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  1. New version of the Badge Reporter is available! Links updated in previous posts.

    Minor updates:
    1. Sorted Task/Strike Force, Trials
    2. Combined the mutually exclusive COH/COV Badges with their Praetorian Badge counterparts (most Achievements, two minor Accolades and one Day Job)
    3. Implemented equal sign (=) as a separator for badges with COH/COV display names and a different Praetorian display name
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flints View Post
    little issue with one of the popmenus I came up with tonight.
    Unfortunately, PopMenu is undocumented and unsupported, most likely because of quirks just like you're running into.

    While trying to use the popmenu to create macros (so I can just load the popmenu whenever I wish to impliment a new macro to a toon) only the first command before the $$ actually saves as the macro, and the string itself triggers regardless.

    I'm also getting "chat_send" coming up as an error when I try to send to my own channel. Even though its listed on the paragonwiki site (So I can notify myself of taunts, binds etc without having to /t $name and having two things pop up, also I can keep it in a new window)
    Both of these problems are because you cannot nest quotes within a PopMenu Option line. For the macro to work properly, you'd have to put quotes around it because there are spaces in the strings:
    macro Burst-EA "powexec_name Burst$$inspexec_name Catch a Breath$$powexec_auto Energy Absorption"
    But since the Option line needs quotes around the option string, that breaks ANYTHING inside the option string that requires quotes around it. Only if you can execute the command on the command line without putting quotes around it will it work in a PopMenu Option line.

    I think you can fix this with power and inspiration names by substituting an underscore _ for any spaces but this does NOT work with the Macro command because Macro can only take exactly 2 arguments: the Macro Name and the commands to execute. Since most commands inherently have spaces in them, commands passed to Macro that have a space ANYWHERE in it must be enclosed with quotes or else you'll get a Macro command error.

    You might be able to fix the "Chat Send" issue by creating a new chat channel with no spaces in the Channel Name.

    and finally team_select 1 (and other numbers to 8) brings up the number as an error message.
    The TeamSelect issue I can't help you with. That's a command parser issue. What happens is any power execution commands take priority over the TeamSelect (or PetSelect, or any Select) commands and the selection happens AFTER the power execution.

    It's possible to work around this with multiple keys to make the selection at the time you launch the PopMenu:
    TeamSelect 5$$PopMenu Macros
    But then you'd have to have a different key to select each team member to launch the menu. That may or may not work for your purposes.

    One more note: The BindLoad and BindLoadFile commands also do not work correctly within a PopMenu. They work, but the binds loaded do NOT take effect until you exit and restart City of Heroes. Not very useful there.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Btw, you have 2 copies in that code block.
    No I don't!... not anymore anyway. Thanks!
  4. Since I've made many modifications to it recently, due to Praetorian Market transporters and my own tendency to forget to set my "active mission" to red before clicking Mission Transporter, here's my latest version of my TeleTransPortals PopMenu:

    // Teleportation, Transporter and Portal Powers
    // Written By: TheUnnamedOne
    // Version 0.1.7
    Menu TeleTransPortals
        Title "Choose your destination"
        Option "&Base Teleporter"        "PowExecName Base Transporter"
        Option "&Mission Transporter"    "t $Name, Did you select your Active Mission yet?$$PowExecName Mission Transporter"
        Option "&Ouroboros Portal"        "PowExecName Ouroboros Portal"
        Option "Pocket D &VIP Pass"        "PowExecName Pocket D VIP Pass"
        Menu "&Purchased Auction Transporter"
            Option "&Black Market Transporter"        "PowExecName Black Market Transporter"
            Option "&Consignment House Transporter"    "PowExecName Consignment House Transporter"
            Option "&Trading House Transporter"        "PowExecName Trading House Transporter"
            Option "&Underground Transporter"        "PowExecName Underground Transporter"
        Menu "&Day Job Auction Teleporter"
            Option "&Day Trader Teleporter"        "PowExecName Day Trader Teleporter"
            Option "&Marketeer's Teleporter"    "PowExecName Marketeer's Teleporter"
        Menu "&Enhanced Day Job Auction Teleporter"            
            Option "&Day Trader Teleporter"        "PowExecName Enhanced Day Trader Teleporter"
            Option "&Marketeer's Teleporter"    "PowExecName Accelerated Marketeer's Teleporter"
        Title "Summon your teammates"
        Option "&Assemble the Team"            "PowExecName Assemble the Team"
    I spaced out the Market Transporters into separate menus since you can have multiple powers simultaneously, whether the purchased ones or the Day Job ones. The made a change to them sometime not too long ago that causes them to act differently. If you have multiple Market Transporters and tried to put them all on one PowExecName command, only the LAST one would fire and if you were not in the right "Side" for that Market Transporter, it would fail with an error message. You have to actually be in a Blue-side zone to use a Consignment House Transporter, Red-side zone to use a Black Market Transporter and Gold-side zone to use a Trading House or Underground Transporter.

    I also added a bit that sends yourself a Tell when you activate Mission Transporter from the menu asking if you remembered to set your Active Mission. With the long activation time of Mission Transporter, you have plenty of time to interrupt it and fix it before wasting your chance for the next 30 minutes and possibly end up 3 zones away from where you need to be.

    After creating the .MNU file in your Menus folder, I suggest using a Macro with this one:
    /Macro TP "PopMenu Teletransportals"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Well, this sucks. I totally misread your announcement. I thought you were going to give us the popmenu builder.
    Oh wow, THAT would have been awesome! I'd love to give it to you but I don't quite have the programming skills to do that. I'm more of a scripter and HTML-er than a programmer. I can almost think of a way to do it with VBScript and HTA but the menu-nesting would kill any attempts to do it.
  6. Also just posted a side-project to my Badge Reporter PopMenu, the Accolade Power Collector PopMenu. Track the Accolade Powers you have and learn how to get the ones you don't, right in the game!

    Check it out in the Badge Reporter thread listed in my previous post.
  7. The Accolade Power Collector PopMenu

    Okay, I had an idea and ran with it. Since there were only about 20 Accolades that gave powers, I created a side project from the Badge Reporter to help a character track and earn each Accolade Powers.

    The Accolade Power Collector PopMenu is more advanced than the Badge Reporter though. It not only shows you what badges are needed for each Accolade Power, it actually tells you how to get them too, thanks to the data at!

    Click the link here to download the Accolade Power Collector PopMenu and follow the same instructions as above for installation, just with a different MNU file. The PopMenu name for the /popmenu command is AccoladePowerCollector.

    I think I might have missed a bit of data from the Accolade Badges and powers that have cross-over awarding, but that should be easy enough to fix if anyone points out any problems.

    Almost forgot, here's a picture of the Accolade Power Collector in action. In the menu for each individual power, the description of the power will be greyed out if you do not have the power yet and so will the badges below that you are missing. If there is an "Also earned with..." Accolade, it will show you if you have that one or not.
  8. Yeah, that does sounds like a good idea. I purposefully didn't do a lot of sorting just to get the basics done. Now that I have the framework in place, I may try expanding on it to make it more functional.

    I've even toyed with the idea of putting more descriptive titles on each of the badges and maybe even a "how-to" as well but doing that alone would be a monumental task.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Well, that I can tell you. The Praetorian badges are not the same as the Primal Earth equivalent. They fill the same function, but they are different badges as far as the game is concerned.
    Yeah, it does look like they're mutually exclusive too so I may just go back and combine those. I'm fairly sure I can have both the Hero/Villain badge and the Praetorian Badge in the same item. The Badge Requirement menu function is an OR operator.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    By the way, "PVP->Risk Taker - Most Wanted" should really be in the mission badges.
    Oh yeah, it is a PVP Mission badge. I'll get that fixed.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Interesting use of the Popmenu command. Did you take into account the hero/villain differences in badge names?
    The "internal" badge name is the same for Hero or Villain so I use that to link the menu item and I did put both in the visible display. There are some Praetorian specific badges that have unique internal names. I'm not quite sure how that works yet.

    I may add SetTitle functions in the future, but not until I find a good way to automate the SetTitle<-->BadgeName linking inside the PopMenu files.
  12. Okay, it's LIVE! TheUnnamedOne presents:

    The In-Game 'Badge Reporter' PopMenu Tool!

    In tonight's testing, I found that I accidently chopped out a chunk of badges and added them back in along with some more formatting to make the menus look better.

    Final results for version 0.1.2 of the Badge Reporter PopMenu:
    • File size: 128 KB (131,735 bytes)
    • File length: 7,485 lines
    • Number of internal menus: 156
    • Number of Options: 1114
    Give me a little time to finish posting links and install instructions...
  13. Now that that's out of the way, click here to
    Download the 'In-Game Badge Reporter Tool' !

    Installation Instructions:
    1. Download the file
    2. Quit the game completely. If not, the Badge Reporter will not work until you restart COH
    3. Extract the BadgeReporter.mnu file to the following folder: <COH INSTALLATION FOLDER>\data\texts\<LANGUAGE>\Menus (for a Windows installation)
      • Valid values for the "Language" part:
        • ChineseTraditional
        • English
        • French
        • German
        • Japanese
        • Korean
        • uk
      • For example, your full COH Path may be: C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data\texts\English\Menus
      • The "data" folder (and all others under it) does NOT normally exist unless you have installed some other COH tool like "Hero Stats" or "VidiotMaps" overlays
      • You need to manually create the entire folder structure, this command is an example that creates the whole thing in one shot if you have COH installed in the default location and are using a US English version:
        • MD "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data\texts\English\Menus"
    4. Launch COH and load a character
    5. Now you need a way to launch the Badge Reporter tool
      1. Create a Bind to load the Badge Reporter (recommended). For example:
        • /bind Shift+B "PopMenu BadgeReporter"
      2. Create a Macro to load the Badge Reporter. For example:
        • /Macro "Badge Reporter" "PopMenu BadgeReporter"
    6. Launch the Badge Reporter and see what badges you're missing
    7. Have fun collecting badges!
    The menu keeps opening up in the corner of my screen!
    The PopMenu always tries to open with the Top Left corner of the menu positioned at the mouse cursor. It will adjust as needed so the menu won't go off the screen but if you have a Macro button in your tray, the PopMenu will always open up near your button tray. If you don't like that, try using a bind instead. Then you can put your cursor where you want the top menu to come up.
    Bug Reporting and Suggestions:
    • I would greatly appreciate any help with Bugs, Typos, Suggestions. Just leave a Reply here and I'll see what I can do!
  • First off, since this is a tool that totally uses in-game, built-in features, it is NOT intended as a replacement for Hero Stats or anything else like that. ALL that it is for is presenting a "quick and dirty" dynamic view of what badges your current character has and doesn't have.

    Now that's out of the way, some disclaimers and notes:
    • The Badge Reporter Menu is only to display badges that have or have not been received, NOT how to get them
    • Badges already earned are highlighted, but clicking them currently executes the "nop" command ("no operation") which does nothing
    • Badges not earned yet are greyed out
    • Upon earning a new badge, the badge name will immediately be highlighted the next time you look at the Badge Reporter, there are no "Settitle Bind Files" or anything else that needs to be run to "update" the Badge Reporter display
    • If you need help getting a badge that you don't have, I suggest noting the badge name and looking it up on Badge Hunter, Paragon Wiki or City Info Tracker
    • A dash " - " in the Badge Name marks a difference in name for current Hero or Villain status
    • An equal sign " = " in the Badge Name marks a difference in name for Hero/Villain or Praetorian origin of your character
    • A forward slash "/" in the Badge Name marks a difference in name because of gender
    • Sort order (if any) is based on the Hero Badge Name
    • Exploration Badge zones are listed in "Zone Level" order because it seems "right" that way
    • I designed the menu layout with my own tastes and display size in mind, your opinion of quality may vary
    • There may be some errors
    • Your cooperation and patience will be greatly appreciated for fixing any errors
    • I hope to be able to update new badges as soon as possible after they are live, but I am reliant on hidden game information (internal badge names) that I am unable to get for myself and do not have a direct link to anyone who can get it for me
    • At the time of this post, I think I have all the Praetorian Badges included properly
    • I might release another version of the Badge Reporter PopMenu that will set your Badge Title when you click on a highlighted badge name. This is easy to do but I didn't really want to spend the time to manually add all the "settitle" numbers and I didn't have a good data file of BadgeNames and SetTitle numbers that I could script to do it automatically.

    Hopefully that doesn't turn you off of the Badge Reporter, since it really is a nice addition for a Badge Character to quickly see what kind of Badges they are missing that don't show up on the regular "Badges" menu, like Gladiators or Safeguard/Mayhem mission Explorations.

    I'll be right back with the link to the Badge Reporter and instructions on how to use it.
  • In-Game Badge Reporter Tool

    Here is my new in-game Badge Reporting tool that uses no external programs (Hero Stats, etc.) and presents a Real-Time display of badges that your character has and does not have, even ones that do not have a progress bar.

    That's right, it does NOT require any software except for City of Heroes and a custom-made Menu File (for use with the undocumented PopMenu command), it WILL show you all badges you have not earned yet (as long as I wrote the PopMenu correctly!) and you don't have to leave COH or switch to another program to view your Badge status!

    What's the undocumented PopMenu command? I already wrote a guide ("The magic of the POPMENU command") about it that was based off of Fleeting_Whisper's awesome guide to "Customizing the QuickChat Menu". Go check those out if you are interested in learning about the really cool undocumented PopMenu system ALREADY BUILT INTO City of Heroes.

    Click here for a sneak peak snapshot of the Badge Reporter PopMenu in action (badges that are greyed out like "Hydra Protean" and "Longbow Warden 2" are not earned yet) and I'll be right back with more info.
  • Okay, great news! My new PopMenu project is basically done! Data entry went fairly fast, well, faster than expected anyway, and menu building should be fully complete.

    I already tested a combined PopMenu that was about 85-90% complete earlier today and performance is NOT going to be a problem. Even with the size of this PopMenu, there is no perceptible delay in displaying or navigating the menu structure.

    One more round of testing tonight to make sure the release code is "functional" at worst and I'll post it on the Forum as time and my wife permit. I'll be making a new thread so that I can track bugs and suggestions away from the general-use PopMenu thread.

    Some stats of the finished PopMenu project:
    • File Size: 122 KB (125,084 bytes)
    • File Length: 7144 Lines of PopMenu code (but about 1250 lines with nothing but a { or a } on it)
    • Number of Internal Menus: 155
    • Number of Options: 1105
    I don't have an online storage account but I found "" that looks pretty good for direct linking and downloading. I hope it works okay because I won't be posting the code directly to the forum. Any other file sites offer free, hot-linked direct downloads?
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    Combining this with the "optionset buffsettings" settings I created this for Buffers to hide those pesky Auto and (hopefully) toggle powers and set stacking to Auto to help them spot expiring buffs and mezzes from the icon spam.
    Now this is an awesome example of a great PopMenu! There's some commands you can use to do really cool things but the syntax can be horrible. Putting it in a menu like this really makes things nice and simple. Great work!
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    *pelts TUO with bacon, then sends Tiny Pepsiman after him*

    I wanna be a tester!!
    LOL! Yumm, baaaaconnnn!

    Actually, Testing is pretty much done. The Menu is fairly simple in function and the way it works is solid,fully tested and operational, it's just a matter of data entry now and then some debugging if I get anything spelled wrong.

    I figured out a better way to massage the data and it's going fairly fast. I should have it done by the weekend. I'll post it all here and let you be my QA Department since I still haven't tested the whole thing combined into one menu to see if it blows up COH.

    After that, all it should need is a bit of cosmetic tweaking. Who knows, maybe Paragon City will collapse into a mini black hole started by the density of my gargantuan PopMenu.
  • Fans of the POPMENU command stay tuned! Even if you're not a fan, I think you may want to stay tuned as well...

    I have a really sweet set of new Menus in development right now that I think will be REALLY useful for a lot of people...

    And yeah, I'm not going to tell you what it is either! You'll just have to wait. Or guess.

    It shouldn't take me more than a week to finish up the menu project. I built a VBScript to automatically create the menus in bulk but I still have to massage the input data a bit before running the script and then fill in the menu titles afterwards too. It takes time to process almost 1000 items into sorted and usable menus.

    Then there's testing, but the preliminary testing today has been very positive with no problems with the base structures, just a few input data mistakes. The bulk import script I built worked remarkably better than I anticipated which made things a lot smoother.

    I'm also curious about the performance of a 1000+ item PopMenu. Preliminary testing showed no perceptible performance issues at all with over 100 items on a single menu sorted into submenus.

    Good thing though is I'm probably about 25-30% finished and what I have done now is release-candidate PopMenu code.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    You can do some pretty neat things with /popmenu. I've used it to create a special menu that will allow you to set any Gladiator you've earned as your Badge Title. What are you waiting for? Grab it!
    I just downloaded this and noticed that your Hero file has a "Longbow Wardern 1" listed. It should still work though since it's just the display name that's mispelled.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    Any ideas?
    Yeah, you have to make the "data" folder and all its subfolders manually. This is undocumented and "unsupported" COH territory you're treading in here. It's worth the effort though.
  • Whew, at least a whole day after I tried transferring them, they finally showed up. To the testmobile!
  • Still no luck for my Guardian characters. Tried two of them yesterday and still no characters on Test.

    Trying Virtue now.
  • Thanks again for all the work FW!

    I was wondering, is that an exhaustive list of AuthBits or just the known ones?

    I'd really like to use Menus for the character types, archetypes and even origins if they exist.

    Should I just try things out or do you "know" that what's listed are all the AuthBits?
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Medic_brietz View Post
    how do you save something as a MNU file and not as a txt. no one ever mentions that...???
    No one ever mentions it because it's a generic Operating System issue. You rename the file in whatever way your OS requires you to rename files.

    Windows Vista/7 can be pretty annoying with this because if you do not show file extensions (the default settings) then you cannot rename a file to another file extension in the Windows Explorer. You have to use the REN command from a command prompt or else use a 3rd party tool that lets you do it.

    I personally use Notepad++ for all my text editing needs and it has a built-in Rename function that will rename file extensions.

    Not sure about how to do it on a Mac, I try to stay as far from Apple as possible.