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  1. The_Bronx


    You should have told me that.

    Isn't that when I was online?

    He was standing beside me, then went to the back of the booth by the artist guy who did the comics, who now works as one of their concept artists/designers.

    He has no red name yet.
  2. The_Bronx

    Gratz ! to P.o.N


    Monterey, California.
  3. The_Bronx


    [ QUOTE ]
    You didn't tell him how cute and adorable I am with the added bonus of My HAWT southern accent?!?!?!

    And if he doesn't like FREEM then why was he passing them out the day before!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was there Friday night after the Kick-[censored] panel (which the most badass [censored] [censored] I saw) and quite a bit on Saturday.

    The only thing Posi was giving out were quips and sarcasm. Ms. Liberty and two other ladies were giving out Aion shirts and costume codes (I have three).

    I didn't see a single person when I was there or at their evening Q&A panel with one of those shirts.
  4. The_Bronx


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The opposite.

    I was at Comic Con.

    Ocho and I were giving each other [censored] about the game and boards, etc.

    After he expressed his strong dislike for pyramids, I told him I'd be making a monstrous one the moment I could get to the web.

    As a show of being fun about it, he said he'd let it live until Monday. He lived up to his word. Srsly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is so awesome.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Con in itself was good times.

    I couldn't find this Sideshow Statue I want more than life, but got a lot of other exclusive [censored], watched a ton of unseen footage, saw some celebs, and got to jab at the City team most of Saturday.

    I consider that a win.
  5. The_Bronx


    [ QUOTE ]

    Figured as much... with the way you worded it and the fact you came on and told us you were with Posi....

    O and WHERES MY [censored] FREEM SHIRT DAMNIT!?!?!?!?!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I had to come on and talk to the penguins.

    I had seriously been attacking him for about an hour with questions, and could not think of anything else.

    S'why I asked if anyone had anything on their mind.

    But, Posi hates FREEM and called you stupid. Or silly. Something along the lines.

    No shirt for you. Come back one year.
  6. The_Bronx

    Gratz ! to P.o.N

    No idea where that is.

    You fly, I'll buy. No qualms with that.
  7. The whips are the weapons from the Demon Summoning Mastermind Primary coming with Going Rogue.

    They said it'll be a mid-range weapon.

    And, with this whole Power Customization thing, they'll be looking into porting that over to Mastermind pets to allow customization of the Henchmen.

    None of this interested me, as I dislike Masterminds. But, I thought I'd share.
  8. The_Bronx

    Gratz ! to P.o.N

    Where is Hero Con?

    Or is that on the first page I lazily avoided clicking?
  9. The_Bronx


    I got some info on i16 (which I guess has been spoken about, for the most part) and i17/Going Rogue, if anyone has any questions about it.

    I only shook their hands; I didn't sign a NDA.
  10. The_Bronx


    I can believe that.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    He was just taunting us.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  12. The_Bronx


    The opposite.

    I was at Comic Con.

    Ocho and I were giving each other [censored] about the game and boards, etc.

    After he expressed his strong dislike for pyramids, I told him I'd be making a monstrous one the moment I could get to the web.

    As a show of being fun about it, he said he'd let it live until Monday. He lived up to his word. Srsly.
  13. The_Bronx


    I'm guessing someone offered a purple, too?
  14. The_Bronx


    Bring some Private Stock and I'll consider it.
  15. The_Bronx


    [ QUOTE ]
    That's hilarious.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Anyone know who the last poster was?
  16. The_Bronx

    Gratz ! to P.o.N

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Lets just keep like that... sadly there more action here then you do the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your actions in a town of sac is more action than I do in game, but that's because from what I hear you are SO good at what you do....and it's not even a town only full of sac, you just don't notice the vejayjay running around.

    I finally get it now. You aren't illiterate. You really don't spell that bad. That's just how it actually sounds when YOU say it with a [censored] in your mouth.

    It's okay, everybody, Elf isn't dumb. He's just a [censored] sucker!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can't it be both?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Could. But one is definitely true, the other is all theory until someone meets him. Gas station, anyone?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm in Monterey until Thursday.

    Apparently, that's a couple hours away or some [censored].

    Come pick me up, Elf? Kthxbai.
  17. The_Bronx


    Polar bears have mad drama.

    I've seen that Golden Compass documentary.
  18. The_Bronx


    Twinkies? Blech.

    I'm not a sweet person.
  19. The_Bronx


    I like sushi.

    What is this thread about?
  20. I just learned something.
  21. 'Grats, Demo.

    Now, get off of Heroes.
  22. I am upset I was enjoying Comic Con and missed this thread.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    kll-olphkjlmlpjlkp0p (aka Julie)- 14 sonic/cold cor.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I still lol'd.

    Hearts, hearts.