Tough and ~65% with it... Worth losing it for Resist Elements and Resist Energies or not?

    Painmaker (SMASH!)
  8. Ok, so I found out that soloing the Seawitch (a Hero) and a bunch of technologically impaired Luddites is NOT currently possible for me

    So... The new build idea!

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Painmaker
    Level: 41
    Archetype: Brute
    Primary: Super Strength
    Secondary: Invulnerability
    01) --> Jab==> Acc(1)EndRdx(3)Dmg(34)
    01) --> Resist Physical Damage==> DmgRes(1)DmgRes(5)DmgRes(15)
    02) --> Temp Invulnerability==> DmgRes(2)DmgRes(3)DmgRes(13)EndRdx(15)
    04) --> Haymaker==> Acc(4)Dmg(5)Dmg(7)EndRdx(37)Rechg(40)
    06) --> Boxing==> Acc(6)EndRdx(7)Dmg(34)
    08) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(8)Heal(9)Heal(9)Rechg(13)Rechg(21)Rechg(36)
    10) --> Knockout Blow==> Acc(10)Dmg(11)Dmg(11)Dmg(37)EndRdx(37)Rechg(40)
    12) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(12)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
    16) --> Unyielding==> DmgRes(16)DmgRes(17)DmgRes(17)EndRdx(31)
    18) --> Rage==> Rechg(18)Rechg(19)Rechg(19)TH_Buf(21)TH_Buf(23)TH_Buf(29)
    20) --> Swift==> Run(20)
    22) --> Health==> Heal(22)Heal(23)
    24) --> Stamina==> EndMod(24)EndMod(25)EndMod(25)
    26) --> Tough==> DmgRes(26)DmgRes(27)DmgRes(27)EndRdx(29)
    28) --> Hurl==> Acc(28)
    30) --> Invincibility==> DefBuf(30)DefBuf(31)DefBuf(31)EndRdx(40)
    32) --> Foot Stomp==> Acc(32)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Rechg(34)
    35) --> Tough Hide==> DefBuf(35)DefBuf(36)DefBuf(36)
    38) --> Unstoppable==> DmgRes(38)DmgRes(39)DmgRes(39)EndMod(39)
    01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
    01) --> Fury==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)

    Is that better? Foot Stomp fits my character better than Hand Clap, so I've stuck with it... Though replaced the EndRed with a Dmg due to the fact it won't be used OFTEN in the attack chain

    So... Do we think this is a servicable build? Or are there still improvements to be made?

    I -so- hate the smilies here!

    Painmaker (22 SS/Inv Brute that got his [censored] kicked by a woman!)
  9. Once again, cheers for the info/comments/suggestions guys (and maybe gals)

    I'll have another play around... May take the extra slots from Hurl and put them in Jab and Boxing as a Dmg, as I feel they recharge fast enough already

    I'll post an improved build for critique either later tonight (unlikely) or tomorrow!

    MUCH appreciate the help, people!

    Painmaker (22 SS/Inv Brute)
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Skip Punch, Jab or AS instead

    Try holding out on Foot Stomp, unless you feel it's an absolute must-have

    Just ditch ele/en res as you have now. You're better off teaming if you plan on fighting a horde of these anyway. And there's always DP and Unstoppable when things start going badly.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Ok, swapping Punch for Jab is easy and, yes, I can live with losing the Resist Blah powers...

    As for Foot Stomp I was TEMPTED to drop it for Hasten and three slot RecRed, putting the two spare slots into Jab and Boxing as a Dmg in each, but I think it might still be useful and I've gone off of Hasten since loss of perma-Hasten

    ... Or would you suggest a different attack power? I just think Foot Stomp fits the character and I like everything to mesh

  11. Ok, had a fiddle around with it and this is what I've come up with...

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Level: 41
    Archetype: Brute
    Primary: Super Strength
    Secondary: Invulnerability
    01) --> Punch==> Acc(1)EndRdx(3)
    01) --> Resist Physical Damage==> DmgRes(1)DmgRes(5)DmgRes(15)
    02) --> Temp Invulnerability==> DmgRes(2)DmgRes(3)DmgRes(13)EndRdx(15)
    04) --> Haymaker==> Acc(4)Dmg(5)Dmg(7)EndRdx(37)Rechg(40)
    06) --> Boxing==> Acc(6)EndRdx(7)
    08) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(8)Heal(9)Heal(9)Rechg(13)Rechg(21)Rechg(36)
    10) --> Knockout Blow==> Acc(10)Dmg(11)Dmg(11)Dmg(37)EndRdx(37)Rechg(40)
    12) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(12)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
    16) --> Unyielding==> DmgRes(16)DmgRes(17)DmgRes(17)EndRdx(31)
    18) --> Rage==> Rechg(18)Rechg(19)Rechg(19)TH_Buf(21)TH_Buf(23)EndRdx(29)
    20) --> Swift==> Run(20)
    22) --> Health==> Heal(22)Heal(23)
    24) --> Stamina==> EndMod(24)EndMod(25)EndMod(25)
    26) --> Tough==> DmgRes(26)DmgRes(27)DmgRes(27)EndRdx(29)
    28) --> Hurl==> Acc(28)Dmg(34)Dmg(34)
    30) --> Invincibility==> DefBuf(30)DefBuf(31)DefBuf(31)EndRdx(40)
    32) --> Foot Stomp==> Acc(32)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)EndRdx(33)Rechg(34)
    35) --> Tough Hide==> DefBuf(35)DefBuf(36)DefBuf(36)
    38) --> Unstoppable==> DmgRes(38)DmgRes(39)DmgRes(39)EndMod(39)
    01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
    01) --> Fury==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)

    Is that good, bad or positively ugly? Not keen on missing BOTH of the RESIST BLAH powers and also a little unsure whether Punch and Boxing are gonna be ANY use without either TWO Endred or at least a Dmg...

    Any comments and suggestions are welcome of course!

  12. Dammit. You're right, I forgot Unyielding... Poop. Now I've gotta choose something to LOSE!
    I hate building.

    Thanks for the pointers! I'll have a play with it later today and see what I can come up with...

    RIGHT! The only thing I'm willing to part with (unless people have good arguments against) is Resist Energies... though I was kinda miffed I couldn't fit in Resist Elements, so it seems a pain to have lost BOTH of them

    Now I just need to re-work it and fit Unyielding in EARLIER as, if I remove Resist Energies, I'll need it BEFORE level 30

  13. Hey all

    LOVE my SS/Inv Brute, but he ... well ... kinda sucks.

    I've learned from my mistakes (and from reading a lot of the posts here) and I've come up with the following build (mostly PvE, though will [censored] the odd hero here and there)

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Painmaker
    Level: 41
    Archetype: Brute
    Primary: Super Strength
    Secondary: Invulnerability
    01) --> Punch==> Acc(1)EndRdx(3)EndRdx(9)
    01) --> Resist Physical Damage==> DmgRes(1)DmgRes(13)DmgRes(37)
    02) --> Temp Invulnerability==> DmgRes(2)DmgRes(3)DmgRes(9)EndRdx(13)
    04) --> Haymaker==> Acc(4)Dmg(5)EndRdx(5)
    06) --> Boxing==> Acc(6)EndRdx(7)EndRdx(7)
    08) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(8)EndRdx(37)
    10) --> Knockout Blow==> Acc(10)Dmg(11)EndRdx(11)
    12) --> Swift==> Run(12)
    14) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(14)Heal(15)Heal(15)Rechg(17)Rechg(17)Rechg(36)
    16) --> Super Jump==> Jump(16)EndRdx(40)
    18) --> Rage==> Rechg(18)Rechg(19)Rechg(19)TH_Buf(21)TH_Buf(21)EndRdx(31)
    20) --> Health==> Heal(20)Heal(31)Heal(31)
    22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22)EndMod(23)EndMod(23)
    24) --> Tough==> DmgRes(24)DmgRes(25)DmgRes(25)EndRdx(37)
    26) --> Hurl==> Acc(26)Dmg(27)Dmg(27)Dmg(34)Rechg(34)
    28) --> Invincibility==> DefBuf(28)DefBuf(29)DefBuf(29)EndRdx(34)
    30) --> Resist Energies==> DmgRes(30)
    32) --> Foot Stomp==> Acc(32)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)EndRdx(33)Rechg(40)
    35) --> Tough Hide==> DefBuf(35)DefBuf(36)DefBuf(36)
    38) --> Unstoppable==> DmgRes(38)DmgRes(39)DmgRes(39)EndMod(39)EndRdx(40)
    01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
    01) --> Fury==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)

    Right... The main cycling attacks will be Brawl, Punch and Boxing, then following on with the bigger boys once I've some Fury built up. Is 1 acc and 2 endred too much? Should I just go 1 acc, 1 dmg, 1 endred?

    Any comments/thoughts/suggestions are MOST welcome, as when I respec him I'd rather get things right FIRST TIME

    Painmaker (21 SS/Inv Brute)
  14. Cheese?
    *Hide, Stealth, RUN AWAY!!!*

    Ghostwolf (28 Claw/Regen Stalker, still [censored] at lack of CANINE TAILS and RAT HEADS in costume choice!)
  15. Some good points there, thanks!

    I've switched the Stealth slot to an ENDRED and moved one of the Resillience slots out and into Dull Pain as another RECRED...

    Gonna keep Integration slotted with an ENDRED though, as the program I'm using shows it as being a cost of 0.4175... The only more expensive toggle I have is Super Jump

    See? This is where advice helps I always thought that the DEFENCE listed was BASE and that you ADDED to that with the enhancements! ... I have a feeling I'll be posting for build help with my poor SS/Inv Brute in the next few weeks 9.9

    Ghostwolf (still-not-quite-29 Claws/Regen Stalker)
  16. Ok... How's this looking?

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Ghostwolf (once more with feeling)
    Level: 41
    Archetype: Stalker
    Primary: Claws
    Secondary: Regeneration
    01) --> Strike==> Acc(1)Dmg(3)Dmg(9)Dmg(15)Acc(27)
    01) --> Hide==> DefBuf(1)DefBuf(5)DefBuf(11)
    02) --> Slash==> Acc(2)Dmg(3)Dmg(9)Dmg(15)Acc(27)
    04) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(4)Heal(5)Heal(37)Rechg(37)Rechg(39)
    06) --> Assassin's Claw==> Acc(6)Dmg(7)Dmg(7)Dmg(11)Acc(21)
    08) --> Build Up==> Rechg(8)TH_Buf(13)Rechg(23)
    10) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(10)
    12) --> Placate==> Rechg(12)Rechg(13)Rechg(23)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
    16) --> Integration==> Heal(16)Heal(17)Heal(17)EndRdx(40)
    18) --> Focus==> Acc(18)Acc(19)Dmg(19)Dmg(21)Dmg(36)
    20) --> Swift==> Run(20)
    22) --> Health==> Heal(22)
    24) --> Stamina==> EndMod(24)EndMod(25)EndMod(25)
    26) --> Stealth==> DefBuf(26)
    28) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(28)Heal(29)Heal(29)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)
    30) --> Eviscerate==> Acc(30)Acc(31)Dmg(31)Dmg(31)Dmg(33)
    32) --> Shockwave==> Acc(32)Acc(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(34)Dmg(34)Rechg(34)
    35) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(35)Heal(36)Heal(36)Rechg(37)Rechg(40)
    38) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(38)DmgRes(40)
    01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
    01) --> Assassination==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)

    I -think- that's a survivable build with one problem... The SLOTTING. Any further suggestions? Any better order to slot the powers? (ie, Reconstruction is only 2 heals until 37!!)

    Much appreciate the comments and suggestions, btw!

    Ghostwolf (28 and fast approaching 29 Claws/Regen Stalker)
  17. Thanks people

    Some damn good advice there... I'll see what I can mess around

    Health 1 slotted, give thought to AS slots, prioritise Dull Pain over Instant Healing... etc.

    Thanks for the advice and I'll post an updated version for perusal HOPEFULLY early tonight

    Ghostwolf (28 blahblahblah, who was beginning to think he was the only person to stick with claws)
  18. Ok... Newest attempt! Please feel free to pick holes in it, as I'd rather iron out any flaws BEFORE respec'ing

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    01) --> Strike==> Acc(1)Dmg(3)Dmg(9)Dmg(15)Acc(27)
    01) --> Hide==> DefBuf(1)DefBuf(5)DefBuf(11)
    02) --> Slash==> Acc(2)Dmg(3)Dmg(9)Dmg(15)Acc(27)
    04) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(4)Heal(5)Heal(37)Rechg(37)Rechg(39)
    06) --> Assassin's Claw==> Acc(6)Dmg(7)Dmg(7)Dmg(11)Acc(21)Acc(36)
    08) --> Build Up==> Rechg(8)TH_Buf(13)
    10) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(10)
    12) --> Placate==> Rechg(12)Rechg(13)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
    16) --> Integration==> Heal(16)Heal(17)Heal(17)EndRdx(40)
    18) --> Focus==> Acc(18)Acc(19)Dmg(19)Dmg(21)Dmg(36)
    20) --> Swift==> Run(20)
    22) --> Health==> Heal(22)Heal(23)Heal(23)
    24) --> Stamina==> EndMod(24)EndMod(25)EndMod(25)
    26) --> Stealth==> DefBuf(26)
    28) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(28)Heal(29)Heal(29)Rechg(40)Rechg(40)
    30) --> Eviscerate==> Acc(30)Acc(31)Dmg(31)Dmg(31)Dmg(33)
    32) --> Shockwave==> Acc(32)Acc(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(34)Dmg(34)Rechg(34)
    35) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(35)Heal(36)Rechg(37)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)
    38) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(38)

    Better? Seem to be losing slots from healy powers, but more attacks this time, so not surprising...

    Let me know what you think

    Ghostwolf (28 Claws/Regen Stalker)
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I would get fast healing a lot earlier and slot it heavily as it will certainly increase your longetivity in fights. In addition Evicerate is an essential as it is the only skill that can do crits outside of hide, is the next best damage after Assassins Claw and also engages multiple enemies as well which is extremely useful in a tight spot.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You have a point... I feel a little 'naked' without Fast Healing early on, BUT as a Regen, in the later game we rely on our clicky-heals (I know, basing my knowledge on Scrappers is NOT a good plan)

    As for Eviscerate, I wasn't impressed really (though only had 1 acc and 2 dam in it)... It does a LITTLE more than Slash's MODERATE damage and Eviscerate is supposedly SUPERIOR

    This is the kind of thing I need though! Views from people that have been there, done that

    My CURRENT build avoided Focus (and would have avoided Shockwave) as they just DON'T seem to 'fit' the whole CLAWS theme...

    I'll have another play around tonight and see if I can manage a build WITH Eviscerate, with Fast Healing AND Stealth earlier on... I don't rate my chances though

    Cheers for the comments though! I'll see if I can work something better out...

    Ghostwolf (28 Claws/Regen Stalker)
  20. Ok, given it more thought and this is the best I can come up with...

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Ghostwolf
    Level: 41
    Archetype: Stalker
    Primary: Claws
    Secondary: Regeneration
    01) --> Strike==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Dmg(9)Dmg(13)Dmg(17)
    01) --> Hide==> DefBuf(1)DefBuf(3)DefBuf(13)
    02) --> Slash==> Acc(2)Acc(5)Dmg(9)Dmg(11)Dmg(17)
    04) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(4)Heal(5)Heal(15)Rechg(27)Rechg(36)Rechg(37)
    06) --> Assassin's Claw==> Acc(6)Acc(7)Dmg(7)Dmg(11)Dmg(15)Acc(27)
    08) --> Build Up==> Rechg(8)Rechg(39)TH_Buf(40)
    10) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(10)
    12) --> Placate==> Rechg(12)Rechg(37)Rechg(39)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
    16) --> Integration==> Heal(16)EndRdx(40)
    18) --> Focus==> Acc(18)Acc(19)Dmg(19)Dmg(21)Dmg(21)
    20) --> Swift==> Run(20)
    22) --> Health==> Heal(22)Heal(23)Heal(23)
    24) --> Stamina==> EndMod(24)EndMod(25)EndMod(25)
    26) --> Stealth==> DefBuf(26)
    28) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(28)Heal(29)Heal(29)Rechg(31)Rechg(36)Rechg(37)
    30) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(30)Heal(31)Heal(31)Rechg(34)Rechg(36)Rechg(40)
    32) --> Shockwave==> Acc(32)Acc(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(34)Rechg(34)
    35) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(35)
    38) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(38)Heal(39)
    01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
    01) --> Assassination==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)

    Is that better, or worse? I'd really appreciate some feedback from any fellow Claws/Regen (well, at the moment feedback from a level 2 Defender would be appreciated!)

    Ghostwolf (28 Claws/Regen Stalker)
  21. About to respec my Stalker, as he kinda sucks (started the Fitness pool WAY too late)... My current idea is as follows:

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    01) --> Strike==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Dmg(9)Dmg(13)Dmg(29)
    01) --> Hide==> DefBuf(1)DefBuf(5)DefBuf(11)
    02) --> Slash==> Acc(2)Acc(3)Dmg(9)Dmg(13)Dmg(29)
    04) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(4)Heal(5)Heal(15)Rechg(15)Rechg(17)Rechg(40)
    06) --> Assassin's Claw==> Acc(6)Acc(7)Acc(7)Dmg(11)Dmg(17)Dmg(23)
    08) --> Build Up==> Rechg(8)Rechg(31)Rechg(37)TH_Buf(37)
    10) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(10)
    12) --> Placate==> Rechg(12)Rechg(31)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
    16) --> Integration==> Heal(16)
    18) --> Focus==> Acc(18)Acc(19)Dmg(19)Dmg(21)Dmg(23)
    20) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(20)Heal(21)Heal(31)Rechg(37)Rechg(40)
    22) --> Swift==> Run(22)
    24) --> Health==> Heal(24)Heal(25)Heal(25)
    26) --> Stamina==> EndMod(26)EndMod(27)EndMod(27)
    28) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(28)Heal(34)Heal(36)Rechg(36)Rechg(40)
    30) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(30)
    32) --> Shockwave==> Acc(32)Acc(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(34)Rechg(34)
    35) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(35)Heal(36)
    38) --> Moment Of Glory==> DmgRes(38)DmgRes(39)DefBuf(39)DefBuf(39)

    The level 35 and 38 powers are just there for completeness. I'll probably choose something more useful nearer the time

    Mainly just looking for some advice, since I usually just go with the flow on these things, and it all goes pear-shaped. Any help would be great!

    Ghostwolf (28 Claws/Regen Stalker)


    Having read a post by Bridger describing how easily Stalkers can be seen...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tactics - Stalker visible from a very long way away.
    Inspirations - Stalker visible from a good distance with 1 Inspiration.

    Hide + Stealth
    Tactics - Stalker visible from a good distance with 2 Inspirations + Tactics.
    Inspirations - Stalker visible from a good distance with 4 Inspirations.

    Hide + Invisibility
    Tactics - Stalker visible at melee range with 2 Inspirations + Tactics.
    Inspirations - Stalker visible at melee range with 4 Inspirations.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I may wanna work STEALTH in to the build... Not big on PVP, but I don't wanna just be another squishy out there

  22. Well, I guess you can count me in... As a badge-[censored]-in-training I need all the pointless, boring badges I can muster, mister!

    Ghostwolf (27 Claws/Regen Stalker)
  23. Time to do the Silver Mantis strike force!

    I'm told that as long as the LEADER has access to a SG MISSION COMPUTER, we don't all have to be from the same SG... Not sure if my group has one yet, as I leave such menial tasks as 'building' to the minions...

    So, anyone interested, post your details (and if you HAVE access to a SG Mission Computer, that would also be handy info)

    At this moment in time I have a mere two brave souls (so sad!)...

    Ghostwolf (26 - Claws/Regen Stalker) <-- Me
    and ZEK-1337 (26 - 'bots/Traps MM) <-- Minion
  24. Yeah, that was a blast!
    Thanks for the team..
    ... So, when are we doing the next one?!

    Hmm, sig thingy. Lessee...
    Ghostwolf - 23 Claws / Regen Stalker
  25. Hey!

    Myself (Ghostwolf - Claw/Regen Stalker) and my friend (ZEK-1337 - Robots/Traps MM) would both be up for that! We're both 22, but the TF groups auto-RSK you in, yeah?
