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  1. look for more tier 9 "god modes" to have this design.
  2. I have to say Villains seem to have gotten shafted a bit. And I don;t think villains are weak by any means, but the trade-off's here are kind of unfair. As far as the VEATs go, can;t wait to try one. I will also probably spit out a Fire/fire scrapper, and I may try the new psychic blast/mental manipulation for blasters (don't worry Villains, I don't PeeVeePees) since it's been a blast set I've been wanting to try for some time. Defenders got exactly what I figured they got, Ice/Cold powers. I was way off base for tanks, I figured for sure they would get the Electric sets and Energy Aura (to add alongside Energy Melee for theme).

    I think Stalkers got the biggest shaft. I really thought they would get Fire or Cold based powers (Cold at least, for it's massive slow debuffs).

    SR on a brute, eh, it's ok, and the two new weapon sets are good.. Nothing else really to give them except Ice powers. While on that subject, if Devs were worried about Fury generation with Ice powers, why did they give Doms and Corrs ice powers? Doesnt that also hurt brutes generating fury on a team? Perhaps Fury itself needs to be looked at.

    Controllers and Dominators did ok, though controllers got a much ebtter deal. Doms should've gotten Illusion, as far as electricity goes, I think thats a good precursor to a new primary for doms later on (Electric Control anyone?). Controllers got what I thought they'd get.
  3. I have a build that I used in Beta and it worked very well for me. Now, it isn't built for IO slotting, this is more of a traditional SO build (easily swapped out with regular IO's) for those of us who don't have teh moniez to play the market (or the patience). It's a solid build never the less.

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.30

    Level 50 Magic Tanker
    Primary Power Set: Willpower
    Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
    Power Pool: Flight
    Power Pool: Fitness
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Mind Over Body -- ResDam-I:50(A), ResDam-I:50(17), ResDam-I:50(17), EndRdx-I:50(50)
    Level 1: Jab -- Dmg-I:50(A), Dmg-I:50(3), Dmg-I:50(3), Acc-I:50(7), Acc-I:50(27), EndRdx-I:50(34)
    Level 2: Fast Healing -- Heal-I:50(A), Heal-I:50(27), Heal-I:50(31)
    Level 4: Haymaker -- Dmg-I:50(A), Dmg-I:50(5), Dmg-I:50(5), Acc-I:50(7), Acc-I:50(15), EndRdx-I:50(33)
    Level 6: Indomitable Will -- EndRdx-I:50(A)
    Level 8: Rise to the Challenge -- Heal-I:50(A), Heal-I:50(9), Heal-I:50(9), EndRdx-I:50(43)
    Level 10: Air Superiority -- Dmg-I:50(A), Dmg-I:50(11), Dmg-I:50(11), Acc-I:50(15), Acc-I:50(25), EndRdx-I:50(37)
    Level 12: Quick Recovery -- EndMod-I:50(A), EndMod-I:50(13), EndMod-I:50(13)
    Level 14: Fly -- Flight-I:50(A)
    Level 16: Taunt -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
    Level 18: Heightened Senses -- DefBuff-I:50(A), DefBuff-I:50(19), DefBuff-I:50(19), EndRdx-I:50(43)
    Level 20: Knockout Blow -- Dmg-I:50(A), Dmg-I:50(21), Dmg-I:50(21), Acc-I:50(23), Acc-I:50(23), EndRdx-I:50(25)
    Level 22: Swift -- Flight-I:50(A)
    Level 24: Health -- Heal-I:50(A), Heal-I:50(34), Heal-I:50(34)
    Level 26: Stamina -- EndMod-I:50(A), EndMod-I:50(31), EndMod-I:50(31)
    Level 28: Rage -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(29), RechRdx-I:50(29), ToHit-I:50(40), ToHit-I:50(42), ToHit-I:50(42)
    Level 30: Boxing -- Acc-I:50(A)
    Level 32: Strength of Will -- ResDam-I:50(A), ResDam-I:50(33), ResDam-I:50(33)
    Level 35: Hurl -- Dmg-I:50(A), Dmg-I:50(36), Dmg-I:50(36), Acc-I:50(36), Acc-I:50(37), EndRdx-I:50(37)
    Level 38: Foot Stomp -- Dmg-I:50(A), Dmg-I:50(39), Dmg-I:50(39), Acc-I:50(39), Acc-I:50(40), RechRdx-I:50(40)
    Level 41: High Pain Tolerance -- ResDam-I:50(A), ResDam-I:50(42), ResDam-I:50(43), Heal-I:50(46), Heal-I:50(46), Heal-I:50(46)
    Level 44: Tough -- ResDam-I:50(A), ResDam-I:50(45), ResDam-I:50(45), EndRdx-I:50(45)
    Level 47: Weave -- DefBuff-I:50(A), DefBuff-I:50(48), DefBuff-I:50(48), EndRdx-I:50(48)
    Level 49: Conserve Power -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(50), RechRdx-I:50(50)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Gauntlet
    [u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    SDZQT?5X63?%5U]?R7#VR#S2?F75Q*+?FI:B^ZWH^^U:&gt;3I?S#UV;S=M%UP^;I M;5H3F:+]516[,QGT
    H$C"L83]&amp;4?'$E-$$/W%L1CA8_%P+.ES2:"?#&amp;Z9_2&gt;7V^10&amp;6`*,Z0TM ^'[DN2^**`D^12Q!#-4@8G
    &gt;W_=[%3`;/+,)5G&amp;.50FJY%PG(Q(!./,%LH@G'#"1CY1M.SYDAGQ4J*&amp;&lt;C1V$=&lt;?MR=%6+" `P!I&gt;\'K
    +E=1%@D,3Q4EV&lt;V&gt;NJJBX2WJYBK.'\YKTI7%SF(+')$B 47HT)^\FPA(O3P41K@WY0H#YKU=A)C'&ltB7
    9*-G&lt;&amp;""\2@D9O&gt0Y;^&lt;3SX9)Q*"B:3`:8PFVR, 6(Z5%:.*4W&gt;;E+"&amp;A._'A(4@U"`D_P&amp;&amp;K(0 ?H/@
    </pre><hr />

    The Great Debate: Hurl vs. LBE's - I chose Hurl instead of Laser beam eyes, but the pwoers are switchable if you put HPT in place of hurl and LBE's in place of HPT. Could be re-worked for Energy torrent for those who long for more AoE. I like hurl, I have a peacebringer for my Laser Beam eye fixation .

    Slotting - The attacks can re-slotted easily for sets, or if You want FA instead on conserve power you can slot them for endurance reduction. I personally prefer Crushing Impacts (use them on my scrapper with great success) as they combine a very good amount of endurance, recharge and accuracy with maximum damage potential. Also, for those who must slot IO's everywhere, Slots can be re-arranged easily, as attacks can function with only five slots in need be, HPT can be cut down 3 slots, and SoW can be removed altogether.

    Strength of Will - I know, this power to most is now skippable, But I chose it for one reason: I am a Tank first and foremost before a Scrapper. SoW may not be the gravy it used to be, but it still kicked [censored] even after the new version took it's place. With this build, and SoW activated, I am maxed out on Smashing lethal resistance, and have around 30% resistance to the other damage types, and 63% to psionic resists. Those aren't bad numbers to me, and can help me take an AV alpha with much more success.

    Indomitable Will - While the idea of Psionic defense does offer quite a bit to the table, you will have plenty of resists to compensate for not having this power slotted up. I treat it as mez protection, slot it one end red and be done. However, slots can be rearranged if you really want this power maxed out or IO'd out.

    Medicine: the Fighting pool can be substituted with Medicine pool IF you think you will need healing. However, if done right, RttC will more than compensate for lack of a self heal, Pull the mob around a corner to herd them up, this way they're all in RttC range.

    This build got me through solo groups or 8+ Ritki mobs at +2-+3 my level. I popped SoW for the tougher bosses, and even the drones had a bit of a time hitting through my defenses (as RttC does debuf them a minor bit as well). Is it the best build? No, but it's cheap and easy to do. Just my two cents.
  4. Oh, and becuase I haven't seen a lot of people say it yet.....DOOOO0000ooo000000OOOOOOoooommm!!11!!!!111 eleventyone11!!neo
  5. This is a reply to the people who think powers should be renamed for the new weapon skins. Perhaps "Katana" and "Ninja Blade" should be changed to Medium Blade, and "Broad Sword" to Heavy Blade? I say "Medium" blade becuase light blades to me are daggers, short swords and etc.

    Getting back on topic, this issue looks to be the best issue since I joined (which was issue 5). I am very excited to see what weapon skins (if any) I have already unlocked with my scrappers.
  6. I read in a post somewhere that the Devs admitted that EAT's were a mistake to introduce so early. Anyone remember that post/article? That point aside, Dual Blades look cool if only becuase it's something "new" to try. I personally voted for Psi-Melee and Energy Blades, buts not becuase I'm tired of "lethal" or "smashing" only sets, but more becuase it would truly be something different. And no, I wouldn't make a jedi knight. Jedi weren;t the only ones to use energy swords you know *coughgundamthundarrtenchimuyocough*
  7. You know you're an old gamer when He-Man was too hard of a story line to follow


    The He-Man Movie "Masters of the Universe" was the best movie ever!

    P.S. - She-Ra was my girlfriend
  8. You know you're an old gamer when He-Man was too hard of a story line to follow


    The He-Man Movie "Masters of the Universe" was the best movie ever!

    P.S. - She-Ra was my girlfriend