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  1. Version 1.3 is available at the link now.


    selecting powexec_name now provides you with a list of powers to select as parameters

    "custom" command option to allow you to use things such as +mouse_look, ++autorun, etc in your bind.

    Ability to go back and make a change to a previous bind you set up prior to saving it to file (drop down list with all created binds)

    Next up will be the ability to load previous binds out of a file, I got started on that, but didn't have time to finish it due to work expecting me to actually do my job tonight.


    The Spyder
  2. Not as elegant as Lil_Pips Hero Builder, but this is a simple program to let you generate a bind file. You can select your commands from a pull down list, as well as all of the various trigger and chord keys. It has a place to enter in the parameters for each command as well, and will take care of assembling the bind in the correct format, then allowing you to save it out to a file for use in the game. Also displays "examples" for each command available. All data is pulled from the Unofficial Bind thread in these forums, and credit is given to all who contributed in the About section of the program.

    I only spent about an hour working on this tonight, so it doesn't have the ability to load in existing binds and edit them yet, but that will get added in when I have a chance.

    If you use this and find it useful in anyway, please let me know. Also, if you find certain aspects of it not user-friendly or would like to have something added, just tell me and I'll see what I can do.

    Thank you -- The Spyder
    Download City of Bindings
  3. I've set up binds to announce when people in my group are out of my heal range. It's amazing how often they won't notice until they are almost dead.