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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    Shadow Punch
    Shadow Maul
    Assassin Strike
    Build Up
    Touch of Fear
    Dark Consumption
    Midnight Grasp

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I hope it's close to that but

    Shadow Punch
    Siphon Life
    Assassin Strike
    Build Up
    Touch of Fear
    Dark Consumption
    Midnight Grasp

    instead.. the root time for shadowmaul in melee would be deadly for someone like a stalker making the attack nigh useless even with it's cone. It works on tougher classes cause they can survive the aggro. Siphon life though is a decent heal comes off decently fast and can be used as an attack if thats what you want it for instead.

    I don't see OG as counter productive because it's easy to use after you get the aggro to stun the minions. Also isn't its self damage based on your max hp so it won't damage the stalker as much? Stalkers already have quite a few stunning attacks in MA and EA so the mag stacking would be useful when things look bad.
  2. It's a well written guide not crowded with opinions or anything useless. It's to the point and informative. A very good job.

    You get a sticker with a smiley face on it for this.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Anyway, most of the mayhem missions will be in Oranbega...


    JUST KIDDING! please don't hurt me...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    actually, letting me destroy orenbega with my brute would be very cathartic.

    [/ QUOTE ]..

    Actualy that could be kinda of cool.. you have a hard time getting around the place so you just start destroying yourself a path that works for you.

    but on another note.. would it really bring any evil to the villians if you go and destroy some evil guys base.. you could probably get a heros medal for destroying that place.
  4. Seeing this topic name in the dev digest made me say "huh?" more then any topic I've ever seen in the dev digest before.

    Miss Kitty must have very dangerous powers.

    I wanted to say that for a while.. but I login in the red section and have no idea what my password is.. to lazy to find out.. you know.. dev digest takes me to the blue part where I'm not logged in.

    ... I'm kinda looking foward to mayhem missions.. but at the same time dissappointed that patron powers will bring you more into the super employee super villian then free lance super villian.

    Yeah, alot of supervillians do work for someone else in comics... but.. they aren't level 50. The cool powerful villians are self employed or taking a partnership.... I thought when we can get our villians to 50 they were supposed to become.. you know.. powerful.

    When do I feel evil now? When I'm slaughtering greys for no reason whatsoever.. I never felt it made sense to kill a hundred gangers with a single fireball as a hero for a kill x mission.. I mean.. it's like your picking on the guys.

    On another note I am intimidated by cuppajoe's new avatar but dissappointed she didn't use the "Re: For the kitties, nyo!" topic name. Still it was a good and humorous reply. It made me think for a second why anyone but CoT would care if we went and blew stuff up in that place.

    We'd probably get hero medals.

    We don't fight enough wyvern I feel I hope a bunch of those zones are crawling with those guys. Warriors and crey also.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    i used the wrong word, what i meant was that they both worked on 1 target at the same time

    someone said that only 1 could work on a pvp target at a time

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They both work but some people report an issue with stacking both of them on a healing target where with both targets tend to heal for more when with just one.

    I forget what they report numberwise there specifically.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Unfortunately for Poison types, Reconstruction HAS to work this way. Sorry folks, it won't be changing.

    [/ QUOTE ]Weird.

    That really really makes me wonder why. I'm hoping it's so technical it would cause my brain to explode really.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Looks like Reconstruction is set to ignore external Buffs and Debuffs. I'll have to talk to geko about it later and find out why it is set that way.

    It may be working as intended.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You da man castle.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Weaken reduces all the same effects that Power Boost increases, and Damage.
    All Damage Types, except 'Special' damage
    ToHit and To Hit Buffs
    Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep, Confuse, Terrorize, Knockback, Knockup and Repel
    Run Speed and Flight Speed buffs
    All Defense types
    Endurance Buffs (like Stamina)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That will cut down my testing alot. Thanks for the reply Castle.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah thanks for the clarification castle.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Weaken reduces all the same effects that Power Boost increases, and Damage.
    All Damage Types, except 'Special' damage
    ToHit and To Hit Buffs
    Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep, Confuse, Terrorize, Knockback, Knockup and Repel
    Run Speed and Flight Speed buffs
    All Defense types
    Endurance Buffs (like Stamina)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then I feel certain that it's bugged. Without a question a doubt or a worry that I could be wrong. Something ain't right if thats what is should be doing. And it doesn't stack right with the other one.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    wow alot of very odd answers but the answer is that you kill the officer because of his weakness to spare the life of an enemy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Taking hostages to shake allies of the hero so they move on your terms instead of their own or torturing people and sending them back alive but unable to do more then drool as an example to those who work with him.. none of these things involve killing could be alot more effective in a purely evil standpoint then killing him.

    So whys this guy so weak?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think the problem your seeing is the issue with weaken and envenom stacking.

    Other then that I can't agure it would be nice if it had all the effects of powerboost in reverse.. but on the slip side IIRC even though envenum does not stack weaken does if you can pull them out fast enuogh. (post SOs for a few recharges)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, I tested that. They apparently do not stack. As soon as the new debuff icon would appear the old one would go away according to the person I was testing with.

    Also, this is not due to any Weaken + Envenom bug that may exist. Each power was tested by itself and then combined. Weaken did nothing to prevent any of the healing methods of the regen scrapper.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm,.. I always heard it did but never tested it thats good to know.. on a sidenote theres a topic HAHA dark vs poison that gives some useful tested numbers.

    Poison could probably use a boost when taken from a purly numerical standpoint.
  12. I think the problem your seeing is the issue with weaken and envenom stacking.

    Other then that I can't agure it would be nice if it had all the effects of powerboost in reverse.. but on the slip side IIRC even though envenum does not stack weaken does if you can pull them out fast enuogh. (post SOs for a few recharges)
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yesterday I was running the missions in Bloody bay and three times I ran into a disturbing problem...

    When zoning in from COV I ended up someplace other then the villan base.

    One time I ended up in the forest to the east of the base and twice I zoned in directly to the city, once with a hero no more then 20 feet from me!

    Luckily I go in with shields up and managed to run, choose a mission and enter the mission door before he could touch me.

    Is this a known bug?

    /e bow

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is a known bug. According to QA, it's related to having the shivan shard temp power (there might be other things that cause it, too, but this is what they've been able to reproduce).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I appear way away from base alot. I've never gotten anything like a shivan shard.
  14. I don't see how the total effect of it's debuffs matter that much when the animations are so freakin long by the time you applied half of them the fights over.

    And hurricane is supposed to be used pretty much all the time. The trick is positioning with it.
  15. And this is why you should always read the ingredients before you pop it in your mouth.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Do you think I am asking for too much?

    [/ QUOTE ] Too little? Don't forget flash arrow has almost twice the activation fo smoke. So if it's going to have the performance of smoke it should have alower activation time. A lot of TA activation times just seem out of whack like almost old days MA out of whack.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    all of your debuffs except flash arrow would wake up everyone you just put to sleep.

    [/ QUOTE ] You have to damage an opponent to wake them from sleep. Disruption and Glue Arrow shouldn't wake them. I don't think Oil would wake unless it was ignited...but I dont' have this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Really? well.. nm then. Everything but non aggroing things used to wakeup sleepers and I stopping playing for quite a while and haven't seen a person with alot of using AoE sleep around an AoE debuffer since i got back.

    Before I stopping playing it was really annoying how everything even a darkest night anchor would wake everyone up.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Story in a nutshell:
    Trick Arrow used to have 4 Targeted AoE powers. That made using the set incredibly difficult (although, it was pretty cool.) During the test period, we decided to change 2 powers to standard AoE attacks. Poison Gas Arrow was one of them.

    Originally, Poison Gas Arrow would leave a large pool of gas that lasted almost a minute. Any critter entering the gas cloud would be debuffed and a small chance of being put to sleep every quarter of a second. When we changed it to a normal AoE, though, the chance to sleep was left at it's original level. While that was fine for a power activating 4 times a second, for a one shot chance, it was patheticly (sp?) low.

    So, I increased the sleep chance to a 'better' value. It's still not 100% of the time, but you should get between 50% and 66% of minions when it lands.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But wouldn't it seem that in a set with as many AoEs that would wakeup all the targets as trick arrow that a AoE sleep would be lacking in synergy. If you only put half the enemies to sleep you'd stll want to apply debuffs to the other half but all of your debuffs except flash arrow would wake up everyone you just put to sleep.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Running an [censored] Eden trial at [censored].


    Alright, Flash Arrow is equal to Smoke Grenade, maybe a whole 2.5% better. It's still a lot of your damage mitigation, a good 40% of it, so take this power and slot it. Doesn't stack, but it misses often enough that you'll want to fire it pretty often.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Didn't _castle_ it's exactly the same as fire controller smoke? Ignoreing the fact that it has almost twice the activication time.

    Activation time is a real bottleneck for anyone using slow working trick arrows. If you are using all those helpful arrows where is the time to blast. I have a hard enough time finding time to reposition myself with all the activation times on my /trick arrow MM.

    And if it was my primary.. wow.. it would feel weird not taking haste with 3 recharge in it. I get a lot from that recharge for some powers like glue pretty bad in a hotspot with it as my secondary. If it was my main job I'd label it as necessary I'd think.

    Also some powers could benefit a lot from direct comparisons.. like web grenade vs the trick arrow immoblise. Almost the same except there is no -recharge in the trick arrow defender immoblise. TA immoblise 2.17 activation time it says. Web grenade? 1.37. (2.17 isn't a bad activation time for the trick arrow set though)

    Really.. it doesn't seem like a bad set in the powers it's just a few powers that are obviously overshadowed, activation times, and recharges that need a look at it seems to me.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry if this has been mentioned many times, but if controller are better with the control power secondaries then defenders are with their primaries why is it that a debuff in a defender primary isn't stronger then the one in a controller primary even though debuff is one of the main focuses of the defender class.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Power values are the same. AT mods are different, except for the Perception debuff which is hard coded at -90% for all of these powers.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Sorry I'm a bit slow I suppose.

    Does this mean defenders actually have a higher accuracy debuff because their AT gets a better modifier while the power is basically the before AT modifiers come into play.

    Or am I confused and are they the same in accuracy debuff.

    or would the president look good in a pink tutu.

    I just don't know.

    And what is your sig from _castle_
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    * Bug: Flash Arrow's -accuracy does not stack with itself. (Concern)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Correct, it does not. It is functionally the same power as Controller/Smoke and works identically to that power in terms of effect.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry if this has been mentioned many times, but if controller are better with the control power secondaries then defenders are with their primaries why is it that a debuff in a defender primary isn't stronger then the one in a controller primary even though debuff is one of the main focuses of the defender class.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    nice guide.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Isn't it a bit out of date with mention of perma hasten and six slotting damage and all. Don't see any reason for you to bump something before ED.