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  1. The Birth of a Super Hero....

    "Mom...Dad...?" Words spoken from a scared child, a child who in a brief moment lost everything that ever held any importance to him, a child who in the blink of an eye, lost his entire life. He knelt in the muddy road, his knees soaked in a mixture of blood and dirt, the blood of his parents. Why couldn't they stay inside today? Why did they have to go into the village to trade? Why didn't they kill me too? All questions that ran through this frightened child's head.
    He gripped his mothers shirt and lifted her off the ground, and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a tight squeeze, tears soaking his cheeks, how could they do this to him, how could they take away his Mother? And his Father! Why him too? Why was life so cruel...why are ugly?
    Yun awoke, a top a building in the center of Kings Row, drenched in sweat, another nightmare, the same nightmare, he had been having for the last hundred years, the nightmare of how he lost his parents, and gained his curse. He closed his eyes, and slept back into subconsciousness, where his nightmare continued.
    "You have nothing left!" A powerful voice echoed through Yuns head, with such a terrible force that it forced the small boy to shutter and squint as it spoke these words, which held so much truth behind them.
    "I can give you something back!" It baited, and Yun, being only a child, latched on, automatically assuming he meant his parents, but the voice, this powerful being had something else in mind.
    "All you have to do is lend me your body, and I will grant you the power to undo that which has been done..." A lie, and Yun knew it now, he no longer felt empty and alone, his heart, in its moment of weakness allowed this super natural being to inhabit his body, the source of Yuns power, an Earth borne Demon.
    The voice in Yuns head chuckled, and its laughter permanantly etched itself into Yuns skull, where it would forever remain. From that day on, Yun would become a tormented Anti-Hero, and drop off the face of the Earth.
    But he resurfaced, after World War II, on the different islands where he engaged in combat with many American heroes. Who were these mysterous heroes, and how could they weld such great powers? The aftermath of Captian Volcanos death and the dissappearance of The Lord of Frost sent Yun back into his self invoked slumber, where he would sleep...for the next fifty-six years.
    Yun awoke again, this time in day light, he slowly rose to his feet and dusted off his magical armor. He took a quick glance to his right and then to his left, and then leapt off the top of the building he stood on to the next in front of him, and then to the one after that, until he reached the tram service, next stop, Paragon City Hero Registration.
    The lady doing registration gave Yun a quick glance over, and held a skeptical look as she spoke to him, and he skepticism was well warranted, the glowing green eyes, jutting spikes around his arms, shoulders, and his legs, and the pointed tail, not to mention the black and dark green armor he wore didn't paint the most friendliest picture.
    "Name and super powers?" She asked in a not so friendly tone, it seemed she got a lot of would be heroes, and that was what she thought of him.
    "Yun, and I have been granted power over the Earth." Yun responded, in the same cold callous tone he always spoke with.
    "Oh so you are a controller?" She quickly assumed, and this brought a raised brow from Yuns direction. His response on the other hand quickly set her straight, as he crumpled some dirt off of his glove by clenching his fist, and then he reached out for it, the falling debris quickly shaping itself in to a magnificent hammer made of solid stone.
    "Tanker than..."