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  1. Helmets of one of the four factions? Ha! My I don't NEED your icky poo helmets! My empire will be greater than that of Lord Recluse. Who wants to look like one of his minions? You have all set your sites too low, and that's why I will defeat you all!! Mwa ha ha har hardy haaaar!!!

    Getting my Pre-Order from EBGames!!
  2. I for one totally agree with you Vermin. Why should I let some freeloader take control of my body in the interests of "helping mankind"? So far, us in Paragon City have had pretty bad experiances with aleins. I mean, think about it.... Isn't it just a little bit presumptuous of them to assume that they can just take up living in OUR bodies? How rude man. I don't even like anyone invading my personal space. And you know how it is when someone comes to visit you for awhile, and you just can't get them to leave. Here, the problem is permanant.

    How about we just get those Kheldian's, or Kryptonians, or what ever to just go home. We defended the planet once without thier help, and by mamma's biscuts we can do it again!
  3. The Wonderboy has about 3 female charicters on his account. Originally, I made them for my wife, in an attempt to get her into the game more. (The more she likes it, the more I can play it) But as it turns out, I ended up playing them more than she did. She would rather play with one of my higher level heroes because, "He's stronger! He won't get beat up as much!" Sigh, oh well. But the thing is, I've been having just as much fun playing with the females as I have the males. Go figure huh?